To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3049: Step by step

  Chapter 3049 Step by step wrong

  Netizen: I strongly urge this company to expel this disgusting employee, otherwise it will not buy its electrical appliances forever!

  Netizen: I very much agree that employing this kind of murderer's employees, this kind of corporate culture can be imagined.

  While Jian Sangyu was still brushing the scarf, Mina's phone came in.


  Mi Na called Jian Sangyu on the phone, "Did you see the video on the collar?"

   "I'm watching." Jian Sangyu nodded.

   "A girl and her parents contacted me just now and wanted us to help her daughter. This girl told me about the process involving Zhu Rui and Tanfeng."

  "How do you say?" Jian Sangyu asked hurriedly, "It stands to reason that a girl from an ordinary family and a person like Tantanfeng are unlikely to have the chance to meet."

"Zhu Rui and Nanfangfeng only changed their companies when they met. Nanfangfeng was not as popular as it is now. When Zhu Rui and friends went to the bar to have fun with them, Zhu Rui was the same. A friend of a friend, Zhu Rui was taken by her friend that day and was drunk."

  Mina said that she almost broke her teeth.

"After Zhu Rui was drunk, he reported that the wind took advantage of the situation and took the video. Later, he threatened Zhu Rui with the video several times and asked Zhu Rui to come out and date him several times. After a few times, he stated that the wind has changed. The popularity of success has gradually risen, and after a fresh rush, she turned to send Zhu Rui to his gold master. This is how Zhu Rui was forced to sink deeper and deeper."

   "Zhu Rui, a girl, didn't have the courage to call the police when she first encountered this incident, and all the nets made by the statement wind later tied her tightly."

  Wrong step, wrong step.

   only made Zhu Rui go deeper and deeper now.

   In detail, Zhu Rui has been persecuted by the statement wind for many years.

  In the past few years, the statement wind has been sent to the rooms of many people, and it has become a tool used by the statement wind to threaten many people.

  And what did Zhu Rui get?

   Actually, Zhu Rui didn’t get much?

  The famous brand jewelry and brand-name bags that those people gave her, Zhu Rui has not even worn it.

  After so many years, Zhu Rui still looks like that simple town girl.

   "I really have the urge to make a statement." Jian Sangyu's eyes were red, "A good girl, why is it so compelling?"

"Yes, in fact, there are many girls who are willing to sell themselves in order to get some material and convenience in the hands of the statement. If it is something you want, we really have nothing to say, but why does the statement have to persecute? This kind of girl?"

Mina said, "There is also Zhu Rui's colleague, I really can't swallow this breath. I don't have to go to him to ask if he has a conscience! I want to take photos of Zhu Rui's mother and daughter jumping off the building. Put it in front of him and let him take a good look!"

  "Are you going alone?" Jian Sangyu asked.

   "Hmm." Minaying.

"Wait for a while, I'll go with you! I'll take the bodyguards and we will go together to be safer." Jian Sangyu said, "That person is a man after all. If you go by alone, in case that person starts What should I do? I bring bodyguards, and use them several times. Safe!"

"Okay! Then I'll wait for you in my office!" Mina thinks about what Jane Sangyu said is also reasonable, mainly with bodyguards, and can also take people out of the company alone and take them to places where no one is there. pause.

  (End of this chapter)

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