To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3053: No harm

   Chapter 3053 No harm

Girl B said, "That’s the truth, but Xiao Xiao is really smart, and luckily, everything can be met for her, Zhu Rui had an accident, and then she happened to record that video, and then tripped with this video. The last competitor, with Zhu Rui’s thing, left others with a good impression of being brave and loyal. When the company saw that netizens commented on her so high, it was more willing to promote her to the new supervisor."

  Jian Sangyu and Mina silently listened to the conversation between the two girls, and then sat down in depression, sipping the drinks from their quilts.

  Why should they hear such words?

  Can this world still have some true love?

  Jane Sangyu sighed in a low voice.

  At this time, Gu Chen’s text message came in, telling Jian Sangyu that he had arrived at the door of the store and let Jian Sangyu out.

  Jian Sangyu quickly put on her mask and sunglasses as if she was granted an amnesty, and then said to Mina, "Let’s go, he is here."

  If you sit and listen, you can hear depression.

  Mi Na accompanied Jian Sangyu to find Gu Chen’s car. After Jian Sangyu got in the car, she did not go with Jian Sangyu, waved to the two of them, and Mi Na took a taxi and left.

After seeing the car, Jian Sangyu frowned. After Gu Chen started the car again, he teased her and asked, "Is it in a bad mood because I am going to dinner?"

  "Why do you think so?" Jian Sangyu looked at Gu Chen in astonishment, "Why do you think so?"

"Then frowning?" Gu Shen smiled in a low voice, "Otherwise, why do you think I think this way? It's always a fight with Mina? It doesn't look like it? Or is it because I didn't buy it when I went shopping. Not happy with what you like?"

   "Neither!" Jian Sangyu wanted to beat Gu Chen angrily, "Am I such an unreasonable person?"

  Unhappy if you can’t buy something you like while shopping?

  What the hell?

  "I just heard the content of some people chatting, and I felt bored." Jian Sangyu relayed to Gu Chen what the two girls had just heard.

After finishing speaking, Jian Sangyu sighed, "Actually, I prefer to believe that Xiao Xiao will make this video public for the sake of his colleague Zhu Rui even if he is not directed at the position of supervisor."

   "Just believe what you are willing to believe, because, perhaps, this is the fact. The position of the supervisor is just the benefits that will be brought to her by the way after the disclosure. It is no harm to think people better."

  Gu Shen raised his eyebrows, "At least you can feel better."

   Gu Chen’s comfort seemed to have played a little bit, Jian Sangyu finally bent his eyebrows and smiled.

  When she sat in the private room of the hot pot restaurant and waited for slices of fish slices as thin as cicada wings to be delivered in, Jian Sangyu smiled brighter and brighter.

  No matter how unhappy it is before eating, it will be wiped out.

  After eating hot pot, Gu Chen took the people back to the base for granted instead of sending them back to the house.

  Eating full stomach Jian Sangyu was in a high mood all the way, Gu Chen drove, she sat on the side and sang to the music in the car in a low voice, singing to the top of her head, and swaying her head there.

  Gu Shen couldn't help but glanced at Jian Sangyu several times along the way.

  At this time, she has a happy face and a small mouth that sings that she has never heard before. She is shaking her head, very cute.

  After being a musician, he has a talent for music, and the songs he sings casually are also very good.

  (End of this chapter)

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