To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3068: Go to the police

   Chapter 3068, go to the police

  If Jane Sangyu would normally not hide here faceless, but she is pregnant now, there are many people outside, there are many reporters, she does not care for herself, and has to be more obedient for the safety of her children.

  Ji Qianbo then calmly called Lin Qian to choose the two and went out together.

   At the door of the villa, only Zheng Xi is still standing here to entertain the guests. Xiao Zhou and Zhou Xuan have gone to the door of the community to deal with the Ye family's affairs.

  Ji Qianbo and Lin Qianze have not yet reached the door, and they can hear the crying from the door more than ten meters away.

  You can still see a lot of reporters with cameras recording this sudden excitement.

"Mr. Ji and President Xiaolin, why are you also coming out?" Zhou Xuan saw the two people who came hurriedly stepped forward and held them. "Don't go there. Those two people are totally unreasonable and brought a few reporters. They were crying and begging at the door, and their two big lights were kneeling there and howling, and then they pressed the little girl there and kowtowed to us and asked Jian Sangyu to see her."

After Zhou Xuan finished speaking, she stamped her foot, "How old is that little girl? She was not healthy, she was thin at first, and she shivered and knelt down there crying and she had to press two old women. Knocking their heads on the ground, the one who knocked on their foreheads did not know it hurts. Our security guards were going to pick up the child, and they shouted to grab the child, and said that if the child has a heart attack, who is wrong? Whoever is responsible for touching a child, no one dared to pass it with such a shout."

   "I will go out with Brother Qianbo." Lin Qianze was not afraid of trouble at all, and called Zhou Xuan to go back to accompany her sister-in-law to entertain the guests. He and Ji Qianbo walked over directly and walked around the door from the security room.

  Lin Qian chose a more horizontal person. He saw the red mark on the child's forehead and said directly, "You help me hold the two old women."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Qian chose to walk over quickly and quickly picked up the child from the ground.

  The child was so scared that he was struggling and shouting to find his mother. Lin Qian chose to look at the little girl heartily.

"It's okay, your mother is already on the way here, don't cry, don't cry." Ji Qianbo bends over and coaxes the little girl gently and softly, while reaching out his hand to cry the little girl silently, while turning magic from his pocket Conjured a lollipop and handed it to the little girl, "Have a candy, your mother will come after eating the candy."

Xu was Ji Qianbo’s comfort. The little girl stopped crying and did not continue to struggle in Lin Qianze’s arms, but she was still sobbing, looking nervously at Ji Qianbo and Lin. Modest selection.

  "Do you know my mother?" the little girl asked.

"Yes, look, is this your mother's mobile phone number? Don't lie to you, your mother is already on the way here." Lin Qiancho handed the phone over to the little girl, and waited for the little girl to nod. , Lin Qian chose his talents and said, "Let's go, my brother will take you in to eat cake. We eat while waiting for your mother to pick you up."

The little girl believed it now, and cautiously reached out and took the lollipop in Ji Qianbo's hand. She lifted one hand up and wiped her tears. Then she put her arms around Lin Qianze's neck and leaned heavily against him. in.

   Ji Qianbo coldly glanced at the two women who were pressed by the security guard and shouted that someone had robbed the child, and said directly, "Then you go to the police."

  After talking, Ji Qianbo and Lin Qianze, who was holding the little girl, returned to Zhou’s villa.

  (End of this chapter)

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