To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3076: Are you free

  Chapter 3076 Are you free

  A group of people laughed at Lin Qianze who was defeated and fled.

   "Your phone rang." Lin Qiqi reminded Jian Sangyu.

  Jian Sangyu nodded and said yes, but didn't mean to get the phone.

  Someone's call reminder is set individually, so you can know who is calling when you hear Jian Sangyu's ringtone.

"Why aren't you picking up?" Lin Qiqi looked at Jian Sangyu with a strange expression on you, "Don't tell me it's an advertisement, what time is it at night? Which salesman can call you so dedicated to sell? ?"

   "If you weren't Jian Sangyu, I would think that this call was from the collection company." After Zhou Xuan finished speaking, several people suddenly laughed unceremoniously.

  "Gu Chen called, right?" Mina reached out and nodded Jian Sangyu's head, "If you don't pick it up, if you don't pick it up, Gu Chen will think that our partners have kidnapped his wife."

  Jane Sangyu glanced at several smiling little sisters with ambiguous faces, touched the tip of her nose with a guilty conscience, and muttered in a low voice, "He is really annoying, right?"

  The little sisters laughed at the kindness of an aunt, and shook their head tacitly under Jian Sangyu’s urgent need for approval.

   "It turns out that this is what love looks like." Lin Qiqi held her heart with her hands in exaggerated expressions. "Seeing you and Gu Chen look like I want to fall in love."

   "I think blind date or something, I can do it again." Zhou Xuanying.

   "..." Jane Sangyu had nothing to say.

   "I'll answer the phone."

  Jian Sangyu clutched her small bag and turned to the backyard. At this time, there were no people in the backyard. After all, there were few people like Jian Sangyu and the group of Buddhists. It was hard to attend such a banquet without making enough to know a few more people.

  The current temperature is neither hot nor cold, and the breeze is blowing slowly on people, which is when it is comfortable.

  Jian Sangyu went under a peach tree and picked up the phone that had stopped for two seconds but rang again.

   Picked up, Jian Sangyu asked Gu Chen in a tone that I was a little impatient, "I'm playing, why are you calling me?"

  "Have you not played enough?" Gu Chen asked, "It's getting late."

   "Not enough." Jian Sangyu snorted deliberately, "Are you free?"

   "It's quite idle." Gu Chen responded quickly.

   "You can find something to do when you are free." Jian Sangyu said.

   "I'm looking for it." Gu Chen's tone was flat, "So I drove out by myself to pick you up to the base."

  Speaking of this, Gu Chen paused for a second before continuing, "You come out, I am waiting for you at the door."

  Jian Sangyu was stunned, unexpectedly Gu Chen was already waiting for her at the door, no wonder she called her twice in a row, it turned out to be urging her to go out and pick her home.

   "It seems that you are really too busy." Jian Sangyu sighed in surprise.

   "Yes, I can only miss you when I am idle, so I came to pick you up." Gu Chen admitted frankly, and then asked again, "I need to come in to pick you up? Or do you come out by yourself?"

  A love sentence caught off guard, shocked Jane Sangyu with joy and fright.

  Under Gu Chen's only choice of two routines, Jian Sangyu did not hesitate to choose the latter.

   "Just a few steps, I can just go out by myself."

  Hearing Jian Sangyu's words, Gu Chen hung up the phone with satisfaction.

  Jian Sangyu patted his head after putting away the phone, and then he reacted with hindsight and was followed by Gu Chen.

  (End of this chapter)

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