To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3079: make persistent efforts

  Chapter 3079 Make persistent efforts

  The big problem was that she noticed that Jian Sangyu was staring at him. Gu Chen was worried that Jian Sangyu would get out of the car as soon as he turned around, so he patted her head to coax her, "Sit down and don't move."

  Jian Sangyu still couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Gu Chen, and muttered in a low voice, "I am three years old?"

   "Well, Jane is three years old." Gu Chen agreed with a smile, and happily started the car and left.

  When the car got on the main road, Gu Chen asked Jian Sangyu, “Why was there so long in there just now? I heard that the Ye family also went today and made a lot of noise at the door?”

"It was only a short while, and the engagement banquet hadn't officially started at that time. Mr. Ye's mother and new wife led the daughter born to his ex-wife and shouted at the door to see me. I didn't go out, so I knelt at the door. Kowtowing, beg me to let the Ye family live, but I didn't go out to meet them."

Jian Sangyu said, "I am pregnant with a baby. There are so many people at the door, there are reporters, people from the Ye family, and some onlookers. If I really go out, I might be skinned first, my brother and Lin Qian She went to meet the Ye family on my behalf, and I called Mr. Ye's ex-wife."

Gu Chen knew all these things from Jian Sangyu’s bodyguard. So, it’s not that there are things that I don’t know, but Gu Chen simply wants to hear Jian Sangyu talk to him, and he wants to hear Jian Sangyu talk to him about what happened today. Things to her.

  He already knew these seventeen things in every detail, but after listening to Jian Sangyu's mouth again, Gu Chen didn't feel tired. After talking about the Ye family's affairs, Jian Sangyu casually told Gu Shen what he had encountered before going out.

"The girls don’t know who they are. I haven’t seen them very much. Anyway, they don’t know who they are. They may be some familiar guests from the Zhou family. If these things are not heard by me, just say them, it doesn’t matter. It happened that I was not lucky, and they were also not lucky, so I heard them."

Jian Sangyu spread her hands, "Then since I heard it, I must be unhappy, I'm not happy, so they don't want to talk about my affairs and are happy, so I just stood out and they said behind the scenes. These words are nothing more than jealous of me."

  Speaking of this, Jian Sangyu looked proud, "I'm just jealous that I look good, have a good family, and a good husband."

  Jian Sangyu turned her head and looked at Gu Chen. Seeing his expression as usual, she asked with dissatisfaction, "Did you not hear that I was complimenting you at the end?"

  At this moment, Gu Chen amused.

   "I heard it, thank you for the compliment." Gu Chen laughed in a low voice, "I will continue to work hard."

  This is also humble last time.

   After Gu Chen’s reaction, Jane Sangyu was happy, and she was full of joy, as if she was as sweet as toffee.

  The two chatted all the way back. When they got home, Jian Sangyu was a little sleepy. After taking off her makeup and washing, she went into the bed before Gu Chen.

  When Gu Chen finished cleaning up and lay down beside her, she was already drowsy.

  Gu Shen originally wanted to hear Jian Sangyu talk to him. Seeing that she was about to fall asleep without heart, she was not angry, nor was she smiling. Gu Chen punitively reached out and pinched Jian Sangyu's nose for a few seconds before letting go. Seeing that she frowned unwillingly and stretched out his hand to drive him, Gu Chen stopped harassing her again.

  In the past, Gu Chen felt that marrying a wife and marrying a virtuous person would require a wife who is obedient, sensible, generous and does not cause trouble if he is busy at work and is always at the base. Like the former Jian Sangyu, she is a model of the perfect wife in Gu Chen's heart.

  (End of this chapter)

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