To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3085: Believable

   Chapter 3085

   Almost angry into a pufferfish.

  "Why did you get angry early in the morning?" Gu Chen didn't know, so, "Where do people who rely on the account king get angry?"

  Jian Sangyu ignored Gu Shen and lay back, pulling the quilt and covering his face.

  Gu Chen was still sitting, condescendingly looking at Jian Sangyu, who was inexplicably tempered.

  After several seconds, he stretched out his hand and gently pulled off the quilt tightly held by her, "Is it sleepy again?"

  Jane Sangyu shook her head across the quilt.

  She thought about it, hesitated, and it took a long time before she made up her mind.

  She slowly pushed the quilt down, revealing her small face and a pair of eyes, looking at Gu Chen grievously.

  Then the next second.

   "Wow! Wow!"

   After three times, he quickly pulled the quilt back, and covered his face again, and the whole person writhed frantically in the quilt, and kicked Gu Chen's legs several times with his little feet.

   three beeps.

  Gu Shen Liao did not recover for a long time.

  At first, Gu Chen was puzzled.

   Then, the not-so-long sentence came to mind.

  Gu Chen was dumb and speechless, thinking that she had just taken the phone, Gu Chen quickly reached out and took out her phone from under Jian Sangyu’s pillow.

  Open it and see that the screen just stays on the circle of friends.

  If I will give someone a baby, Jane Sangyu is a dog!

  Obviously, what Jane Sangyu saw with her mobile phone was this circle of friends.

The time of    was posted early in the morning two years ago, and the time to watch was probably when he fell asleep not long ago.

  Gu Chen really did not expect this thing to be so magical.

   Originally thought it was his dream, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be two people.

  She never missed the things he had experienced.

  Looking at Jian Sangyu who was still irritated in the bed, Gu Chen couldn't help but smile.

  This thing has become very interesting.

  Gu Chen took advantage of Jian Sangyu's attention to put her mobile phone back in place, and then tore off her fig leaf, looking at the young daughter-in-law who was still pursing her mouth with a smile.

  "To be a man you have to believe in your words."

  Speaking, Gu Chen bowed his head and kissed Jian Sangyu, "This is a reward."

  Jane Sangyu's voice was dull, "Did you possess a fortune teller that morning? I was sure at that time. I must have divorced you two years later. How could I give you a baby!"

  Gu Shen raised his eyebrows, in a good mood.

  The happier Gu Shen, the more unhappy Jian Sangyu who lost the game.

   "I'm hungry! Go and cook noodles for me!"

  Gu Chen looked out the window and turned to Jian Sangyu to confirm the sentence, “Are you sure you want to eat noodles at this time? After eating, you can still have breakfast? If you are hungry, do you want to warm up a cup of milk to cushion your stomach?”

"I'm going to eat noodles!" Jian Sangyu stretched out her hand to push Gu Shen, "I want to eat tomato and egg noodles, there are ingredients in the refrigerator, you can cook it! I'm starving to death and can't hold it anymore, so it won't prevent me from eating breakfast! "

  Seeing that Jian Sangyu didn't seem to be joking with him, Gu Chen covered her with the quilt, nodded and dropped to the ground.

  "Then wait ten minutes, I will do it." After speaking, he rubbed Jian Sangyu's head, Gu Chen smiled and walked out of the bedroom.

  Tomato and egg noodles, Jian Sangyu did not embarrass him.

  The ingredients are in the refrigerator, and he happens to make them, and it is quick and easy to make.

  Because of a good mood, Gu Chen's eyebrows were smiling during these few minutes in the kitchen.

  Just waiting for him to go back to the bedroom and call for a meal after he was done. The person who originally said that he was starving to death was already lying down in a big sleep.


    Jane Monkey King: I suspect that my husband has the ability to go back in time, but I have no evidence.

    Jane Monkey King: I suspect that my husband often walks back to me, but I have no evidence. What should I do? Waiting online, very anxious.



  (End of this chapter)

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