To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3113: public

   Chapter 3113 Public

"You are so powerful." Father Jiang was amazed. When Gu Qingxi had given birth to Jiang Xing, he came out of the delivery room and his face was pale. Hearing him calling her, that is, his eyelids moved and opened his eyes and looked at him. Tired to sleep at a glance.

  However, when Gu Qingxi gave birth to Jiang Xing, it took more than a dozen hours before he was born. Jiang Xing has been used to tossing people since he was a child. That was the day he came out of his stomach.

  Jane Sangyu smiled, and then didn't talk to Gu Chen quackahahah.

  Just now when she came out of the delivery room, she was actually quite tired and hurt.

  I was just afraid that Gu Shen was worried, and the family members outside the delivery room were worried, so she endured it.

  Because of the joy and excitement of being a first-time mother, I really want to share it with Gu Chen and family, so Jian Sangyu seems very energetic.

  Jian Sangyu calmed down, and the child was held in the arms of Mr. Gu. Mr. Gu couldn't put it down as if he had a big baby. Gu Chen held Jian Sangyu's hand like this and followed all the way to the ward.

Jian Sangyu gave birth temporarily. The single patient in the obstetrics and gynecology building had not had time to vacate. The hospital discussed with Gu Chen and arranged Jian Sangyu's ward to the inpatient department on the other side, which was also arranged. A relatively quiet single ward.

  Old man Gu came in and looked around, "The ward here is also pretty good, so let Sang Yu live here. In short, Sang Yu cannot be wronged."

  If the ward here is not satisfactory, Mr. Gu plans to let the hospital arrange a special ward for Jian Sangyu to stay for a few days.

"It is estimated that Sang Yu is going to rest now. Gu Chen will stay here. The concubine and the nursing staff will be here in a while. Auntie and we will go back first to make some food for Sang Yu and bring your dinner back later." Gu Qingxi circled the ward and arranged it satisfactorily, "If Sangyu wakes up and is hungry, you can ask Yuesao what she can order for Sangyu outside, but the house should be pretty fast too."

   "Okay." Gu Chen nodded and agreed.

  Gu Qingxi and Father Jiang had been working for a day, and it was hard work, so they called on Mr. Gu, who was not willing to go back, and the four left the hospital first.

  On the way back to the house, Mr. Gu directly replaced the WeChat profile picture with a picture of the little girl. When he finished changing the photo, he realized that someone in the Gu family and Ji family’s family group had already spoken.

When I clicked on it, I found out that Mr. Gu, who was on the plane, had connected to the plane’s wireless network, and saw the photos he posted in the group just now. They were all asking if Sangyu was born. The picture is beautiful. Is the girl Sangyu's daughter?

  The few people in Ji's family were silent when they saw that Old Man Gu had dropped a depth bomb, and they urged Ji Qianbo to call Jian Sangyu on WeChat.

  Jian Sangyu's cell phone was in Gu Chen's hand. Jian Sangyu was asleep, and Ji Qianbo's WeChat call was answered by Gu Chen.

"Seeing the photos sent by Mr. Gu, we are all saying that she should be Sang Yu’s daughter, she looks like you, and she looks like Sang Yu, but my mother said that the child looks beautiful and does not look like a newborn baby. So I can't believe it." Ji Qianbo explained with a smile in his voice.

  "It's my daughter and Sang Yu." Gu Chen's words were soft, almost like cotton candy with a layer of sugar.

  He is holding the phone in one hand, and still holding Jian Sangyu in the other hand, reluctant to let go, but his eyes are looking in the direction of his daughter.

  The eyes are full of tenderness.

   "Sang Yu said, the child's nickname is Yogurt." Gu Chen laughed in a low voice, "Because she was crying when she wanted to eat yogurt in the delivery room."

  (End of this chapter)

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