To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3118: one is enough

  Chapter 3118 One is enough

Little Yogurt yawned, slowly opened her eyes and looked at the person who was talking to her. His short and chubby hands shook the hand that Ji Qianbo was touching her face, and then closed his eyes again. Continue to sleep.

   "It's so good~" Ji Qianbo looked curiously.

  This kind of miracle of life acting, sometimes, can really warm people's hearts.

  He missed his newly-born sister, but now, he can see a child who looks very much like a sister, who grew up slowly from a small group, and finally turned into a slim little girl.

"This child has been behaved since she was in her mother's belly, and she was also behaved when she was born, and didn't want to toss her mother." Mother Ji stood by the crib and looked at her granddaughter. It was a joy in her heart. He thought about it. The mother said, "I will live in Kyoto before the day of my child. I have not worked much recently. I have spared time to accompany Sang Yu and Little Yogurt, and also help Sang Yu take and take the children."

"You are so rare to watch little yogurt, and it is so ridiculous that it is said to help Sangyu with children. Gu's family has arranged a nanny and baby nurse for a long time. How can it be necessary for you to bring it?" Said, but I was really envious, "I haven't retired yet. If I also retired, I will also bring children to Sang Yu."

  Father Ji finished, everyone in the room laughed.

"Then let Sang Yu have another one. You can retire within a few years. When Little Yogurt is five or six years old, it will not be too late for Sang Yu to have a second child." Grandpa Ji said, "When the time comes, then It's everyone who revolves around the two children of Sang Yu's family."

  Without waiting for others to speak, Gu Chen spoke up first and said, “No more, just have a little yogurt.”

Gu Chen looked at Jian Sangyu, “Ten months pregnant, it’s too hard. In the next few months, she has a big belly and can’t sleep well almost every night. It’s also hard to have a baby. We have enough yogurt. "

  Although Jian Sangyu gave birth to small yogurt smoothly, she did not suffer from the crime of giving birth, so Gu Chen felt distressed.

  It is enough for the child to have a small yogurt, and he and his wife can focus on petting the girl in the future.

  Anyway, Little Yogurt also has a cousin. Gu Yang’s kid is several years older than Little Yogurt. After Jiang Xing gets married, he will also have a cousin and cousin. He will never be alone.

  Although it is only the next day, Jian Sangyu's spirit is much better than when she was born yesterday.

A group of Ji's family stayed in the ward for more than two hours. Jian Sangyu joked and laughed with everyone for more than two hours. After Ji's family left the ward, Gu Shen flattened Jian Sangyu's bed to let her rest well.

  Jian Sangyu lay there like a salted fish, afraid of getting hurt, and tried to stay still.

   "Gu Shen."

  Looking at Gu Chen busy making tea for her, Jian Sangyu asked curiously, "Did you really decide not to have another baby? A little yogurt?"

   "Yeah." Gu Chen nodded, then thought of something, then turned to ask Jian Sangyu, "Why? Do you want another one? It hurts to have a baby?"

  Jane Sangyu nodded repeatedly, "It hurts, it hurts to death."

   After finishing speaking, Jian Sangyu grinned with her teeth, "Then it won't give birth. I also think a small yogurt is enough."

  Gu Chen hooked the corners of his lips and smiled lightly, took the water glass back to Jian Sangyu, and talked to her about other things.

"After nearly ten hours of operation, several doctors finally snatched Mr. Zhou back from the ghost gate temporarily. Mr. Zhou is currently in the ICU ward, and the hospital has received a critical illness notification. I just learned something about it from a familiar doctor Mr. Zhou’s condition, even if Mr. Zhou can wake up, he will basically be disabled in one pair. In the future, I am afraid that he will not be able to walk anymore."


     I have been tortured by gastroenteritis in the past two days and cried. Every meal is porridge with green vegetables, so I can’t eat spicy food~ I’m too hard~



  (End of this chapter)

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