To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3121: Daughter slave

  Chapter 3121 Daughter slave

  As a newly promoted uncle, Jiang Xing is very strange.

  People who didn't have a home before, recently ran home whenever they were free. On weekends, they must ask for leave from the base. The reason for asking for leave is to go home to take care of the little niece for the sister-in-law.

   "Isn't it said that pregnant women have to stay in the room all the time during confinement? How are you going to the ground?" Jiang Xing saw Jian Sangyu go downstairs and asked suspiciously.

"Now the scientific regimen has been eliminated." Yuesao explained with a smile, "Proper walking is also good for the lying-in woman. You can't stay in bed all day long. If it's true, after a month, One has to waste half of it first."

   Jiang Xing said, suddenly the thief glanced at Gu Shen, then waved to Jian Sangyu, "Sangyu, come here and I will tell you something very special."

  Jane Sangyu listened and her eyes shined. She was really bored recently. Even if Jiang Xing wanted to tell her any excuse for being a tramp, she would listen to a few words with great interest.

  What's more, Jiang Xing used the adjective very special.

  Jian Sangyu pushed Gu Chen to hold her hand, and walked towards Jiang Xing in small steps, "Say."

  Jiang Xing first took out his mobile phone and showed Jian Sangyu, "Look, have you noticed any changes in my WeChat?"

  Jian Sangyu glanced and shook his head, "Nothing has changed. I haven't heard of any new version of WeChat update recently?"

   "Look carefully, look at your friends." Jiang Xing said.

  Jian Sangyu carefully looked at the place Jiang Xing was pointing at, and was stunned with a glance.

   "Gu Chen added you?" Jian Sangyu finally found out that Gu Chen was actually on Jiang Xing's friend list.

  Jian Sangyu is really strange this time. Before that, Gu Chen still had a friend on her WeChat.

"Yes, my brother added me. It was added on the second day after Little Yogurt was born. I thought that my brother was to contact me for the convenience of contacting me, so I was added. I only found out today that my brother could add him. All of my friends have been added in the past." Jiang Xing said, looking at Gu Shen who was standing a few steps away and was staring at him and Jian Sangyu.

   Then he muffled his voice, “I just found out today. My brother turned on his WeChat friends function, and then added all the colleagues and friends around us. Do you know why your brother wants this?”

  Jane Sangyu shook his head, "I don't know."

  Jian Sangyu’s recent mobile phone time has been strictly controlled by Gu Chen. Her precious time is used to play games or scan Weibo. Sometimes we don’t have to log in to WeChat.

   "My brother added others to make everyone like his circle of friends!" After that, Jiang Xing laughed hahaha, "Can't you think of it? Are you absolutely unexpected?"

"My brother sends photos of small yogurt every day, sometimes several times a day, small yogurt sleeps, small yogurt crying, small yogurt has his eyes open, and small yogurt eats hands. My brother’s circle of friends sends small yogurt every day. Probably because after sending it out, no friend would like him, so he asked everyone to add him, and then called everyone to like him!"

Jiang Xing said that he only clapped his head on Xing. "This morning, we had a collective medical examination, so we were so busy that no one had time to touch the phone. My brother finished posting to Moments and waited for more than an hour, and no one liked him. , Just come and ask us, why don’t you like him today, so I can understand why I am honored to appear in my brother’s WeChat friend column!"

After Jiang Xing finished speaking, looking at Jian Sangyu with a dazed expression, he asked, "Why are you so surprised that you don’t know anything? Didn’t you give him every thumbs up? Every one is not lost, our teammates I also said that you and my brother are really crazy novice parents!"

  "Where do I have!" Jian Sangyu spread her hands, then looked at Gu Chen, "Did you take my mobile phone, before I pay attention, take my mobile phone to your own circle of friends like it!"

  Gu Shen said nothing, raised his hand to touch the tip of his nose, and twisted the opening directly, pretending to tease the yogurt.

  (End of this chapter)

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