To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3128: Be a kind person (Fanwai 1)

  Chapter 3128 Be a kind person (Fan Wai 1)

  This life, the hurried years, is too short for some people, but the same years are too long for some people.

   is nothing more than a difference between happiness and pain.

  Looking back on the past.

  What is your last regret?

  If fate gives you a chance to start again, what do you want to do most?

  For this question, Ji Lanxi can give the answer without any hesitation.

  When she was young, if she had a handful of candy in her hand, first of all, she would like to give it to her grandparents and parents, then to her elder brother, and finally to keep it to other children in the compound.

  If she only has one candy, she remembers to leave it to her brother after school, and then asks her to tell her whether this candy is sweet or not and what it tastes like.

  I don’t remember when Ji Lanxi started, and gradually I don’t know how to share it with others.

  Perhaps when she was growing up, as a girl from the Ji family, she was gradually raised high by her friends around her, so high that she gradually forgot that life requires occasional bowing and turning back.

  Recalling the short half of her life, Ji Lanxi thought that she regretted two things last.

  One, is to force Jane Sangyu everywhere, forcibly forcing himself an enemy.

  But this is not what she regrets the most.

   Ji Lanxi touched her stomach, what she regretted most was that she had become a life gunner.

  She personally killed her child's life, and killed Shen Yan's last tolerance to her.

  Death is relief for Ji Lanxi. The cold river water runs through her body, even if she can't breathe, she doesn't feel pain at all.

  As if there was a bright light ahead, a light called redemption.

  It was just a half-month long, while waiting for death, it gradually became clear.

  Ji Lanxi knew that he was dead, but perhaps because he had done too many bad things, he died and his soul had nowhere to go.

  Her soul drifted with her body, and then returned to Ji's house.

  She looked at her parents, grandparents, and elder brothers. Those who severed her relationship were saddened by her death.

  It was at this moment that Ji Lanxi understood that no matter how cruel they said, she still had a place in their hearts.

  It was not until this time that Ji Lanxi asked herself.

  Why do you have to compete with Jian Sangyu? Why do we have to fight Jane Sangyu for life and death?

  Jian Sangyu does not owe her, on the contrary, everything in the Ji family belongs to Jian Sangyu, right?

  She replaced Jian Sangyu and enjoyed it at Ji's house for more than 20 years. Now that Jian Sangyu is back, she should have returned it all.

  If it were not for her, his brother would not break up with his beloved woman. If it were not for her, his brother would not be sad for many years, alone for many years, and would not be left disabled.

  Ji Lanxi left Ji's house, she followed Shen Yan, who was holding her ashes, back to the home that belonged to her and Shen Yan.

  This house was bought by Shen Yan. She watched Shen Yan sitting on the sofa in the living room holding her ashes, remembering that this sofa was also chosen by Shen Yan.

  Almost everything in this family was arranged by Shen Yan.

  For this marriage, Shen Yan loves her.

  At the beginning of this marriage, for her, it was a use.

   Ji Lanxi thought that the same was true for Shen Yan.

  However, looking at Shen Yan who was silently crying in front of her ashes, Ji Lanxi understood.

  For him, it is not.

  He couldn't see her, Ji Lanxi sat lightly beside him, looking at him.

  Ji Lanxi asked Shen Yan, "What do you love me? I am poisonous and greedy. What do you like about me?"

  It's a pity, Shen Yan can't hear her, so Shen Yan won't answer her.

  But there is one thing that doesn't need Shen Yan to answer, Ji Lanxi can see it for himself.

  Shen Yan really loves her.

  Like Gu Chen loves Jane Sangyu.

   is the kind of love she has always envied Jian Sangyu.

  She thought she could not get it, but now she knows that she has always had it, but she doesn’t know it.

   Ji Lanxi sat beside Shen Yan and began to think about his feelings for Gu Chen.

  After all, it started from the heartbeat, and finally was unwilling.

  She was moved by Gu Chen, but later, she was just unwilling to belong to Jian Sangyu.

  The most left in my memory now is the bit by bit after marrying him.


     first write the extras of Ji Lanxi and Shen Yan, and then there will be a little extra of yogurt.



  (End of this chapter)

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