To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3141: Be a kind person 14

  Chapter 3141 Be a kind person 14

  When the eyes are blind, the concern of others and the sadness of others seem to be invisible.

  You can look back, Ji Lanxi thinks back a lot during those wandering times.

  Compared with her reckless behavior, Jian Sangyu, among all the elders of the Ji family, is always careful to maintain this relationship. What she squandered was actually something Jian Sangyu could not ask for for more than 20 years, and then carefully cherished.

  The Ji family is kind to her, Jian Sangyu is generous and careless, but in fact...

   Ji Lanxi thought, if she thinks from another position, if she is Jian Sangyu, watching her biological parents who have been looking for more than ten years treat others so well and so well, she will be uncontrollable disappointed.

  This kind of loss can't be said, and it can't even be seen by people. It can only be hidden carefully by one person. This is a sad thing.

"Brother, take her back to see her mom, dad and grandparents earlier, this matter will take one more day, Jian Sangyu may be anxious for another day, and worry about whether you will dislike her." Ji Lanxi said this, gently. He laughed, "You tell your parents, don't worry about me, I will take care of myself, I'm fine."

   "You..." Ji Qianbo heard the meaning in Ji Lanxi's words, "Are you going to really cut off contact with the Ji family?"

"It's not that you really cut off your contact. You are in my heart and will always be my brother. Mom and Dad will always be mom and dad in my heart. It's just that I don't go home for the time being. During this time, you pay attention to and care Put it on Jane Sangyu, otherwise, I will always show up, which is not fair to her."

   Ji Lanxi leaned on Ji Qianbo’s shoulder, “Brother, don’t worry, I have Shen Yan to take care of it, and I have a lot to do in the future, and I may not always be in Spring City.”

   Ji Lanxi’s words shocked Ji Qianbo a lot, but he couldn't recover.

  Ji Qianbo looked at Ji Lanxi and said with emotion, "You, it seems that you have grown up overnight, and suddenly you seem to have changed."

"Brother, you just treat me as if I'm finally grown up and sensible." Ji Lanxi smiled with red eyes, "I'll let Shen Yan cook some food for you. When you are done, you can go home and tell Dad earlier. Mom let them know sooner, let their parents and their biological daughters recognize each other sooner."

   Ji Qianbo stood up, nodded, and shook his head, "I will go home directly, let Shen Yan stop busy."

  Ji Lanxi didn’t stay, so she went to the cabinet to find a packet of biscuits and a bottle of milk and handed it to Ji Qianbo, “Eat some pads on the way.”

   Ji Qianbo picked it up, and when he went out, he still felt a little bit like stepping in the clouds.

If we say that before coming, Ji Qianbo was still faintly worried about whether this was something Ji Lanxi used, but now Ji Qianbo can confirm that Ji Lanxi really hopes Jian Sangyu will return to Ji Home.

  His sister, who has been wayward for many years, really grew up suddenly.

   changed back to the way she was loved when she was a child.

  Shen Yan sent Ji Qianbo downstairs, but after watching Ji Qianbo get in the car and left, he did not go back upstairs immediately.

  He lit a cigarette in the underground garage and smoked it slowly.

  At this moment, Shen Yan finally realized how Ji Lanxi had changed these days.

  She suddenly became much quieter, and her personality suddenly became less paranoid and sharp.

  In Ji Lanxi recently, he finally saw the shadow of the girl who made his heart beat.

  That, it’s raining, but stubbornly holding an umbrella for him and refusing to leave, saying that if his brother catches a cold in the rain, he will be very uncomfortable. If he is sick, he will have to get an injection, which is especially painful.

   Teenage girls used to be so exciting.

   used to be so warm.

  An umbrella was raised until the rain stopped.

   was also lifted to his heart, and it took root and sprouted, forming his lifelong obsession with Shen Yan.

  (End of this chapter)

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