To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3143: Be a kind person 16

  Chapter 3143 Be a kind person 16

   Ji Lanxi looked for the impression of seeing him for the first time through Shen Yan's eyes at the moment.

  It was probably because I had known each other for too long, so Ji Lanxi couldn't remember when she first met Shen Yan and what it was like.

  Ji Lanxi thought of this, and asked Shen Yan curiously, "After all, we have known each other for a long time? Can you remember when you first saw me?"

  Shen Yan is older. Ji Lanxi is quite old. Ji Lanxi can't remember when she first saw Shen Yan.

  But I remember that at the age of sixteen, she has become accustomed to one more big brother named Shen Yan in her life.

  Shen Yan was not a member of the Ji family, but a person next to his grandfather. At that time, Shen Yan was not too old, a young boy, and his clear eyes. This was the impression that Ji Lanxi had left on Shen Yan in retrospect.

  Because of work, Shen Yan often goes into and out of Shen's house, so Ji Lanxi became familiar with Shen Yan.

  At that time, Ji Lanxi probably would not have thought that one day in the future, she would marry this man named Shen Yan.

  Shen Yan nodded.

"I remember." Shen Yan said, "That was the first day I went to my grandfather to report. I followed the babysitter and entered the door of Ji's house. When I saw you, I was swinging in the yard. You asked your brother to push you higher, and then Your shoes fell off, right in front of me."

   "Is there anything else?" Ji Lanxi had no impression.

"I picked up the shoes for you. You ran down from the swing and ran towards me, looking at the shoes on my feet a little shyly, and didn't say anything, until your brother asked me to get them, you told me Thank you." Shen Yan smiled.

  At that time, he was thinking, the girl who lives in this compound is really polite.

  However, this is just a small matter, Ji Lanxi did not take it to heart, nor did Shen Yan.

  Later, he often went in and out of Ji's house, and gradually got acquainted with Ji Lanxi's two siblings. When Ji Lanxi saw him, he gradually became less shy and shy.

  After I got to know her for a long time, the character of the little girl was revealed.

   will quietly discuss with him and ask him to come back on duty to help her bring some snacks from outside.

  Actually, he was afraid that the food outside would ruin the stomach of Ji's noble girl, and Shen Yan did not agree once.

   But even so, Ji Lanxi was not angry even once, and next time I saw it, she would continue to grind him in a good manner.

  It was the rainy afternoon that really made Shen Yan hide her in his heart.

  Ji Lanxi didn't know what Shen Yan was thinking, but he remembered what he had done with Shen Yan before.

"In the past, I thought you were particularly rigid. What Grandpa wouldn't let you do is useless no matter how I beg you." Ji Lanxi gently leaned on Shen Yan's shoulder, "I didn't seem to tell you, I Once when no one at home sneaked out to go shopping with classmates, I saw you at the door of the mall to subdue a criminal with bare hands."

Ji Lanxi raised his head and looked at Shen Yan, "At that time, I thought you were very handsome. I remember that the robbers still scratched your arm at that time. You pressed your hand on your arm and the blood was flowing from your fingers. Drop out, I don’t see your brows frowning."

  Ji Lanxi couldn't forget the shock that Shen Yan gave her at that moment.

  He is as powerful as a hero.

Thinking of this, Ji Lanxi sighed softly, "Don’t do something for me that you know is wrong, Shen Yan, in the past, I have been walking the wrong path, and you, don’t step on it because of me. Enter this road."

  (End of this chapter)

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