To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3145: Be a kind person 18

  Chapter 3145 Be a kind person 18

  Shen Yan walked in a hurry while working, and after a soft kiss between Ji Lanxi's eyebrows, he hurriedly left without taking anything.

   Ji Lanxi washed up and went to the restaurant, the soup on the table was still steaming.

  But Shen Yan is no longer there.

   Habits, sometimes, really can be formed within a week.

  On the third day after Shen Yan returned to work, Ji Lanxi also left Spring City.

  After more than four hours' flight and two more hours' bus ride, we finally arrived in a small county in Gannan.

  The climate here is much drier than Chuncheng. After the plane landed, Ji Lanxi's nose was a little bit blocked. The person who came to receive her was the dean of the Spring Orphanage in the county seat.

  The dean in his forties has gray hair.

   "The kids are happy to know you are coming." The dean knew from the time Ji Lanxi contacted her that this time it was a rich young man, but he did not expect it to be such a young and beautiful girl.

  There is still a man next to her, but seeing that the two have no communication, it is obviously not the boyfriend and girlfriend she thought at first, the man is more like an assistant.

  The people of Ji Lanxi have not yet come, but the donation she donated to the orphanage account the day before yesterday, 200,000 yuan, this is really a big income for the orphanage.

  And what makes the dean even more grateful is that Ji Lanxi will send the children's school supplies, clothes, shoes, and even toys. Ji Lanxi followed Dean Huang into the orphanage. Upon entering, he saw a group of children standing in a small courtyard. Everyone stared at her curiously. Every pair of eyes were so clear and full of childishness.

  "Mom, my sister is different from us. "A brave child ran out and hugged Dean Huang's waist and whispered to Dean Huang, "My sister is so white."

   Dean Huang laughed, “Yes, sister is very beautiful, isn’t it? Yesterday’s eggs were good or not? The eggs you ate were bought by this sister who donated money.”

  With Ji Lanxi’s donation, the children in the orphanage can add an egg every day to supplement their nutrition.

Dean Huang looked at the sallow and thin children in front of her, filled with self-blame, but there was no way. There were too many children, and it was already very difficult to feed them. Therefore, she was powerless to take care of every child. Nutrition.

  A bag of milk and an egg are really the extravagant hopes of these children, and they are also the biggest nutrition for these children.

"There are more girls in the yard." Ji Lanxi looked around. In the orphanage, most of the healthy people are girls. Boys are more or less broken. The better is the hare lips, the worse. One point is that the limbs are underdeveloped or even unable to stand.

"Yes." Dean Huang nodded, "In big cities, men and women are equal for a long time, and boys and girls are the same. But in our country, in most people's minds, boys are more expensive, so many of them are born. Girls, just throw them on the street."

   Dean Huang sighed. "Fortunately, now that legal publicity is in place, everyone has legal awareness and knows that the lives of babies cannot be easily trampled on. I remember when I was young, in the 1980s, when I washed clothes by the river in the village, I could see A drowning baby girl, or a baby girl that has been dead for a long time and has been running around with wild dogs in the village."

  They were all buried directly in the mountains by their family members after they were born. They stinks and were bitten by wild dogs following the smell.

  (End of this chapter)

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