To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3147: Be a kind person 20

  Chapter 3147 Be a kind person 20

  Ji Lanxi stayed in the small county town of Gannan for nearly ten days.

  The ultraviolet rays here are very strong. Even if Ji Lanxi did the most comprehensive sunscreen, when she was about to leave the small county, it was still darker.

  When Ji Lanxi was leaving, Dean Huang sent Ji Lanxi to the station, and several children followed Dean Huang crying.

  When Ji Lanxi came, he brought some things.

When    left, a lot of things were left in this orphanage.

  One piano, two electronic organs, and two computers in the office.

  The orphanage has a reading room, which contains many children's story books and selected youth magazines.

  The day before Ji Lanxi left, the first batch of school supplies and daily necessities arrived in Gannan, waiting for delivery by the logistics company.

  This is the first time Ji Lanxi feels reluctant to leave.

  There is no relative, no lover.

  However, there is her salvation.

  She made atonement for herself here, and missed her child who had never cherished it.

  Leaving Gannan Ji Lanxi and returning to Spring City, she did not go home directly, but took a taxi to the base where Shen Yan was.

  Ji Lanxi came suddenly, and Shen Yan was taken aback when he received the news that he came to pick up someone at the door.

   Putting down the phone, Shen Yan ran out all the way.

   At the door, looking at the familiar figure, Shen Yan couldn't restrain the smile on his face and walked towards the person.

   "Lanxi." Shen Yan yelled in a low voice, his voice full of smiles, "Why did you come suddenly? When will you return to Spring City?"

   "Just arrived in the morning." Ji Lanxi's mobile phone signal in Gannan was limited, so she didn't contact Shen Yan every day. Naturally, Shen Yan didn't know when she came back from the plane.

   "You came to see me as soon as you came back?" Shen Yan touched Ji Lanxi's head, and then took the suitcase from her hand.

   "Don't you want me to come to the base to accompany you for a few days?" Ji Lanxi was also a little embarrassed.

  After all, she suddenly came without saying hello.

  She wanted to surprise Shen Yan.

  She also noticed that Shen Yan was really happy.

   "It's getting dark a lot." Shen Yan stayed on Ji Lanxi's face for several minutes to come to this conclusion, "The sun in Gannan is very big, but the scenery is very good. Have you had fun these days?"

  Ji Lanxi touched her face, “It’s a little darker, but having fun. The children in the orphanage are all sensible, but they are also very cute.”

   Being sensible is one aspect, but young children still have a childish side.

  Ji Lanxi followed Shen Yan into the base, and talked to Shen Yan about her ten-day life.

  She and Shen Yan said that she played the piano for the children and taught them to sing.

  She and Shen Yan’s ignorant child hugged her and called her mother.

   also told Shen Yan about the children crying when she left the orphanage.

  Shen Yan listened quietly. Although his life for the past ten days has all revolved around the children in the orphanage, Shen Yan can hear that Ji Lanxi is really happy and really likes the children.

  Ji Lanxi, who came back from Gannan, Shen Yan could feel that she seemed to be a little more lively, talked a lot, and got closer to him.

  When she speaks, she will naturally hold his arm, and when it comes to funny things, she will raise her head and smile with her eyes bent at him.

  She has become a lot softer.

  Shen Yan thought, so, so good.

  As long as she is happy, as long as she can be sure of her safety, no matter how far or how long she goes.

  As long as she still remembers to go home, she will remember to come back occasionally to accompany him, that’s enough.

  (End of this chapter)

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