To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3154: Xiao Zhou Zongfan 3

  Chapter 3154 Mr. Xiao Zhou is outside 3

  Because of these three points, Zhou Rui learned that the child’s parents were orphans, and the child became an orphan since then, and Zhou Rui thought of adopting the child.

  Later, he took the child home. Everyone said that he loved the adopted son because the adopted son unexpectedly looked like him.

  Not actually.

  He loves this child because of the other three points.

  Love him for looking like Zhaozhao who was accidentally lost by him.

  Mao Cafe is very large, with three floors. Due to the developed tourism industry in the small town, many guests come to travel every day, so this cat cafe is also famous throughout the country, and its business is naturally very good.

  Zhou Zhantao was at the age of jumping and making trouble. After sitting down, his round eyes rolled around. After winning his father’s consent, Zhou Zhantao got up and went to tease the cat.

  Mao Ka’s cats are fat, but they jump up very fast.

  Zhanchao Zhou chased a kitten to the corner, but he did not expect to collide with the person coming downstairs.

  Zhan Zhou was a young man, and sat directly on the ground, pulling the kitten’s tail with one hand, looking up at the person he hit with a dumb face.

   "Sister, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look at the cat, I didn't see the road, I'm sorry." Zhou Zhantao patted his **** and sat up, and then apologized to his pretty big sister who hit him.

  When apologizing, Zhou Zhantai stared at this sister curiously. The more she looked, the more Zhou Zhantai felt that the people in front of him gave him a strong sense of familiarity.

"Sister, have I met you before?" Zhou Zhantao asked seriously, "My name is Zhou Zhantao, sister, did we know each other before? I think you are so familiar. I must have seen you before. ."

   Zhou Zhanchao's memory among children of the same age is considered very good. This sense of familiarity made Zhou Zhanchao decide that he should be the beautiful sister before him.

  Li Zhaozhao looked at the child who appeared suddenly, and his eyes suddenly became hot.

  She bends down slowly, and reaches out to touch the child's fleshy face.

  To count, it has been almost two years since I saw this child. Unexpectedly, this child can still remember seeing her.

   "Why did Zhan Da come here? Where are Zhan Da's parents?" Li Zhaozhao took the little boy into his arms and gently hugged him.

  It's been two years.

  Every day, she thinks in her mind what this child will look like when she grows up.

  Now, she actually saw it.

  Li Zhaozhao once thought that she would never see this child again.

  Unexpectedly, the child suddenly appeared in front of her.

"I have two fathers and one mother, one of them has gone far, far away, and there is a new father there, and it was the father who brought me to play." Zhou Zhanqian said and took this jang He felt very familiar at a glance, and the big sister who he liked was heading towards his father.

  While walking, she shouted at Zhou Rui very happily.

   "Dad! Dad! I met a beautiful sister!"

   Zhou Rui heard the sound and turned to look.

  Li Zhaozhao suddenly appeared in his eyes.

  Have not seen for more than five years, she is thinner.

  Other than that, it doesn’t seem to have changed at all.

   is still so beautiful.

   "It's a coincidence that I met you here." Zhou Rui spoke a little anxiously, because he noticed that Li Zhaozhao's face changed after seeing him.

  "Mr. Zhou, it's a coincidence." Li Zhaozhao's tone was light.

   She lowered her head and glanced at the little boy who had been holding her hand, a flash of shock flashed in her eyes, "Are you the father of this child?"

  (End of this chapter)

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