To Be With You Forever

Chapter 316: Assistant Wang Fang

  Chapter 316 Assistant Wang Fang

  Zhong Yanting was talking, and Wang Fang knocked on the door and walked in.

  Jane Sangyu saw that she was a very fashionable and beautiful young girl. She looked at the appearance of a young girl who had just graduated from college, and her skin was white and tender.

   "Sister Zhong." After entering the door, Wang Fang greeted Zhong Yanting somewhat stiffly.

   "Get to know, Jian Sangyu, you will be her assistant in the future." Zhong Yanting introduced Wang Fang, "What you have to remember is to take care of her and let her eat less messy snacks."

   "???" Jian Sangyu thought she had heard it wrong.

  And Gu Chen, who was sitting on the sofa, directly laughed in a low voice. Jian Sangyu flattened his mouth and glared at him.

  "Hello Sister Sangyu!" Wang Fang greeted Jian Sangyu quickly.

"Okay, you meet first in the office. I have other things to be busy with. I leave the office for you. I'm going out." Zhong Yanting was busy, and directly picked up a pile of documents on the desktop. It looked like he was going to the legal department.

  When she walked to the door, Zhong Yanting suddenly looked back and thought for a while, then said to Jian Sangyu, "Wang Fang signed a contract with the company, including some confidentiality clauses, etc., so you know."

   After finishing talking, Zhong Yanting left directly.

  Jian Sangyu understands what her last sentence means. Zhong Yanting is talking to Jian Sangyu about her marriage. If she thinks it's okay, she can talk to the assistant Wang Fang.

  "In the future, we will take care of each other a lot, and we will have to work hard for you." Jian Sangyu proactively reached out to Wang Fang.

  Wang Fang stretched out his hand flattered and nodded hurriedly, "This is what I should do."

  "Let’s exchange a phone number. I have been at home recently and there is nothing wrong with it, so you should take a holiday first." Jian Sangyu reported her phone number.

"Thank you Sister Sang Yu!" Wang Fang nodded and laughed, "I was so nervous at first, but I didn't expect Sister Sang Yu to be so good. Now I have special expectations for my future work. If I have anything in the future, Sister Sang Yu just ask me. !"

  Jian Sangyu smiled. After saving Wang Fang's phone number, she turned to Gu Chen and said, "Let's go."

  Gu Shen hummed, got up, and walked to Jian Sangyu's side. After putting on the mask and glasses for Jian Sangyu, he naturally took her left hand and left the office.

  The car drove towards home. Jian Sangyu has been very quiet ever since she got in the car. She was not looking at the scenery outside the window, but sitting upright and looking forward. She should be in a daze.

  What she was thinking Gu Chen couldn't guess, but she could feel that she was depressed.

  Until the car drove into the community, Jian Sangyu slowly recovered, and then the first sentence she said when she turned around.

   "Gu Chen, I don't want to eat noodles for dinner!"

  Baba's voice of grievance, coupled with a pitiful expression, made Gu Chen unable to get angry.

   "Then look back at the house to accompany grandpa to dinner?" Gu Chen asked.

   "Okay." Jian Sangyu nodded, "The auntie at grandpa's home cooks delicious food, let's go to Cengfan."

As soon as she mentioned going to Cengfan, her mood instantly improved. She immediately picked up her mobile phone and called Gu Zhai. Auntie answered the call. She heard Jian Sangyu say that she and Gu Chen are coming back for dinner at night. I am happy to say that I want to cook two more dishes that they love.

  The car didn't get downstairs, so Gu Chen adjusted the direction and headed for Gu's house.

  (End of this chapter)

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