To Be With You Forever

Chapter 318: Already swallowed

  Chapter 318 has been swallowed

"Delicious is delicious, but after eating for a month, I will get tired, and I don't eat much, I am afraid of getting fat, and I am afraid of getting angry." Jian Sangyu said, "The most important thing is that the high altitude over there, the rice is always cooked. It’s half-baked and unpalatable, so I ate pasta for a long time in the small town."

   After finishing speaking, Jian Sangyu calmly complained, “It’s all like this. Gu Chen even cooks noodles for me at noon. When I take a nap, I dream of eating rice.”

  And Gu Chen, holding the chopsticks in the bowl where the meat was already close to Jian Sangyu, after her words, she turned her head directly and put it into his own mouth.

  Jian Sangyu stared in amazement, dumbfounded.

   "Gu Chen!!" Jian Sangyu gritted his teeth and called out Gu Chen's name.

   Seeing Gu Shen ignored her, Jian Sangyu thought for a while, and then remedied, “Actually, it’s not that the noodles you cooked are too unpalatable, but the noodles I have eaten for too long do not want to eat."

After finishing speaking, Jian Sangyu said tentatively, "Gu Chen, I want to eat the vegetables in front of you."

  Jian Sangyu thought to her heart, could it be that she was just too loud and offended someone again?

  There is still a whole week before this weekend!

   "Sang Yu, you don't need to explain, I know, it must be because the noodles he cooks are unpalatable." Father Gu cheerfully continued, "I want to eat vegetables, come, and grandpa will get you some."

  Master Gu just finished talking. Gu Chen moved faster than Master Gu. A chopstick was already placed in Jian Sangyu’s bowl, and he asked, "What more?"

  The voice is hard, and the tone is rigid.

   "Meat." Jian Sangyu stared at Gu Chen intently, "The meat you just ate."

   "Already swallowed." Gu Chenying.

  Uncle Gu almost didn't laugh at Gu Chen's answer, and I don't know if Gu Chen deliberately did not understand, or really did not understand. "..." Jian Sangyu said, "The plate of lychee meat on your left."

  Regardless of whether Gu Chen didn’t understand it or not, he still gave Jian Sangyu some food, which made Jian Sangyu relieved.

  She didn't want to go back and live the life of banging the plate with the spoon.

After this, Gu Qingxi, Uncle Gu, and Old Man Gu suddenly stopped talking. The three of them ate while watching the interaction between Gu Chen and Jian Sangyu.

Although most of Jian Sangyu’s voices on the dining table were made by Jian Sangyu, and only a few words of Gu Chen’s answer, the three of them felt that the relationship between Jian Sangyu and Gu Chen was more natural than before. Much more intimate.

  Old man Gu ate half a bowl of this meal happily, watching the young couple have a good relationship and eat more.

  When he was looking at the two, he was fascinated. Maybe it won’t be long before his great-grandson should come.

For a meal, Jian Sangyu, with Gu Chen's help, had a bulging belly. She even ate her thin belly. She reluctantly put down her chopsticks and sighed, "Auntie's cooking skills are really good. "

"If you like it, you will often come back later when you have time. If you want to eat, make a call, and you can eat it when you come back." Auntie smiled while packing up the dishes and asked again." What breakfast would you like to have tomorrow morning?"

  "We'll go back later." Gu Chenqian replied to his aunt before Jian Sangyu, "Sit back a little longer and will not live here at night."

  (End of this chapter)

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