To Be With You Forever

Chapter 359: Or me

   Chapter 359

   "I'm not very happy!" Jian Sangyu kicked Gu Shen's calf and quickly said.

   Duplicity, she said second, no one in this world dares to be the first.

  "Or because I used to have bad skills, you don’t want it? But, it’s not what it used to be, Jane Sangyu, I think my learning ability, I think you should believe it once."

   "..." Why do you suddenly use such seriousness and seriousness to talk to her about this kind of thing with the atmosphere and expression as if you were holding a conference?

   Tell the truth, she doesn’t want to talk at all, okay?

  Jian Sangyu twisted in Gu Chen's arms and snorted, trying to break free from his arms, but his hand was like made of iron, letting her twist it for a long time, and she couldn't move.

   "Jian Sangyu." Gu Chen's palm was pressed on her lower waist, "If you move again, you are at your own risk."

   Feeling that the temperature of Gu Chen's body has been rising in general, Jian Sangyu persuaded him for a second, pouted, and hummed quietly, but really did not dare to move anymore.

  Gu Chen held Jian Sangyu and restrained himself all the time. Although Jian Sangyu didn't move anymore, the two of them just hugged him like this, and his breath was actually her smell.

  Gu Shen knew that at this time, Jian Sangyu would be useless even if she didn't move, and the thoughts in her heart could not be suppressed at all.

  Gu Chen waited for five minutes, but did not see Jian Sangyu speaking, so he asked tentatively, "Sangyu, should I be more relaxed?"

  After speaking, Gu Chen waited for Jian Sangyu to answer.

  In the first minute, before Jian Sangyu's answer, Gu Chen thought she refused with silence, so she deliberately ignored him.

  The second minute of silence, Gu Chen thought she was protesting.

  Waiting for the third minute, Gu Chen lowered his eyes to look at the quiet and excessive Jian Sangyu in his arms, and then realized.

  Hehe, he was twisted into a twist in his arms a while ago, and I don’t know when he fell asleep.

  It’s no wonder that his tentative inquiry didn’t get her scolding and rolling eyes, and it’s no wonder that she was abnormally peaceful.

Gu Chen lowered his head and touched her lips. He wanted to kiss her and wake her up, but seeing her sleeping so soundly, he still didn't want to wake her up, and finally just gently bit the corner of her lips. Let go of her.

  Gu Chen entered the bathroom with a sigh. After a while, there was a splash of water in the bathroom, and the sound of water did not disturb Jian Sangyu who was already asleep.

  After falling asleep, Jian Sangyu was as obediently as the newborn baby cat. Without him, she shrank her sleep into a ball, and half of her head had already got into the bed.

   Gu Chen lay back, stretched out his hand, and pulled the person back directly into his arms. The little milk cat turned into a nest in his arms and fell asleep.

  Jane Sangyu cherished her sleep this night.

  For Jian Sangyu, who was worried about not getting up tomorrow morning before going to bed, one more minute of sleep was a race against time.


  Jane Sangyu was woken up at five in the morning.

  It was not Gu Chen himself who awakened her, but Gu Chen's mobile phone.

  In other words, Gu Chen's cell phone rang before five o'clock, and Jian Sangyu, who was sleeping deep, opened his eyes with a murderous expression.

  It’s just that after she heard what Gu Chen said on the phone, the expression quickly closed.

  After Gu Chen hung up the phone, Jian Sangyu stared at Gu Chen blankly, "Are you going back to the guards?"

   "Well, the guards are in a hurry." Gu Chen patted Jian Sangyu's head, "You continue to sleep, I will wash."

  (End of this chapter)

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