To Be With You Forever

Chapter 361: Go to spring city

  Chapter 361 Going to Spring City

  Speaking of this, Zhong Yanting suddenly asked, "This matter was discussed with you by Ji Qianbo alone. Wouldn't you also refuse it? It's about the MV heroine."

   "No, I promised." Jian Sangyu smiled, "It's just that I didn't expect to start work so soon."

"I have almost done the preliminary work. If it weren't for you, I guess he would start by deciding on one of the few alternative candidates in the early stage." Zhong Yanting felt that Jian Sangyu's **** luck was really better than that of ordinary newcomers. Leaving aside Guo's favor and opportunities, it was Ji Qianbo. Such a rich and powerful person could not get involved, so Jian Sangyu got it.

The first new single of Ji Qianbo's comeback concert, even if Ji Qianbo does not need to deliberately promote it, it will definitely be popular at that time, and as the only heroine of this single's MV, Jian Sangyu is definitely able to shine. .

  Only the studio of Ji Qianbo in the later period can cooperate a little bit, coupled with the operation of the company, it is not a problem at all that Jian Sangyu’s popularity can be raised.

"Well, you can arrange your own time. In the two days you have time, Chief Gu will send you over to sign a letter. Take a good rest these days, don't eat anything, and try to give Ji Qianbo your best condition." Zhong Yanting knew the nature of Mina and Jian Sangyu's food, so he couldn't help but exhort them a few more words.

  Jian Sangyu readily agreed, and immediately got up after hanging up the phone. Without Gu Chen's help, Jian Sangyu had worn a bra for nearly five minutes.

  After finishing packing, Jian Sangyu first went to the company and signed the words directly, and then took a taxi from the company to Gu's house.

   Although her right hand is better, she still can’t work hard, so if she doesn’t look back at the house, Jane Sangyu can’t take care of her life these days.

  No one accompanies Jian Sangyu. After arriving at Gu’s house, Jian Sangyu stayed at home for a whole week. Every day she watched the script and memorized her lines. Except for the general, she did not go out.

  Until this Sunday, Jane Sangyu went to the hospital with Aunt Gu and reviewed her right hand. After confirming that her right hand had completely recovered, Jane Sangyu wanted to give her right hand a few close-up photos to celebrate.

   "By the way, Sang Yu, are you going to Spring City tomorrow?" Aunt Gu suddenly asked about this incident.

   "Well, I will be back in about a week after going there, but I will be in the crew after two days." Jian Sangyu said.

   "I don't know if Gu Chen has returned to the guards after his mission." Aunt Gu muttered, "I agreed with Jiang Xing earlier and asked him to ask for leave tomorrow night. Tomorrow is his uncle's birthday."

  It’s just that the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes. Jiang Xing followed Gu Chen out of the mission, so Aunt Gu muttered that she didn’t know if Gu Chen was back.

  Jian Sangyu raised her eyebrows, and then thought, she was going to Spring City tomorrow, she wanted to take care of Shen, she had to call him before leaving?

   "Auntie, I will call Gu Chen later." Jian Sangyu said.

  Aunt Gu yelled instead, turned her head to look at Jian Sangyu with a meaningful look, and then nodded inexplicably, with a hum.

  Jian Sangyu took the initiative to call Gu Chen. It seems that it is really going to rain.

  Aunt Gu even felt that maybe the granddaughter that the old man was looking forward to was not far away.

  (End of this chapter)

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