To Be With You Forever

Chapter 567: What do you think

  Chapter 567 What do you think

  Fang Hanwen was on the swimming team before he retired. For him, going into the water definitely has a greater advantage than climbing.

   When everyone here was discussing how long Fang Hanwen could carry, the guards also exploded.

  For the guards, it was not Jiang Xing who got the news from the mountain first, but the company battalion commander. When he heard Jian Sangyu climbed up the tree and stayed in the afternoon to avoid the second team's fight, he was shocked!

  Jiang Xing happened to be next to him, and he turned his head subconsciously and asked, "Your sister-in-law will climb trees?"

  "Climbing a tree?" Jiang Xing said, after thinking about it, he nodded and shook his head again.

   "You nod and shake your head, will you or will you not?" The company commander was deceived by Jiang Xing.

   "I knew it when I was young, but now I don't know." Jiang Xing said, "Did she climb the tree?"

   "No, I'll show you the live photos." The commander of the company took out his mobile phone from his pocket and turned the photos out for Jiang Xing to see. "Our sister-in-law is a bit fierce. I dare to climb such a tall tree."

The   company battalion commander had just finished speaking, and suddenly a hand emerged from behind him over Jiang Xing and took his mobile phone directly.

   "Which **** snatched something from me?" The battalion commander cursed and turned his head to punch the person behind him.

  Just, this turn around...

   "Chief!" The company commander was startled. When did his commander suddenly appear? Quietly, it scared him to death.

  Gu Shen glanced faintly at yo, who described his company as the commander of the battalion, and said quietly, "Go out and run ten laps, and come back after running."

  The battalion commander suddenly got a numb scalp, and said nothing, "Yes!" After answering the words, he turned and ran!

  If you bargain again, it will definitely take ten more laps.

"Brother, look, the dead girl Jian Sangyu has climbed up the tree again!" Jiang Xing cheerfully pointed to the photo on the phone, "but I don't think I was surprised at all! Going up the tree is what Jian Sangyu did. She is the king of a team, it is about the survival of the team, she is indeed a good king with hard work."

  Gu Chen’s finger touched the company commander’s mobile phone screen, and he unexpectedly saw the chat history between the company commander and the director.

Jiang Xing looked at the probe curiously, and smiled directly, "The director said that Jian Sangyu had eaten peaches on the tree for an afternoon and fed the staff for an afternoon. There was a pile of wild fruits in his pocket. , How come my Jian Sangyu is so cute!"

  Gu Chen's brows wrung deeper and deeper as Jiang Xing said. Why didn't this woman just rush to the sky?

  Jiang Xing smiled and suddenly realized that Gu Chen’s expression was something wrong. He hurriedly closed his smile and tentatively asked, "Brother, are you angry?"

   "What do you think?" Gu Chen asked back, could he be very happy?

  "When this girl was a child, you would forget about everything?" Gu Chen glanced at Jiang Xing.

  After Gu Shen reminded him, Jiang Xing couldn't laugh anymore.

  It is so memorable, where can I forget it?

  When she was a child, about when Jian Sangyu was eight or nine years old, a group of people played hide-and-seek in the compound, and Jian Sangyu hid directly on a pine tree in the compound.

  The hiding is very strict, and because the hiding is too strict, there are too many people playing, everyone simply forgot her at the beginning, and when the sun went down, everyone stopped playing, Jiang Xing suddenly found that Jian Sangyu was missing.

  A group of friends were frightened and looked around the entire compound, and then shocked the adults in the compound.

  Old man Jian was so scared that he thought Jian Sangyu had been abducted by the team members at the door inadvertently ran out of the compound. After all, Jian Sangyu was clever and could do anything.

  (End of this chapter)

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