To Be With You Forever

Chapter 676: Interview you

  Chapter 676 Interview You

"Sang Yu, you are leaving for the premiere of Yang Ming's new play in two days, right? What a coincidence, I just got a job to visit this crew, one of the subjects I visited It's you and Ji Qianbo." Xu Danyun's voice was pleasantly surprised, "You really surprised me. I didn't expect that the theme song of the top most anticipated new drama directed by Yang Ming turned out to be you and Ji Qianbo. cooperating."

  After the original theme song was recorded, the initial publicity plan was to release the theme song first.

  But then Yang Ming and Ji Qianbo discussed a temporary change of the plan, and planned to postpone it until after the premiere before starting the network promotion. The purpose is to give everyone attending the cashier a mental blow at the premiere and keep enough mystery.

   "I haven't received any news about the interview." Jian Sangyu said, "If this is the case, then it seems that we will meet again soon."

"Yes, the contact between the two parties is good. The interview will be done in advance, and the interview will be broadcast at the same time as the day of the premiere." Xu Danyun voiced a little envy, "I really want to interview you now. What kind of mood does Qianbo's seniors cooperate with."

But Xu Danyun didn’t really wait for Jian Sangyu’s answer. She immediately said directly, “Then we’ll see you in two days and call you, just because I was a little happy when I heard the news. I’m happy that we can meet again soon. ."

Gu Chen waited for Jian Sangyu for a few seconds. Seeing that she was not going to finish the call so soon, he reached out and took the seat belt from her other hand to fasten her, and then started the car and drove out of the underground parking garage. .

  Jian Sangyu listened to Xu Danyun's expectant tone and said a few coaxing words. The two chatted for several minutes before Xu Danyun mentioned that there were other things and hung up the phone.

   Holding the phone, Jian Sangyu sighed helplessly.

  In fact, Jian Sangyu and Xu Danyun did not have a particularly deep friendship when they were in the guards. The reason for keeping phone numbers with each other was only because of face. The friendship between Jian Sangyu and Xu Danyun was not even as good as the friendship with Mu Jin.

  Jian Sangyu and You Yuxin are more compatible in character. When you get along with You Yuxin, Jian Sangyu feels more comfortable, so she and You Yuxin have to deduct numbers from each other.

  Probably because she entered this kind of circle for the first time, Jian Sangyu was always a little unaccustomed to Xu Danyun, who was a good dancer with long sleeves.

  But Jian Sangyu also knows that sooner or later she gets used to it and caters to this category of people.

  After all, this is a type of person, not a person. This is not the number of a small group, but the number of a type.

The two arrived at Gu’s house less than six o’clock. The general’s ears were sharp, as if he could distinguish the voice of Gu Shen’s car. As soon as the car entered the yard, the general ran out from behind the French windows like crazy. Then he leaned on the parked car and flicked his tail, shouting with excitement at Jane Sangyu in the front passenger seat.

  Jian Sangyu took off the mask and threw the obstructive things into the seat, opened the door, and clapped her hands at the general, "General, come here."

   Hearing Jian Sangyu calling it, the general rushed towards Jian Sangyu, his tongue kept licking towards Jian Sangyu's hand, as if he was about to take off happily.

   Chapter 690

"Since the old man called Gu Chen and mentioned your names, the general lay down in front of the French windows and watched eagerly. He finally hoped you back." Gu Qingxi stood at the door and smiled at the two of them. It’s almost there. Go into the house and wash your hands to start a meal."

   "Okay!" Jian Sangyu responded, and then greeted the general to step down from her, leading the general to follow her in.

  So, when Gu Chen stopped the car and got off, the daughter-in-law had disappeared with the general.

  When Gu Chen entered, he heard Gu Qingxi chatting with Jian Sangyu, and he was talking about Gu Chen’s vacation.

"The old man heard that Gu Chen took the long vacation and thought others fooled him. I heard Jiang Xing say that Gu Chen accompanied you to visit the patient today?" Aunt Gu poured a glass of juice for Jian Sangyu and was about to pass it to Jian Sangyu. At this moment, Gu Chen suddenly He walked over, touched the cup, and said directly, "No drinking."

  Jian Sangyu retracted the hand she was about to take, flat her mouth, "I'll go to the kitchen to pour boiling water to drink."

  Old man Gu was in the kitchen at this time and saw Jian Sangyu coming in looking for water. He turned his head and said, "Didn’t your aunt just take the juice out?"

"Gu Chen won't drink it." Jian Sangyu stuck out her tongue, then poured warm water obediently, and was about to find something to sue the old man. She suddenly saw Gu Chen not knowing when she was standing at the door of the kitchen, which scared her. His neck shrank.

   "Yes, it is always bad for girls to drink too much ice." Grandpa Gu agreed with this point.

After pouring the water, Jian Sangyu followed Mr. Gu out of the kitchen. When passing by Gu Chen, she actively touched the water glass in her hand against the back of Gu Chen's hand and said in a small voice, "You touch it, It's warm."

  Gu Shen gave a hum, raised his hand and rubbed Jian Sangyu’s head, and then led the people to the restaurant.

  Jiang Xing did not come back. Uncle Gu had a party at night, so there were only four people for dinner.

  During the meal, Father Gu asked what Gu Chen was going to do for a few days off this time. Hearing Gu Chen said to accompany Jian Sangyu to Yinzhou, both the expressions of both Father Gu and Aunt Gu were slightly surprised.

  Gu Shen didn't mean to explain, he reached out to Jane Sangyu beside him and put a chopsticks of braised chicken wings in her bowl, then bowed his head and continued to eat.

   Old man Gu and Aunt Gu can be said to be shocked by the action that Gu Chen gave Jian Sangyu chicken wings.

  "Very good, very good. "It took a long time for Mr. Gu to come back to his senses and say these two sentences. After speaking, the folds on his smiling face appeared.

  I don’t know if he is boasting that Gu Shen knows how to prepare food for his wife, or he is boasting that Gu Shen knows how to go out with his wife. Because the meal was early, it was only seven o'clock after the meal, and the sky outside this season was just dark.

  Jian Sangyu and Gu Shen went back in a hurry. Gu Chen was there to make tea for Mr. Gu. The three were talking about topics that Jian Sangyu was not interesting. Jian Sangyu sat there with her mobile phone and played.

  Gu Shen is grouped separately in Jian Sangyu’s deduction friends.

  The name of the group is Gu Wangba.

  Jian Sangyu quit WeChat to deduct the deduction, and accidentally took a look at Gu Wangba’s group friends when the number of friends was 0, was she stupid?

  It still shows 1 on the way back in the afternoon. Why does this suddenly become 0?

  (End of this chapter)

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