To Be With You Forever

Chapter 741: You care about me

  Chapter 741 You care about me

  She hugged him, exceptionally quiet.

   "Jian Sangyu." Gu Chen suddenly called out to her, "Women, like you cry?"

  The unhappy Jian Sangyu asked by Gu Chen snorted, "I don't like crying!"

"Keep your eyes open and tell nonsense." Gu Chen snorted. "Who was crying last night like a broken faucet that couldn't stop? Who just hid in the kitchen and cried? If I don't go down to find you, you Are you going to sit in the kitchen and cry all night without going back to the bedroom?"

  Jian Sangyu thought, half an hour ago, she would have been moved by someone like Gu Chen?

  She must have a bad brain.

   "I didn't cry! And, sleep!" Jian Sangyu yelled to Gu Shen, and then directly retracted his hand and wanted to turn his back to him.

  It’s just that, although Gu Chen’s hand could not move, it did not prevent him from using his feet to stop her turning over.

   "Hold it." Gu Chen said two points harder, "Let you loose it? Allow you to turn around?"

  Jian Sangyu’s heart and liver hurt, so she stretched out her hand to hug his waist again, but unceremoniously kicked Gu Chen's calf twice to relieve her anger.

  The two swipes on Jian Sangyu's feet were like tickling to Gu Chen. He chuckled, and did not stop her, but spoke to her.

"So I want to perform on the same stage with your teacher Ji, but because of me, I gave up such a rare opportunity." At this point, Gu Chen paused and looked at the expression of the person beside him before continuing to ask. , "I entered the operating room, and you were so sad that you were crying, Jian Sangyu, are you afraid of me? Are you afraid of my injury? Or, you are afraid of my death?"

  Jian Sangyu did not expect that Gu Chen would suddenly ask her this.

  She was stunned, and did not recover from his question for a while.

  The answer to this question, in Jian Sangyu's heart, is undoubtedly affirmative.

  She was afraid of his accident, of his injury, and even more fear of his death.

  It’s just that Jian Sangyu didn’t want to tell him the answer in her heart.

  She held his waist and slowly closed her eyes, never thinking about answering him.

  "Jian Sangyu, do you care about me?" Gu Chen looked at Jian Sangyu, who used the method of pretending to sleep as soon as he evaded the question, gently raised the corners of his lips, and smiled faintly, "If you don't answer, just treat it as your default."

  The woman with her eyes closed suddenly opened her eyes, just like a cat with exploded hair, raising her head and glaring at him.

"Noisy! Go to bed!" It smelled like annoyance and anger, "Can I be afraid of your death? You put my money in for financial management, and I have two dollars left in the bank. If you die, I will No money to spend!"

   "Nonsense." Gu Chen reprimanded Jian Sangyu.

   "Don't you like to tell the truth?" Jane Sang was happy, and smiled triumphantly at Gu Chen with her white teeth.

"Don't you know my bank card password? This is not true." Gu Chen rejected Jian Sangyu's reason and told her another thing, "I have a will. If something happens to me, all my inheritance will be You are alone."

  I have a will. Gu Chen said it was an understatement, but Jian Sangyu was frightened.


  "When did you make your will?" Jian Sangyu was shocked, "You are still so young, what will you make?"

"To be precise, I made a will since I graduated from the guard college and officially entered the guard team, but the latest will was changed after we got married." Gu Chen said, "Now it’s the same with you, if I have an accident. , All my inheritance belongs to you alone."

  When he changed his will, Gu Chen thought that grandpa is not short of money, and grandpa is getting older, so it is meaningless to distribute his estate to grandpa.

  (End of this chapter)

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