To Be With You Forever

Chapter 750: Not practical

   Chapter 750

  For a person who lives all year round and is indistinguishable from a single dog, he never pays attention to when the Qixi Festival is every year.

   "When is Qixi Festival? Maybe you are still in the guards." Jian Sangyu muttered while bypassing Gu Shen to go upstairs.

  Gu Chen stretched out a leg to block her way upstairs, "I let you go?"

   "..." Jian Sangyu stood there and glanced at Gu Shen. This guy is really overbearing to a certain level.

   "No matter what day of the week it is, I will definitely go home at night." Gu Chen said.

Jian Sangyu could not think of the purpose of Gu Chen suddenly mentioning the purpose of Qixi Festival. How could such a man who is incomprehensible and the best in the world suddenly want to spend Valentine's Day with her so romantic? Holiday?

   "I know, I know, I just want to buy you a gift." Jian Sangyu pouted, and the word perfunctory was written on his face.

  Gu Chen's expression stinks, "Jian Sangyu, this is the first Valentine's Day since we got married, so take care of your expression and don't let me see such a perfunctory look."

   "Good chief executive." Jian Sangyu was standing there smiling as a model, and also very unwilling.

   "So, what gift do you want to buy me?" Gu Chen asked.

   "Less than a minute has passed since you said Valentine's Day would have passed, right?" Jian Sangyu gave a thumbs up, "Within this minute, do you think I can think of it?"

  Speaking of this, Jane Sangyu paused, thought for a moment, and said, "Otherwise, I will buy you a pair of cuffs as a Valentine's Day gift?"

   "Not practical." Gu Shen hesitated, "I'm in the guard team. I wear team uniforms and training uniforms all the year round. I don't basically wear formal clothes. You bought me cuff decorations?"

  Jian Sangyu felt that Gu Chen’s words seemed to have a little bit of truth.

  She thought about it, and then said, "Then I will buy you clothes? Buy pants and shoes?"

   "No need." Gu Chen shook his head, "The same reason as the last cuff, not practical."

  Jian Sangyu has the illusion that Gu Chenzai can’t get through with her.

  She took a step back, and then stood on a step side by side with Gu Chen. The height of a step made her appear not so short on the side of Gu Chen.

   "Then I'll buy you a big gold chain, my little finger is so thick." Jian Sangyu smiled wickedly with little white teeth, and naturally the image of her former brother to Gu Chen appeared in her mind.

  Holding a cigarette in his hand, wearing a colorful shirt, black leather jacket, a pair of flared jeans, riding a motorcycle, of course, if you are wearing a big gold chain, you will add a label of wealth to your handsome.

  Jian Sangyu turned her mind and smiled. Maybe she could go and prepare such a suit for him on Valentine's Day. When I was young, I didn't see Gu Chen's outfit. At this moment, I might be able to make up for my regrets when I was young.

   "Jian Sangyu, are you dying to clean up?" Gu Chen's voice changed, feeling cold.


  Jian Sangyu knew that Gu Chen would not like it.

  She put out her tongue mischievously at Gu Chen, "No, no, then no, then what do you want?"

  Man is really troublesome!

  Jane Sangyu snorted.

  It’s better to be a woman!

  How sweet are women?

  If a lipstick is not good enough, then add a bag. If it is not good enough, then add a pair of shoes. If it is not good enough, then add another set of jewelry. For the holidays every day of the year, you can send the girls to the girls happy every day.

  (End of this chapter)

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