To Be With You Forever

Chapter 774: Coax girls

   Chapter 774

  Gu Chen clicked on the first one. It was a forum netizen who was also asking everyone about this question, and the netizen who answered the first directly responded with a word, money.

  While fighting for this comment, the non-girl netizens downstairs directly refuted it.

  ——Upstairs, it seems that you men don’t like money. The whole world, no matter men or women, old people and children, who doesn’t like money? Those who answered this way, at first glance, don't have a girlfriend.

  Gu Chen saw this and felt that there was no substantive information, so he quit and continued to find other posts to browse.

   slid down twice and saw Gu Chen's fingertips immediately when he saw the Encyclopedia of Coaxing Girls.

  After hesitating for a second, he quickly clicked in.

  The page opened after a few seconds was loaded, and Gu Chen's attention was immediately placed on the phone.

  Encyclopedia of coaxing girls, ranking ten following methods in order of girls’ difficulty.

  Method 1: 99 red roses romantic offensive.

Note: Under normal circumstances, girls are romantic, and suddenly received such a bunch of flowers, boys, you don’t need to say a word, you just need to smile and look at her when she takes the flowers. Add a hundred lines, even if you throw away her beloved idol's autographed photo, throw away her favorite lipstick and bag, a bunch of flowers, you can basically coax people.

  Method 2: Add a big-brand lipstick again and again, boy, are you sad and wondering what color to send?

   Cut male sex! Cut the male sex! Cut the male sex!

  Say important things three times!

  Any big brand, if you search for male **** on the Internet, there will be a bunch of girls' favorite lipsticks. If you don't pick the right one, just pick the most expensive in the range you send, it must be right!

  Gu Chen spent five minutes browsing this post without leaving a word.

  When he saw the last method ten, Gu Chen could be said to be physically fit.

Method 10: No matter if you think you are right or wrong, as long as you want to coax her, you can’t coax her before you do the ten, or if you think even if you do it, you must be coaxed. Just do the tenth.

  Buy a ripe durian, which is delicious in color and fragrance, but the key is that you can kneel.

  So, the tenth method is to kneel durian sincerely.

  After Gu Chen saw this, he had only one thought in his mind.

  Jian Sangyu is so good, he should not use Article 10.

  At the level of her anger, Gu Chen guessed, maybe he needs common sense to the fourth or fifth method.

   After exiting the webpage, Gu Chen went directly to one of the takeaway websites, chose the nearest flower shop, and placed the order directly.

  After placing the order, Gu Chen sat on the sofa and wondered how he would buy the rest.

In his current situation, he is unlikely to go out to the mall alone, even if he called Lin Qian to come, if Jian Sangyu sees him and Lin Qian to go out alone again, if Lin Qian chooses to be unobstructed by the two of them. When I went to the mall, Jian Sangyu knew, probably...

  Gu Chen had only one thought in his mind.

  Probably, she will jump angrily and say that she wants to divorce.

  Thinking of this, Gu Chen couldn't help but glanced towards the kitchen. Although he couldn't see anything, Gu Chen at least knew that Jian Sangyu was busy with lunch for the two at the moment.

  Two minutes later, Lin Qianze’s mobile phone suddenly received a message from Gu Chen.

  (End of this chapter)

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