To Be With You Forever

Chapter 778: Nothing at all

  Chapter 778 Nothing

   "..." Gu Chenwei hooked the corners of his lips invisibly, and his facial expression was in a rare state called stiffness.

  So, the flower shop probably doesn’t really need to consider whether a woman can hold her. At a critical time, a woman’s strength and explosiveness are still quite strong.

  For example, on the guard team that day, could Jian Sangyu still throw Wu Linyun over the shoulder?

  "Let it down, go to eat first." Gu Chen stepped forward and stood beside Jian Sangyu.

   "Let me hold it for a while?" Jian Sangyu pouted and discussed with Gu Chen in a low voice, "Just hold it for a while."

  Jian Sangyu used both hands to hold the flower in his arms, but he still raised two thumbs and made a low gesture to Gu Chen.

  Gu Chen discovered that Jian Sangyu was holding something in her hand.

  He asked casually, "What is in your hand?"

  Gu Shen didn't expect that, he just asked casually, and Jian Sangyu suddenly exploded like a cat with its tail stepped on.

   "Nothing!" Jian Sangyu said with a stubborn neck, "Nothing!"

   After finishing speaking, she immediately said, "Go to eat, go to eat, after the delay, the food will be cold and not tasty."

After that, she took the lead to trot to the table with the flower in her arms, put the flower directly on one of the chairs, and then quickly hid the thing pinched in her palm into her pants pocket. After hiding it, she was still cautious. He took a pat in his trouser pocket, and then sneaked a glance at Gu Chen with his eyes.

Knowing that Gu Chen has been staring at her, she must know that she is hiding something, but Gu Chen is now bandaged with both hands and can't come forward to grab it, so Jian Sangyu smiled provocatively at Gu Chen. Then he waved at her and said, "Come here to eat!"

  This is the best smile Jian Sangyu has shown to Gu Chen in twenty-four hours.

   Although Gu Chen was aroused by Jian Sangyu’s series of reactions and actions, although he was bandaging his hands, if he really wanted to see it, he could still control Jian Sangyu.

  However, it was finally considered to be good enough to coax people, so Gu Chen didn't plan to provoke people again because of a little incident.

  Jian Sangyu ignored him, this evening plus one morning, for Gu Chen, irritability is greater than all emotions.

  Gu Chen sat down next to Jian Sangyu, thought for a while, and confirmed, "Are you not angry?"

  Jian Sangyu smiled while bending her eyebrows and nodded, "I'm out of breath."

  "Then we will be reconciled." Gu Chen confirmed again.

  Looking at Jian Sangyu smiling and continuing to nod, Gu Chen curled his lips and smiled gently.

  Sure enough.

"But, if you go to play next time, you have to take me, otherwise, I will be angry." Jian Sangyu talked about the conditions to Gu Chen, "How boring I am at home? Besides, you and Lin Qian choose to go. Then, you are like this, I still worry about it, and I can't concentrate even when playing games."

   "Hmm." Gu Chen nodded and agreed, "There is a reason why this auction will not take you."

  This is an explanation for his lateness.

   "Okay, once I believe you, then I won't be angry." Jian Sangyu nodded and smiled, it was a happy one.

  Jian Sangyu, who is not angry with Gu Chen, is the little talker again.

  One night and one morning, I didn’t talk to Gu Chen. For lunch, Jian Sangyu said everything, including the fact that she went to the hotel to find Lin Qiqi and Zhou Keke to fight the landlord.

  (End of this chapter)

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