To Be With You Forever

Chapter 792: May have forgotten

   Chapter 792

"By the way, Sangyu." Father Gu suddenly remembered something and asked Jian Sangyu, "At the charity dinner the day after tomorrow, your aunt saw you on the list of invited guests. She wants to ask you if you want to meet She's going together?"

   "No need for Grandpa, I have agreed with Teacher Ji to go together, and Teacher Ji will be my male companion." Jian Sangyu smiled and shook his head. This matter was agreed to by Ji Qianbo two days before she came back.

  So at the company, Jian Sangyu didn't let her help arrange the artists to go with. Knowing that Jian Sangyu would travel with Ji Qianbo, the company was eager. In this case, Ji Qianbo could bring Jian Sangyu some heat.

  Although you can't fry CP, Jian Sangyu and Ji Qianbo have a good relationship, which is definitely good for Jian Sangyu.

   Ji Qianbo has a wide range of people in the circle, and can bring Jian Sangyu more chances than ordinary people.

   Gu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this. He Ji Qianbo again? Why didn't you hear her tell him about it?

When Jian Jialang heard that Jian Sangyu and Ji Qianbo were going together, he became happy for Jian Sangyu and said, "I didn't expect this Ji Qianbo person to be so good. Before, I was worried that you didn't attend the premiere, Ji Qian. Po will be angry with you."

"Ms. Ji is not such a careful person. On the second day of the premiere, both Ms. Ji and Brother Yang came to visit Gu Shen at home in person. Instead, they left after having a meal at home. Very good." Jian Sangyu explained with a smile, then patted the general's head and said, "Go, I'll get you some sweets."

  Speaking of this, Jian Sangyu whispered another word in the general's ear, and the general bowed and immediately let go of Jian Sangyu and went upstairs.

  One minute later, one person and one dog were sitting in front of the French windows, a piece of lollipop, and a bag of potato chips, it was very harmonious.

  Have been holding her for almost half a month, is this the solution of the general who finally can't hold back, stuttering here?

  When Gu Shen added tea to Jian Jialang, there was still a little smile in his eyes.

  After dinner at Gu’s house, Jian Jialang persuaded Jian Jialang’s grandfather and Jian’s grandmother to go back, and Gu Shen and Jian Sangyu were sent back by Gu’s driver.

  As soon as he got home, the door was closed, and Gu Chen asked Jian Sangyu, “Why didn’t you mention it to me about you and Ji Qianbo going to the charity dinner?”

   "Ms. Ji told me on WeChat. Didn't I tell you?" Jian Sangyu thought about it seriously, and then replied, "Maybe I forgot to tell you."

  I forgot this sentence lightly, which directly made Gu Chen's expression stink.

  "Valentine's Day is after the charity dinner. Have you considered it clearly?" Gu Chen asked suddenly, "There are three days and two nights left for you to consider and prepare."

Jane Sangyu had changed her slippers and walked in. He smiled happily and walked to the bedroom. While smiling triumphantly, he said, "You said, except for the day when I come back in a month, you will give me a gift as long as I come back one more time. I don’t want any holiday gifts."

  Jane Sangyu finished speaking, changed the way, and turned into the guest bedroom.

  Jian Sangyu was holding Mr. Rabbit and kissing when Gu Chen followed. He walked over with a cold face, pulled Mr. Rabbit out of Jian Sangyu’s arms, and then took Jian Sangyu’s shoulder back to the bedroom.

  Closed the door, he said seriously, "If there is no Valentine's Day gift, then, all the gifts, including what you just said."

   "Never mind then." Jian Sangyu shrugged indifferently, then took a change of clothes and went to the bathroom, completely treating Gu Chen's cold face as transparent.

When she came out of the shower, Gu Chen was still standing there and staring at her. She rolled around on the bed directly in front of Gu Chen, and waved her little hand provocatively. It’s useless to look at me in your shower."

  (End of this chapter)

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