To Be With You Forever

Chapter 815: Husband, not boss

   Chapter 815 It's Husband Not The Boss

   Player A blurted out and asked, "How can I create conditions to wear it if my hand is broken?"

  "Install a prosthesis." Wu Lin responded evenly.

  "Take a string and hang it around his neck." Player C said.

   "..." Player A thought to himself, he seemed to suddenly know the reason why he was single.

   "You guys, don't you want to eat at noon?" Gu Chen asked the three people who stood in front of them and talked like a cross talk with their eyes cast.

  Wu Lin evenly shook his head, and quickly stepped back.

  The second team member thinks that he also has a girlfriend, so he can communicate with his family chief about his Valentine's Day mood.

   "Chairman, what Valentine's Day gift did you give to my sister-in-law?" Team B took a curious look at the watch on his wrist.

  After he understood it, he sighed with emotion in his heart. Poverty restricted his imagination.

  Gu Shen did not answer, but threw the same question to Team B, "What did you give your girlfriend?"

"I'm in the guard team. I haven't been out for a long time. What can I buy for her? I gave her two red envelopes, one for 520 and one for 1314. She was so coaxed and accepted the red envelope, but she was happy." Yi smiled and said, "Prepare to order her a bunch of flowers on the Internet at night, then video with her and chat with her."

   "Yeah." Gu Chen nodded, and then did not continue to chat with these people on personal matters. After that, the time was spent on arranging work and negotiating official affairs.

  It was a small meeting with these three people. When the three people left his office, it was already more than an hour later.

After    and the others left, Gu Chen stood up and slightly loosened his muscles and bones and moved his body.

  When I sat back again, I suddenly remembered the sentence my subordinate said just now.

   sent her two red envelopes... She was so coaxed, she received the red envelopes, but she was happy.

   Gu Shen thought, Jian Sangyu in his family is also so coaxing.

  If someone else has something, she must have it too.

  Thinking of this, Gu Chen took out his mobile phone directly, without saying anything, gave Jian Sangyu a red envelope.

After the    was sent out, Gu Chen realized that today’s WeChat red envelopes are not limited.

  One 520 and one 1314 were actually sent out.

  After sending it out, Gu Chen waited for two minutes without seeing Jian Sangyu pick it up, so he put his phone aside, and then lowered his head to continue reading the document.

In the following time, with the frequency of looking up at the phone every two minutes, until half an hour later, Jian Sangyu took the red envelope away, and Gu Chen put down the documents in his hand again and picked up the phone, just waiting for Jian Sangyu. Reply message.

  A few seconds later, Gu Chen received a red envelope emoji package thanking the boss.

  Gu Shen frowned immediately and returned the message.

   is the husband, not the boss. ——Mr. Gu from Jian Sangyu.

  On the other side of the phone, Jian Sangyu, who received the news from Gu Chen, directly held the phone and stunned there. After a few seconds, she laughed.

   Gu Chen, who became more real, is really quite as old-fashioned as an old cadre.

  Furthermore, Gu Chen, who is more real, is also very proud.

  Jian Sangyu waited for enough laughs, and then manually typed Gu Chen to reply.

  Thank you for your husband’s red envelope! muah! ——Gu Chen's Mrs. Gu.

  After waiting for the message to be sent, Jian Sangyu quickly sent another message.

   has given me Valentine’s Day gifts, how come you suddenly want to send me a red envelope? ——Gu Chen's Mrs. Gu.

  Someone said that he sent two red envelopes to his girlfriend and his girlfriend was very happy. ——Mr. Gu from Jian Sangyu.

  (End of this chapter)

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