To Be With You Forever

Chapter 824: It's her

  Chapter 824 She is herself

  After all, compared to Jian Jiayue, who made her debut many years earlier, Jian Sangyu is now in full swing. However, looking back at Jian Jiayue, she is hesitant to restrict her own conditions. This year, she has been going downhill.

  To Jiang Xing, said that in the entire Jian family, the one who has the most thoughts is this Jian Jiayue.

  Jian Jiayue has more eyes than Jian's father. The person in the entire Jian family who resembles Jian's father the most is only Jian Jiayue. In addition to his appearance, even his temperament is like one.

   is the same selfish and unscrupulous.

   However, this is what Jiang Xing guessed, and it can not be ruled out that which insider is so cheap and cheap, he wants to pull out Jian Sangyu's affairs.

"Xiao Sangyu, you have to eat quickly, it will not taste good when it is cold, and it hurts your stomach." Jiang Xing urged Jian Sangyu, and then made a gesture to Gu Chen that he should go out and call first, then got up and stood up. , Took the phone and left Gu Chen's office first.

When Jiang Xing went out, Zhong Yanting also called Jian Sangyu and told Jian Sangyu not to respond to the news that she was the adopted daughter of Jian’s family. Because of this news, the company and her phone numbers have been blown up. Up.

  Zhong Yanting told Jian Sangyu that at this moment, there are more journalists all over the country staring at Jian Sangyu than she was absent from the premiere of Yang Ming's film.

  Many people have begun to think about digging out the family background and identity behind Jian Sangyu.

"Tomorrow you go to the audition, and Zhou Keke will pick you up directly downstairs at your house. After the audition, you will come out directly from the back door of the company. Don't continue to the front door. The role tomorrow is very important to you, so Jane Sangyu , Come on, don’t affect your future path because of today’s events,"

"I know Sister Xiaoting, don't worry, I will adjust myself." Jian Sangyu said, at this moment, with Gu Chen's company and Jiang Xing's enlightenment, her mood now is better than before. A lot.

  She admitted that when she saw the news just now, she even tried to hide her ears and pretend not to see it.

  At that moment, she was also really scared, afraid that this matter would go in some other direction, and then, suddenly, she would become the object of scolding by thousands of people.

  Fortunately, Gu Chen and Jiang Xing let her know that no matter what, she is not alone in fighting alone.

  She still has many people, and Gu Chen.

  Jian Sangyu was on the phone with Zhong Yanting. Gu Chen took his cell phone and sent a deduction message to his friend. Unexpectedly, the other party responded fairly quickly.

  The other party responded with voice, and Gu Chen clicked to open it.

"After what happened last time, didn't you just let me help you pay attention to Xu Danyun and her team? This time the post about Jian Sangyu and Ji Qianpo on the collar, I found out that it was from Xu Danyun's own hand, her financial The company and the team are not involved in the operation, and they don’t even seem to know what their own artists are doing. If I hadn’t been watching her closely recently, I probably wouldn’t have thought that it would be someone who has no conflict with Jian Sangyu. The host of the exchange."

  Jian Sangyu who was on the phone with Zhong Yanting heard this and couldn't help turning his head to look at Gu Chen.

   A face full of surprise.

  Just like the person who was chatting with Gu Chen said, she did not expect that Xu Danyun himself would be the one who tried to discredit her.

  (End of this chapter)

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