To Be With You Forever

Chapter 835: To accompany you

   Chapter 835

"Jiayue, before, I always thought, you are still young, you are headstrong, it doesn’t matter, you still have a lot of time to grow up, but now I know it’s wrong, you are in your twenties, and your mother is in your At this age, you are already a wife and a mother. You have a bad mind, and you were bad when you were young. Now, you are already broken in your bones."

Grandma Jian looked sad, "Do you think grandparents don't understand anything? We are old, but we are not blind. Since you came back to this home, you have been fighting against Sang Yu everywhere and squeezing her away. We We all understand that we are thinking about the suffering you had when you were a child, so we have been accommodating you, and let Sangyu accommodate you, tolerate you, but how could it be, accommodate, accommodate, endure, endure, and make you what you are now Like?"

In the eyes of Grandma Jian, there is endless disappointment. Jian Jiayue is her granddaughter. She can't help but love her and hope for her. It is Jian Jiayue who doesn't know how to cherish, and doesn't know how to change, that makes her and her husband once. I was so disappointed this time that I gradually lost hope for her.

"Jiayue, your grandmother and I know that when you and Sang Yu had birthdays early in the morning, you said your stomach hurts, and asked our family to accompany you to the hospital. Halfway to the hospital, you said it didn’t hurt anymore and wanted to go. Amusement park, we all spoil you and listen to you. We took you to play in the amusement park all day and took many photos with you. When it was time to go home after dinner, you said you were uncomfortable. , The big night, the family, spent another night with you in the hospital."

Grandpa Jane still feels unforgettable when he talks about it, "It’s a stomachache, you pretended to take so many photos, just to show off to Sang Yu the next day, it’s also a birthday. Our family, we circled around you. One day, how about Sangyu? I stayed alone at home for a whole day. I was hungry for a whole day. No one was with her at home even at night. No one could talk to her for 24 hours, Sangyu. Ah, happy birthday, you showed off here in Sangyu, you are sad to see Sangyu, you are very happy, you said to Sangyu, this home is yours, she is just a wild child nobody wants, at that time, I Just like your grandma, why are you so young, how can you have so much thought?"

If it weren’t for Grandpa Jian and Grandma Jian who heard Jian Jiayue and Jian Sangyu say these things in Jian Sangyu’s piano room, Grandpa Jian and Grandma Jian would not believe it for the rest of their lives. They said these things and did these things. Will be a little girl who is just a teenager.

"Jian Jiayue, say to yourself, since you came back, what has Sang Yu quarreled with you? But whatever you say you want, what has fallen into Sang Yu's hands? Sang Yu let you and endures you , Do you think that she owes you, she should let you and endure you?" Grandma Jian scolded sharply, "But Jian Jiayue, why do you think you are still living a life of fine clothes and food? If not Sang Yu, I’m afraid you, Jian Jiayue, can only move to the countryside with your parents and our two old people! Where is the second Miss Jian Jiayue in this world?"

"For so many years, your grandma and I watched Sang Yu Ren let you, we always thought, there is always someone in this family who has to pay more, we can only wrong our Sang Yu, to accommodate you, make you happier, but Unexpectedly, I would give in to a cruel person like you."

  (End of this chapter)

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