To Be With You Forever

Chapter 914: So partial

   Chapter 914

"Big Brother Qin, Sister Yu Yan, when did you return to China?" Jian Jiayue looked very excited when she saw her long-lost friend, walked over, holding Qin Ge's hand with one hand, just like when Jian Sangyu was holding Qin Ge when she was a child "How do you come back? Just tell Jian Sangyu without telling me. They are all girls from the Jian family. You are so partial."

Qin Ge was taken aback by Jian Jiayue's sudden emergence, and when he recovered, he quickly withdrew his hand and took a step back, putting his face straight down, "Jian Jiayue, I don't have a sister as big as you," So, don’t yell like big brother or little brother, I don’t recognize you."

   "You are really shameless," Yu Yan is not as polite as Qin Ge.

She pushed away Lin Qianze and Jiang Xing, and directly stood in front of Jian Jiayue, "When will we be back and why should we tell you? The girl from Jian's family, who are we? I want to treat you as a little Jane. Family girl? Jian Sangyu is the sister of all of us, what is your Jian Jiayue?"

"Even if Jane Sangyu is the girl of your Jane family, Jane Sangyu is still our Gu family's grandson-in-law, my brother's daughter-in-law, and Gu's family. Although the same surname is Jane, there are also distinctions between high and low." Jiang Xing lively Talking inside and outside like a prince, they are all mocking Jian Jiayue for being irresponsible.

"I have no other meaning..." Jian Jiayue blushed and gritted her teeth and explained, "I just saw you come back. I am very happy and a little sad. You came back but didn't tell me and didn't play with me when I was a kid. Be friends."

"Why do you want to tell you?" Yu Yan snorted, raised her hand and patted Jian Jiayue's face. The intensity was not light, the insulting meaning was not concealed, "Don't put gold on your own face, who was with you when you were young Such selfish ghosts are playing together? We, have never been friends, okay?"

  In Yu Yan's words, Jian Jiayue came here purely for her own humiliation.

  It’s impossible for Jian Jiayue not to know that they all hate Jian Jiayue. She is here, who can tell her the old times?

  I’m still a friend, and if I say a few more words with someone like her, Jian Jiayue, I feel that I’m lost.

   "Get out of here, don't stand here in the eyes." Yu Yan waved her hand, "If you stay here again, I will let the boss come out and blast you away."

Jian Jiayue knew that Yu Yan had done what she said. She raised her hand to touch the face that was beaten by Yu Yan, and looked at Qin Ge with aggrieved expression. She thought that Qin Ge might be able to say a few words for her. Song directly pretended not to see it, and talked to Jian Sangyu next to him.

  Jian Jiayue stood there for a few seconds before gritting her teeth and turning away.

The people in   Yu Yan’s circle are the ones she tried hard to get in since she was a child, but she was always excluded.

  Why can a Jane Sangyu, an adopted daughter with unknown parents, be like these second-generation official brothers and sisters, Jane Jiayue, the real daughter of the Jane family, will be isolated by this group of people?

If it wasn't for Jane Sangyu to occupy her place, if it wasn't for Jane Sangyu to occupy her life, if she grew up in a compound and met them since childhood, then, now standing in the crowd and being petted by Yu Yan, it is her Jane Jiayue Up!

  Jian Sangyu robbed her parents, the property of Jian’s family, the good days that belonged to Jian Jiayue, and the childhood and playmates that should have belonged to her.

  (End of this chapter)

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