To Be With You Forever

Chapter 971: Good luck

   Chapter 971 Good Luck

  Now going down the mountain, the most is a delay in time and money. If something goes wrong, it will be more than worth the loss. Chen Xian will not gamble with that kind of fortunate mentality.

  After all, it is all life.

   "The guard said that the police would come up from the mountain to pick us up, and we should meet them halfway down the road." Jian Sangyu said.

Chen Xian yelled, and then called Mujin and Chen Zhiyuan who were still filming over there to stop work. Mujin came over and was stunned as soon as he heard this, and subconsciously glanced in Jian Sangyu's direction, then what to say Didn't say, the hand speed was very fast to pack things, and she kept urging her two assistants to speed up.

  Some inexpensive, but cumbersome things, Chen Xian asked people to put them in the tent first, and it was enough to prevent the rain. Seeing that everyone was ready, he directly led people all the way up the mountain.

  But there is a way, what to fear, what to come.

  Within a few minutes after a group of people walked, suddenly a burly man with a dirty body came out from the side of the road.

  The next second, everyone screamed in fright.

  Because this man is holding a gun in his hand.

   Zhou Xuan was so scared that she squeezed directly behind the crowd, and subconsciously wanted to run back to the tent to hide.

  An old senior found Zhou Xuan, and hurriedly pulled the person back, and asked in a low voice, "You are dying to run around at this time!"

   "It's dying to stay here at this time! That person has a gun in his hand!" Zhou Xuan was anxious and afraid, tears streaming out, "I want to go back to the tent and hide."

"There is another murderer who hasn't appeared, so you are not afraid that the murderer is in the tent now? You ran back alone, didn't you just fall into his hands?" The old senior let go of Zhou Xuan's Hand, said, "That's all for me, if you have to run back, that's your business."

  Everyone knows that at this time, of course it is safer to stay in a crowded place.

  There are many people, and if you look for an opportunity, maybe you can work together to subdue people.

  Dozens to one, there is always a chance.

   "Good luck, I was worried about being made dumplings and there were no hostages. I didn't expect that God sent so many hostages at once." Xiao Yong took the gun and looked at the people in front of him, obviously all actors, very happy.

  Good actors, actors have great influence. Taking an actor as a hostage is much easier than taking an ordinary person as a hostage. Xiao Yong glanced in the crowd, trying to find an actor he felt most familiar to, and he wanted the most popular one.

  But then I found out that he hadn't paid attention to TV for too long, so he couldn't tell who these people were.

"Come on, who will tell me, which of you is the biggest star? Whoever told me, I will let him go." Xiao Yong's eyes looked in the crowd, and then the brightest people in the costume Turning around, he pointed at these people with his gun, and asked, "Is it you? Or you? Or is it you who are wearing golden clothes?"

  The golden splendor worn naturally refers to Chen Zhiyuan who played the emperor.

  Fortunately, the whole crew did not persuade anyone to betray others. After Xiao Yong asked, no one said anything, all trying to hide behind without being noticed.

  Jian Sangyu can only say that she was lucky today, and the clothes she wore for the filming in the mountains were the most elegant of all her clothes. Therefore, she was not as conspicuous as she used to be among the crowd.

  (End of this chapter)

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