To Be With You Forever

Chapter 987: Are you still scared?

  Chapter 987 Are you still scared

  "Then give you a hug." Jian Sangyu pretended to say a word.

  However, Gu Chen was obviously not a person who would be polite with his young wife. He held her for a long time without letting go.

  "Today, when I knew that you were kidnapped, I have been regretting it. I should personally send you down the mountain." The mood at that time was like a roller coaster.

  Knowing that Jian Sangyu was kidnapped, it was Xiao Yong with a gun who hijacked Jian Sangyu. Gu Chen really felt like he was going crazy at the time.

"It has nothing to do with you." Jian Sangyu hurriedly said, "You all have to act according to your plan, and you also said that the intersection is a very important pass. If it is not a very important pass, it will not be Gu Chen's turn. You stayed there, and you should be thinking that there are so many people in our crew. Under normal circumstances, the prisoners should choose to avoid the crowd. You did not expect that the people in our crew would be so unlucky, but they just went down the mountain. Time to meet Xiao Yong with a gun."

  Jian Sangyu puts his hands around Gu Chen’s waist, leaning his face against his chest when speaking, "Neither did we expect that there would be a villain in the crew who would push me out."

Jian Sangyu thought, in fact, although Xiao Yong had no patience at the time, there were too many people in the crew. If no one pushed her out at that time, Xiao Yong wanted to take a hostage from their group alone. He himself should I am also afraid of variables.

  At that time, it might be delayed for a few more minutes. As soon as the police arrived, everyone might have a chance to run.

  But there was such a sinister villain who directly pushed her out to protect everyone from disaster.

  "After you came back, you asked Zhou Keke if she saw anyone?" Gu Chen asked.

"Coco was originally in front of me, but then people crowded and pushed around. She was squeezed elsewhere. She couldn't see anyone around me. At that time, she didn't notice me either. The situation here." Jian Sangyu shook his head, "I always feel that there were so many people at that time, it would never be so coincidental, no one saw it, right? Could someone see it, but was afraid of offending people, so I don’t Will you say it?"

   "It's also possible." Gu Chen didn't rule out this possibility. After all, the action of reaching out to push a person is very big, and it is not weak to push Jian Sangyu out to the ground.

  Even if the movement is covered by the crowd, it should show some traces.

This kind of exposing people offends people, and those who can do this kind of thing are all villains. Everyone is afraid to offend villains. Many people in this circle are already in a state of numbness to everything. Everyone is wise to protect themselves. It is also normal not to mix with others.

   "It's getting late, you have to film tomorrow, and rest early." Gu Chen let go of Jian Sangyu as he spoke, and led the person to the bed.

  Jian Sangyu hum, got into the bed first, and after Gu Chen also lay down, she spontaneously moved into Gu Chen's arms and pressed against his chest.

  "Are you still scared?" Gu Chen asked in a soft voice.

   "Actually, I was a little scared before I knew it was you shooting, but I was afraid of Cocoa, so I never dared to let her notice it." In Gu Chen's arms, Jian Sangyu didn't want to pretend or support it.

  This is the warmest place for her, and also the place for her to relax the most.

  (End of this chapter)

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