To Be With You My Love

Chapter 2:Just A Dream

Class is over, Ella and Mark had excuse themselves to their coach in the soccer field

after excusing themselves they immediately went to the library where Miles was waiting

Miles was patiently waiting for the two to arrive

a couple of minutes have passed and finally the two have arrived

they places their bags at the table where Miles was sitting, the three started collecting the books that they needed

while searching a book that they can use Ella's eyes landed on Miles

seeing how Miles is so serious made her heart beat fast

everyone and everything that surrounds them slowly fade away, the only thing Ella can see right now is the person in front of her

all of sudden Ella unconsciously said " I wish I could touch your face"

Miles was surprise his eyes widen and of course he was shock

the girl's eye was all over him

Miles ear turned red just like tomato and his still in shock

then he slowly smile and ask her

"what did you say"

hearing Miles voice bring Ella back to herself "huh" she had no idea what was Miles saying

his smile fade away as he said " you said you wish you could touch my face..."

'oh shot what was I thinking... I accidently said it out loud '

" you know you can touch my face anytime you want "

Ella was speechless

it was silent for almost 5 minutes

suddenly Mark came " hey are you two done? " he ask

while walking back to the table Ella whisper to Miles " I wasn't talking to you " she made her excuse again

Miles just smile

It took them a lot of time in the Library Mark notice that Ella was already hungry

he rolled his eyes and stand,the two was surprise of Mark sudden action

" I'll be back" Mark said then look at Ella

Ella nodded her head with a smile


As soon as I got myself out at the Library I went running to the cafeteria but since it was already 5:31 it was already close so I went out to our campus and run to the nearest convenience store

After buying some food I looked at the food that I bought and smiled since I know that the food I bought is one of Ella's favorite

I finally arrived at the Library

"where have you been " Miles ask me I just ignore him, which is my hobbit

" I bought some food" I said as I place it on the table

" great I was hungry already"Ella said full of excitement


The three are finally done for today, there are only few things left to do and they decided to continue it tomorrow since its getting dark already

their houses are just nearby so they just have to walk to get home

Ella finally reach home, and so are the boys

after taking a warm bath Ella dive into her bed and since her bed is just beside her windows she take a look outside observing their neighborhood then she look at the sky

the stars shines so bright and so is the moon

Ella decided to sleep already cause she sure have a long day tomorrow

she turn the lamp off as she lay her back down to her bed and close her eyes.

It was already so late, stores are close, the street was peaceful, everyone's sleeping already

she finally manage to go back to sleep but without her knowing it was already 4 in the morning she usually get up exactly 5 to prepare her things

her mother knock her door to wake her up

she was still sleepy but she doesn't like to be late so she pull herself together

she arrive at her school when the boys was happily smiling, arms around each other said

" our beautiful princess we finished our project already all we have to do is past" both of them said it at the same time

"ohhh wow that's great you guys are really the best" as Ella said and hug each other

they already past their project and it was a success for the three

soccer game is in next week already so Ella and Mark give their best, Miles was cheering to them every practice

the day has come "THE ALL SPORTS DAY" that's what they called it in their school

a lot of student were watching and cheering on the both Team beacause the great handsome athletic Mark was playing on the Team A while the great athletic and second beauty was playing on the other Team

the game was so exciting specially both great players are playing in different team

the game was not over yet it was getting crowded the game was extremely great

in the end of the game, Mark's team won

Ella's team might lost but there was no hard feelings they send congrats to the other team and give each other a hug

Miles came running toward Ella, few more distance and he'll reach her but before he could

a sudden earthquake stop him and it creat a big crack where Miles was standing

Miles fell deep down in the crack as Ella was terrified she couldn't move

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