29 Do you wish for death?

”Will you eat and stop whining? I’ll really get into trouble now if you keep wasting time!” Pen scolded and quickly took the duvet in her hands and began to squeeze it.

Neera looked at the food in her hand. She knew this was part of Penelope’s meal and she had saved it for her to eat. Tears clouded her eyes, as she thought of what she did to deserve such a good friend.

”Thank you, Pen. ” She said, and Pen looked at her; ”You’re welcome, hurry. It’s getting dark. ”

She said, but before Neera could take a bite of the food, two guards marched toward them.

They both stood up in panic, and Pen wondered if they were sent by Freya to come take her because she was helping Neera; but before they could say anything, the guards held Neera’s arms and dragged her out.

”Let me go! Pen! Pen!” Neera shouted as she was being dragged along.

”Neera!” Pen called after her friend, but could not go with her, scared for her own life, too. Neera struggled against the men, her legs flying in the air; but her strength was nothing compared to them, and given that she had not eaten anything since morning, she gave up and let them take her away.

She stared at the ground as the guards carried her, unable to utter a word. Suddenly they dropped her and she fell to the ground.

”You may leave. ” Neera heard a familiar voice, and she quickly knelt upright, her long hair almost covering all of her face.


Zavian stared at the girl, who was kneeling quietly, not even knowing what to say. He wondered what had given her the audacity to dare not answer when he called for her.
”Where were you?” He asked her. Neera tried to swallow, but her throat was a little too parched, so it hurt.

”I was washing. ”

Zavian paused; standing up from the chair where he sat; he walked towards her; ”did you hear that I sent for you?”

”I did. ” Neera replied, her head still lowered. At this point, she was no longer afraid. What was the worst that would happen? He would kill her? Oh, she wished he would do it quickly and get it over with. At least she would be done with this life. What hell was worse than this?

Zavian was quiet, he couldn’t believe she was talking to him like that.

”Is something wrong with you?” He asked; his tone getting annoyed. Neera did not reply. At her silence, Zavian got angrier.

”Do you wish for death?” Zavian asked in a sinister voice, and Neera looked up at him for the first time.

”Yes,” she replied bravely, her gaze not wavering. ”Yes, I do wish for death. I’ve not had a moment of joy since I was born, and sadly, the best thing that would happen to me now is to die. I want to die. Kill me, Your Majesty, just kill me and forget that I ever existed. Please... I’m tired of this torture... I don’t deserve this. I did not ask to look like your wife. I did not ask to be born. Please, just kill me... ”

Tears poured from Neera’s eyes as she stared at the King, not scared anymore.

Zavian was quiet. He just looked at the girl, who was crying profusely. Her face was red and it seemed like she had been slapped. He had been very angry before, but seeing her crying like that, every ounce of anger dissipated from his body.

”Get up. ” He spoke tenderly, and Neera stood up slowly from the ground. Zavian walked closer to her and she inched backward, moving away from him.

”Don’t move,” he ordered, and she stopped walking. Zavian walked to where she stood and tilted her head upwards, pushing her hair to the side so he could see her face.

Neera wanted to hide her face, but he held her still;

”Who did this to you?” Zavian asked, visible anger written on his face. He looked mad.

”Please, Your Majesty. Do make me tell you, I do not want to get into more trouble. ” Neera cried, her voice breaking at every word. She did not want him to get in trouble with his sister. It would only make Freya punish her more. She wished he would just let her be.

Zavian tried to read her thoughts, but she had blocked him off.

”If you do not tell me, I would find out myself; ” he said, and she bit her lower lip. ”Your Majesty, I beg of you. It was nothing.”

Zavian looked at her and saw that she really did not want to tell him. He wondered who it was that hurt her that she had refused to say, even when he asked twice, and he could only think of one person.

”It was Freya, right? She slapped you?” Zavian asked, letting her chin go, and turning to the door. Neera instantly fell to her knees.

”Your Majesty, please. I beg you. I will do anything you ask of me; please do not ask her about it. ”

Neera knew Freya would get angrier if Zavian fought with her because of a mere slave girl. She didn’t even want to imagine what Freya would do to her next.

Zavian stopped in his tracks, and then he turned to look at the girl, who was kneeling. He was mad at his sister for slapping her, but he knew what she was afraid of, and she was right. The more he treated her like she meant something to him, the more trouble he got her into.

Zavian sighed and walked back to where Neera knelt and lifted her up by her hand. Taking her to the couch, he made her sit.

Neera sat down quietly, her head still bowed. She noticed Zavian, left, and then came back with a bowl.

He sat down in front of her and lifted her face so she would look at him.

Neera looked up and her eyes locked in his, and she swallowed. He was staring tenderly at her, concern written in his eyes.

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