31 Lilah...

”Oh was that the reason?” Neera asked; well, she knew that whatever made Freya that mad involved the King, but she didn’t know the exact reason.

”Yes, I overheard when she was talking to Beatrice; but not to worry, now the King said he would protect you, there is nothing they can do. ”

After Pen finished eating; they lay down in the dark, talking about other things before sleep overtook them.

Morning came faster than they knew; Beatrice had specially come to wake them up. She ordered them to wait outside for an address. After they had all gathered, Beatrice walked in front of them.

”News reaching me is that the Dukes of the seven kingdoms and their daughters will arrive in a week’s time.”

At her words, the maids turned to themselves, mumbling beneath their breath.

”And that means that for the next few days, there would be a lot of work to do in the Castle. You should bear in mind that one of the ladies coming to the Castle would be your next queen, and you do not want to get on the bad side of the queen.

Everywhere would be thoroughly cleaned up and organized, and when this is done, I’ll appoint personal maids that will serve the Princesses when they arrive. But for now, all hands should be on deck. There would be zero tolerance for laziness, and anyone found slacking would be severely punished. ”

Lady Beatrice said, and she paused, looking at all of them. When the girls came back and Adeline was not with them, she guessed what had happened to her. She knew her behavior would get her in trouble soon, but she did not know it would be that soon. The maids were sad about her death, but they were a little glad she was gone. Although Adeline crossed the line a few times, she was one of the maids that maintained decorum in the court, and Beatrice wasn’t happy she was dead.

”The head maids should wait behind and the rest, return to your normal chores. ” Beatrice said to them, and they dispersed; as they walked away; Beatrice called Neera.

”Neera, wait behind,” she said, and Neera waited till she finished addressing the other maids, and then she turned to her.

”Did you finish washing the sheets yesterday?” she asked, and Neera nodded;

”Yes, I did,”

Lady Beatrice paused for a while; ”The king wants you to meet with him this morning, so you would be relieved of all chores.”

Neera’s eyes dilated, but she did well to contain her excitement. ”Okay, Lady Beatrice. I’ll report to his chambers now.”

Beatrice stared at the girl for a moment, and then she walked away. A smile broadened Neera’s lips. This was the first thing the King had done for her that had made her happy; well, apart from having her eat with him.

Her hands still hurt from yesterday’s chores, she didn’t even want to imagine how much more they would peel if she did tedious work again.

Although she was happy he relieved her of her duty, she didn’t want this to be permanent; it would only attract more hatred to her.

Neera took her bath and changed into clean clothes before hopping off to meet with Zavian. She did well to contain her excitement, not wanting him to see that she was glad that he sent for her.

When she got to his door, she stopped smiling, and then she knocked;

”Come in. ” The familiar voice sounded from inside, and Neera pushed open the door.

”Come organize these books. ” Zavian spoke as she entered the room; without raising his head from what he was doing. The books that were piled up on his table had been scattered about on the floor, and she wondered what he was looking for.

Neera walked to the table, and squatted down, packing the books that were littered on the ground. She wondered what he was looking for so seriously that early morning.

As she piled the books, her hands kicked a book that was already in the stack, and it fell to the ground. Neera’s eyes turned to it; it was a very old book. She frowned as she picked it up, and a brown dusty piece of paper fell from it. Neera hesitated, but then picked it up and opened it. On the paper was a drawing. Her heart stopped beating for a second as she stared at the drawing of a woman on the brown paper.

The woman looked exactly like her. She had a smile on her face, and she was lying on a bed, with sheets covering her naked body. Her hair was ruffled, and her hand supported her head up as she stared at someone, probably the person who drew her. There was no difference between them, and if not that no one had ever sketched her in her life, Neera would have mistaken the woman to be her.

At the end of the paper was a fine inscription of the words; Lilah...

Neera’s heart banged against her chest as she stared at the drawing in her hand, sweat breaking out on her face. Although everyone had said she looked like the dead queen, she had thought it was a mere resemblance. But seeing the drawing, she couldn’t believe her eyes. This woman was exactly her!

Like she was her reincarnation.

Neera’s hands shook as the paper fell from her hand and Zavian’s eyes drew to it.

”Give that to me,” He said, his eyes still fixed on the paper on the floor. Neera picked it up and gave it to him.

”It fell from this book. ” She stammered, afraid that she had gotten him mad. Neera stood still for a moment as she waited for him to lash out at her, but Zavian was calm.

He just stared at the drawing for a moment, then he folded it back and placed it inside the book.

She was surprised. The drawing must have brought back memories, but he didn’t show any expression on his face. Seeing that he wasn’t sending her away; Neera squatted back down and continued to organize the books.

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