33 Do you want the truth?

He withdrew his hand after the girl took the cup from him; her fingers seemed uneasy as they wrapped around the cup of water.

When she was done, she kept it back on the table and continued eating, doing well to avoid looking at him. The atmosphere was awkward now; this was the first time Zavian was acting out of line.

Thankfully, the servant was not there when it happened; it was just between the two of them. The last thing she wanted now was another wave of rumors.

The atmosphere became awkward as both of them ate quietly, none saying a word.

They ate quietly when suddenly, a small blue-colored bird danced around them, chirping excitedly before it stopped on Neera’s hand. Neera quickly shook her hand, scaring it away. The bird flew away and came back to her hand. She shook her hands again, but this time it did not leave.

”Don’t chase it away. ” Zavian said, ”It was Lilah’s favorite bird,” Zavian said, and she looked at him in surprise. She was surprised at the fact that the bird had lived for more than 500 years, but more surprised that it could not tell that she was not the queen.

Neera tensed up as she stared at the bird, which was staring at her, chirping loudly. She did not know what to do; she just raised her hand and patted it on its head. Picking out a piece of bread, she gave it to it. The bird picked it up and flapped its wings, flying away.

Neera watched as it flew away, a small smile stretching her lips;

”Lilah doted on it so much when she was alive;” he said; ”It must have thought you were her. ”

Zavian spoke, and she looked at him;

”I did not know that some birds lived for up to 500 years. ” She said, still awed at what had just happened.

”Some live for a thousand years; they are just a few of them, though. They are demon-breeds and they have heightened senses; that is why it remembered Lilah even after these years.”

Neera smiled, and then she asked; ”What are your plans of bringing her back?” she asked as she looked at Zavian.

”That is where we are going to after breakfast. ”

Neera had asked out of curiosity; she did not think he had any plans in motion for it. Her heart raced as she thought of what he would do to her wherever he would take her to.

”Where are we going to?” Neera asked. Although she knew this was going to happen soon, she had not prepared herself for it. What if she was going to die?

”You will know when we get there. ” Zavian said.

The rest of the meal went silently. Neera’s stomach tightened as she was not able to eat again. She felt uneasy as her whole countenance changed. Just when she was a little happy, tragedy came knocking. Could fate even let her smile properly before trying to ruin it?

After the meal, Zavian took her to the witches’ coven. They were the only ones he was sure had an answer to his question. When he arrived, the witches welcomed him and quickly went to fetch Eloise; the head witch. Neera’s heart raced as she sat on a small stool beside the king, amid the peering eyes of the witches. After a short while, Eloise walked out of an adjacent door, supporting herself with a stick; when she saw Zavian, she smiled.

”I heard you were back from the battle. I was to come to see you but you beat me to it. What brings you here, my King?” She asked, walking towards him and bowing her head in respect.

Her eyes peeked at the girl sitting on the small stool beside him, and she smiled; ”she must be the rumored one. The one who looks like your queen.”

The witches had heard of Neera, but only a few had seen her. Eloise had not seen her before, but she knew who she was the moment she looked at her, and there was no other reason for the King to visit the coven himself if it was not for something as important as this.

”Yes, she is. ” Zavian replied.

”And what have you come to seek?” the witch asked as she supported herself with the wooden stick in her hands; although it was a bit obvious what he had come for, she wanted to hear it from his lips.

”You know what I am here for Eloise. Is it possible?” he asked. ”I would do anything. ”

Neera’s heart skipped a beat at the determination in his voice. She looked at him, and his unblinking gaze told her that he could really do anything, even killing her. Her body grew cold and she lowered her head. She did not have a right to live anyway; she belonged to him, and he could do anything to her as he pleased.

Eloise chuckled lightly as her eyes moved to the girl seated by his side, and she shook her head;

”I need to talk to you alone,” she said, and Zavian motioned for Neera to leave, and she stood up and walked out of the court.

When she was out, Eloise sighed; ”Your Majesty, do you need the truth, or do you want me to tell you what you want to hear?” She asked, and Zavian frowned. Whenever she spoke like that, he knew she had bad news.

Zavian paused for a second, and then he spoke; ”Tell me the truth. ”

”Your wife... is never coming back. She is dead, Zavian, your father made sure of that.” Eloise spoke without mincing words. There was silence in the room as Zavian’s expression darkened;

”Then how can you explain what the girl is?” he asked, anger flowing with his words;

”I remember telling you years ago, that there is something evil coming, and it would be difficult to resist this evil. I told you weeks back that this evil is closer than it can ever be, and if you let it overwhelm you, it will cost you your life. ”

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