To Deprive a Deprived Person

Episode 229: The story is over

"It's not stupid."

Claudia tells Yarkum that she is exhausted.

"Joseph won't let that happen"

Then, as Lara warns, Yarkum snorts loudly, "Hmm."

"I don't care about Bonkla.

The important thing is how to deal with the impossible challenges posed by envoys of finance ministers who will also come tomorrow and the day after. And for that kid named Sato, why don't you use your hands to help us on this side!

"Why is the Minister of Finance's messenger related to her?"

"There's a dialect out there."

Yarkum continues his conversation as he ignores Lara's scratch and roughs his tone.

"I have always sporadically refused to invite you to the faction. There has been harassment against Lord Muss, but this time I don't mean it. Your fucking finance minister makes you say things to power and listen to what you have to say. It's not about doubling Cummer's tax! And at the request of the other side, I'll give Satou a medal, so bring him in. I'll tell him."

"Huh? There's no way that kid would ride such a clear trap."

"Even if I know it's a trap, I don't want you to go!

"What does Muss say?

"Whoa, whoa! Honor me!!

To Yarkum's roar, Lara quickly blocked her ears, but Claudia hurriedly regained her posture as her reaction fluttered with delayed tinnitus, about to fall off the chair.

"Lord Muss is away in a meeting with the neighboring nobles. Well, the messenger might be here tomorrow, so he'll be back by then."

Instead of Yarkum shaking her body with anger, Lauren, who is on the wall, answers Lara's question.

"Ouch...... You idiot! Asshole!! What are you going to do when you are deaf of my ears!!

"Unlike you guys, I don't owe Muss. So I won't honor you, and I don't need to hear you say it."

Are you wary of Yarkum's fury, Lara remains ear blocked?

"Already! It was Lara's fault."

Claudia, who has not yet recovered from the tinnitus, tries to slap Lara on the head, but Lara gently smites at it.

"If you're talking about Satou, I disagree."

"Me too. Joseph pisses me off."

"If we talk, it's over. Five in favour, one in neutrality, one in opposition."

"What do you mean?"

Claudia's eyes narrow.

Soon, Lauren was repositioning himself near the door.

"Oh, I know which one disagrees. You can't be in numbers from the beginning."

"Do you want Joseph to bump me out again? Now apologize and you won't forgive me."

"Amen. I'm not scared or anything. Woe. Lately, if I open my mouth, Yu, Yu and I feel bad trying to be a maiden. That was so strong when I first came to Cummer. I was more scared than anything. But now I'm done."

Claudia and Lara had their hips slightly afloat from the chair. It is in a position to move at any time.

"Are you going to kill Noon?

"Not very well - eh!?

An arrow with a spiral rotation shot through the back of Claudia's head more than a window - it looked like it.

With minimal movement, Claudia shook an arrow. The arrow was piercing the thick wooden table as it was and poking it through the floor. Still, the arrows keep spinning.


Claudia whines about the name of Mardary, one of the non-existent eaters.

Lara looks out the window, but Mardary's figure in sight has no shadow or shape.

It was a terrible bow skill in how far he shot an arrow, not to mention targeting Claudia's head indoors.

"I think I'll take it, but I'll take it easy on you now."


Claudia was furious because the arrow that Mardary had shot earlier had involved several pieces of hair. Spirits drifting around Claudia are moving around in a hurry, as if to respond to it.

"What are you going to do?

On behalf of Claudia, who is excited, Lara asks Yarkum.

"Hi. I can't let this get in the way.

Ask Mardary to stop you here. "

"You think you can do that!!

"I can."

It was Lauren, not Yarkum, who answered.

"Mardary's arrow is out the window, and I'm guarding the door. Instead of weapons, how are you going to break through without even wearing protective equipment?"

"Here's how."

With that said, Lara unleashes a back fist on the wall. It is a blow wrapped around the A-rank adventurer's 'fight'. Originally, it is something that seems to be shattered, such as a wall, but instead of breaking, the wall did not enter one crack and absorbed the shock so that the whole room waved.

"I didn't tell you guys. This room is a special specification reinforced by the spiritual magic of the earth by Lampoo. You can't break it with a little soft-attack."

"Can you interfere with the Spirit and disarm it?

Although Lara asks Claudia, the same spiritual magic user.

"That's hard."

"I was the idiot I expected"

"Oh, my God!

Claudia tries to catch Lara as she raises her hysterical gold cuts, but Lara does. Lara gazes sideways at the Yarkum and the others, but could not find a gap. Claudia then stops the movement perfectly and pounds her tongue.

"I knew it was an act.

You're not trying to fool me. I know your strength better than anyone. You can be more vigilant, but you won't weaken it. "

"Come on, Ka-chan, it's time to go."


"Don't wait. Shit."

Dozens of arrows strike Claudia from the outside. Direct, curved, and various orbital arrows pierce Claudia. Claudia plays an arrow with the Spirit of the Wind magic, but couldn't go after Yarkum any further.

Claudia and Lara were unable to do anything but escort Yarkum out of the room.

Boulevard of the city Cummer.

There was a figure of Lena walking to be buried in a wave of people in the midst of a mess.

"... Mmm."

Look to the left and wave the wand.

"... Mmm"

Look to the right and wrinkle between your brows.

"... no one will come"

He intended to look around him in earnest, but his appearance pointed a smiling gaze at the people around him.

Now, Lena dresses up when she does her usual adventures, such as wands and robes, despite the whole city. I'm not going to dive into the labyrinth or hunt in the Great Forest or anything else.

What are you doing, wandering around the city feeding yourself?

The attack on Agafon and the others was a shocking event for Lena as well. Besides, the person you raided is of the same race as yourself.

Flavia's dismay at being deprived of her Yu handmade item pouch was such a terrible thing that Lena superimposed herself and Flavia and accidentally grabbed the floral item pouch she was lowering from her neck so hard from the top of her robe.

Those agafons are diving into the labyrinth early in the morning to regain their trust, saying they were disappointed by Yu. To the appearance of those healthy agaphons, Lena had anger burning like a flame in her heart of what was not on the surface.

"... take a short break"

Lena's forehead was sweaty with thin slices because she kept walking for hours claiming she was here on the boulevard where the most people would go in the city camer. Moving to the open cafe along the boulevard, Lena asks for drinks and snacks.

Hold onto the wooden cup with both hands and keep watching to monitor the boulevard while drinking fruit water.

I just drank about half of the fruit water, and Lena puts the cup on the table.

"... are you hungry?

Several birds were standing down at the table. With a small squeal, he stared at Lena's sandwich, tilting his face like he was forcing him to bait.

Lena gives the sandwich a chisel to make it easier for birds to eat. The birds peck with great joy, but there was a bird who would not eat only one.

"... what's wrong? Eat... Golem."

Because it was too exquisite and natural a move, Lena could not realize that the bird was a golem until she looked carefully. The golem of the bird shakes his neck firmly, urging him to follow Lena.

Lena chased the golem of a flying bird across Mithril's throat when she paid for it.

"Damn, no. I can't go after him."

"I have no choice. That's it."

"Oh, don't forget the report."

The folks at the Lena Fan Club, who were watching the situation around them, continued to look in the direction of Lena's flying away with regret.

"I'm not stopping you"

"Because I know you don't have to say it anymore. It's gonna stop."

Nepola and Tin were mowing down the grass that spread through the mansion's garden.

Previously inhabited by Hisui, the plants, which could not be handed out and could be bred indefinitely, were also made to be taken care of by the Tins, as now they deserve the mansion inhabited by the Lord Yu.

Still, the effect of hissing is that plants thrive faster than usual. If we don't take care of it a few times a month, the grass will cover the outer walls surrounding the mansion in no time. Elsewhere with the Tins, Marifa and Melanie are mowing the grass the same way.

"Hey, Tin."


"Is it my fault that your sister looks in a bad mood in the morning?

Nepola turns her gaze toward Marifa as she pays for her curly hair. Melanie, working with me on the side, looked frightened everywhere.

"It's not my fault. Your husband went out alone today, so it's like he left your sister and she's stubborn."

"I see. That's why Namari and Momo stubbornly went to town in the morning."

"Tin, did you say something?

Marifa the dark elf has very good ears. I've heard everything from the beginning, including the conversation between Tin and Nepola.

"I didn't say anything - Right, Nepola?

"Please don't get me involved"

"Nepola is terrible to abandon even though she's the same slave-made apprentice. It's gonna stop."

"Please don't say bad things about people. That would be Tin's loss."

Tin protests as he punches Nepola in the stomach - making it look like he was rubbing Nepola's big chest.

"At all, what are those two doing"

"Oh, really?"

Melanie agrees as she freaks out at the grumpy Marifa in the morning. It was Melanie working in Marifa's mood, but the figure of Vanamo rushing this way from across the gate enters her sight.


Vanamo rushes to pick the edge of her skirt and suddenly stops in front of Marifa.

"What's the matter?

You were ordered to mow the weeds around the mansion. "

"Not quite! Sister, check this out."

Give Marifa the letter Vanamo has in his hand.

"This is... Count Muss' crest."

"I have confirmed that there are no traps, magic, etc. Earlier, I was told that a servant in the service of the Count Muss family would give this letter to your sister."

"Not to your husband, but to me"

Marifa carefully peels off the seal of the letter and checks the contents. Every time I follow with my eyes what is written in that letter, my long ears move piquely.

"Sister, what does the letter say?

Vanamo wants to know what's written in the letter, or he tries to peek into Marifa's hand ahead of time, but still wasn't tall enough.

"Nepola, I don't see the Agaphones, do you have any idea where they are?

"Yes. I have been diving into the labyrinth since the early morning. My husband Otope said he won't be back for at least a week"

"That's convenient.

Vanamo, gather them all at once. "

"Yes, sir! Yes, sir."

Marifa instructed Vanamo to gather all the slave maid apprentices when she went to the item pouch where the letter was sewn onto the maid's clothes.

Slam Street in the city Cummer.

Many residents are assigned jobs and those who earn a steady income drop their money in the slums by Alcom, a company that woke up with the mafias who tear up Yu and Slam Street. Gold moves by those who benefit from it, and by buying things in slums. With the circulation of money, residents of slum streets with indefinite addresses were able to gain access to more gold and things than before, greatly improving their standard of living.

Blunt if you are poor. As the inhabitants of Slam Street grew richer, so did security, so much so that they drew the line from many of the other slum streets in other cities. But still, Slam Street is Slam Street.

A little off the street is a dangerous place, no matter what.

The place where Nina and Joz are was also the corner of such a dangerous slum city. The surrounding area is a vacant lot surrounded by buildings that are still likely to collapse.

The residents of Slam Street, sensitive to the dangerous smell, left the scene so that the waves would draw to the atmosphere of Nina and Joz.

"I told you the story.

I want Nina to ask Yu to cooperate. "


"You may not have noticed, but Master Muss has always protected Yu from many nobles and forces. If you feel at all grateful for it, will you help me?

Of course, when Yu goes to King's Capital, I promise to accompany him as an escort. "

Joz tries to convince Nina from earlier, but Nina's reaction is unexpected - not anywhere. They don't show interest as if they're not interested.

"I don't have time for this.

Even now, other diners are headed to Lena and Marifa to try their best to make Yu listen. Every single one of them is more rigid than me. "

"Why should Yu be involved in Mr. Muss (...) 's troubles?

"Nina, Master Muss (...)"

Forced to hold on to his anger, Joz advises.

"Such nonsense - don't think Mr. Muss should do something about it himself"

It's the second time.

Now I didn't hide my anger or my killing. The willingness to kill released from Joz's entire body is slammed by Nina, but Nina recieves like a grass tree blown by the wind.

"There's a better way than that."

Nina walks away with her arms around her back.

When I look back at the lid, I tilt my body so much that it looks like it's going to turn forward as it is. Two daggers were held in both hands: Black Dragon, Claw, Black Dragon, and Fang.

"Oh, my God."

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