To Deprive a Deprived Person

Episode 237: Summer bugs flying into fire

Wyatt Goffa Buff.

Among the many nobles in the Kingdom of Oudon, he was so admired by the nobles and the people among the nobles.

The sense of justice that does not tolerate that evil is awesome. Whether the opponent was noble if he worked evil, it was a solemn harshness without adding a hand or a heart.

It was therefore not infrequently neglected by other nobles, but admired by the people with immense support.

He was a distinguished Earl of Wyatt with a stronger side of justice than anyone else, but he combined his abilities just enough to exercise it.

With just a few dozen gestures, he has flirted with the armies of other countries that have invaded their territory and earned time until the arrival of the Royal Wodon Army, or led 10,000 troops to destroy a large group of demons.

It was more than twenty years ago now that Count Wyatt, who was said to be a nobleman in that nobility, staged a conspiracy.

There were various theories about this rebellion.

It was all too reckless and inexplicable that the Earl of Wyatt, who had excelled individually and as a general leading the army, marched for the King's Capital with thousands of soldiers, not to mention internal affairs. In fact, many voices of doubt ranged from other nobles and knights, to conspiracy theories that some had instigated Count Wyatt, to those who suspected that intelligence agents from other countries were insinuating, to those who claimed that they had been manipulated by magic and skill.

But under any circumstances, conspiracy is conspiracy. The Kingdom of Oudon turned to one old man against the rebels led by Count Wyatt.

Yes, there was only one old man, not the army - the Great Sage.

A circular from the Wang capital, Tenkasi, ordered the troops of each city dotted from the city Kamer to the Wang capital to stand by.

As if he had known about it beforehand, the Earl of Wyatt went bare through each city and at once approached the present day of the king's capital, but it was the Great Sage who stood in its way. Before the battle began, it is said that there was some conversation between Count Wyatt and the Great Sage, but its contents have not been revealed.

And the battle - no. That wasn't the kind of thing you could call a fight. The Great Sage literally ravaged the fierce warriors led by Count Wyatt.

Count Wyatt himself is a martial artist proud of the force that can be easily butchered if he is a monster of Rank 7 alone. And the knights that hardened their surroundings were no less array of soldiers.

But - he was powerless in front of the Great Sage.

Numerous "sword moves," "spear moves," "bow moves," and high-end magic are constantly unleashed on the Great Sage, but they didn't even achieve as many scratches as hairs.

And less than half an hour after the war began, the rebels led by Count Wyatt were wiped out without even a single step into the king's capital, Tenkasi.

In the Kingdom of Oudon - no, the clan royalist party of those who resorted to rebellion, no matter which country - i.e. executions are common.

In practice, however, Count Wyatt's Buff family had no title stripping, rather than execution. On the contrary, even though the title was taken over by his son, Muss, who did not join the rebels, the minister who had served the Buffs for many years was also blameless.

It's not a fuss about amnesty.

Even though it was immensely popular from folk grass, though there were pleadings for commutation from many nobles, it was a treatment that was generous enough for the nobility who drew a bow to the king.

Value Volvi Knox was involved in this, and it was whispered in the royal palace and among the nobles.

From that time onwards, Value had emitted a different colour.

It has jumped through even the prestigious Knox family, and even though it has not taken its place in the Lord, it can also be seen from the fact that it has already been recited the title of Viscount.

It was victorious enough to win a harsh power struggle against rivals alongside their families and others from their blood-sharing fruit brothers, and to avoid even direct rivalries with the Values, who already had mighty power and violence in their hands.

It was rumored that the value appealed directly to King Woodon to prevent the Buffs from assuming responsibility for the rebellion perpetrated by Count Wyatt.

Though a Viscount, it is not surprising that a nobleman may take up a title rather than a territory for disrespect if he complains directly to the King and also speaks out to the punishment of a conspiracy committed by a nobleman with the title of Earl.

In fact, however, the punishment for the conspiracy committed by Count Wyatt was only necessary for the Count Wyatt, a party, and the knights and soldiers who had joined the army. It is essentially like no blame because it has also been killed by the Great Sage.

The nobles also rumored that Value Volwy Knox was going to take the Buffs into his faction sooner or later because he was whispered to be involved in something about the Buffs.

But the Buffs were never taken in by the Value Faction.

The young Mus Goffa Buff, who succeeded Count Wyatt, didn't do it right.

The conspiracy by his father, Wyatt, distanced him not only from the nobility throughout the Kingdom of Oudon, but even from the nobility he had been pleading with, losing many ministers and leaving the Buffs again.

In such circumstances, Muss, along with a few remaining ministers, has defended the city's territory.

"What the hell!!

A hysterical woman's voice echoes in one of Count Muss's halls. Muss sitting face-to-face never moves, sipping tea with the same look as usual.

"Lord Pauline, I wonder if a lady would be so loud."

Pauline's willow eyebrows hoist over this even as she smiles at the muss to teach her little one.

"Count Muss. Don't call your name familiar!

Is it understood that you are the one who is in a bad mood for me! You refuse to take the liberty of inviting Finance Minister Value, so go out of your way, you bastard! You must be taking your feet to such a despicable place!!

"Haha. I don't know how despicable it is. Even so, urban camers are growing well every year. If you grow up as you are, it's not your dream to be the best city, except for Wang Du."

"I don't care about that.

What interests me is that you come to the Minister of Finance of Value, who is in the King's Capital, apologize for your previous disrespect and bow your head and join the faction.

And - "

"Trouble. Even if they tell you to bring Satou to the king's capital."

"What's the trouble? Your Majesty praises you for the Wodon Grand Prix. I don't think anyone's ever said no to something more honorable."

"Um, because Satou isn't into those things. And I'm ashamed to say that the diners in my arms rubbed against Satou the other day. To be honest, it's hard to invite."

"I wonder what you're going to say.

What do you need to shy away from when the aristocratic Count Muss is a slightly armored adventurer? All you have to do is order. "

Close the fan that Pauline was expanding to irritate. I didn't even think Muss would refuse to convince me, even though I went all the way from King's Capital to Cummer.

"If you're the one who orders me to listen, it's easier for me, too."

"I seem to be relaxing from earlier. Forgive me, Minister of Finance, for such an ambiguous attitude, but I will not allow this!

"Ha. I don't mean to. I know very well that Lord Pauline is a messenger sent by Minister of Finance Value, and I know what that means."

"Then shut up and don't admit it!

Though the envoy of the Value Minister of Finance, Pauline's transgressive attitude without a title was also a shard of respect for Muss with the Earl's title.

But you are allowed to behave so much. No, the power of the Value Minister of Finance was so great that he had to live with it.

Nung, the butler who refrained on Muss' side, had the same expression as usual, but in his heart he was so angry at Pauline's behavior that his bowels boiled back.

"Count Muss in the first place. You will owe it to Finance Minister Value."

"Benefit? Is something wrong?"

"Shame on the Buffs (...), who do you think protected the Buffs from the conspiracy waged by Wyatt Goffa Buffs? Value wealth like no other -"

That's when the teacup falls.

Muss defeated him. Everyone's gaze gathers to the table at the sound.

Teacup tea passes over the table and drips to Muss' feet. Though time has passed since brewing, the hot tea falls into Muss' trousers and the stain spreads.

Originally, the butler's nung was something the maids were likely to respond to quickly, but no one could move.

"My father, Wyatt - Lord Pauline, I didn't hear you very well. Again, can you tell me what you said?

There is no change in muss - it should be. It's an unusual floating muss, but the indoor air was still getting heavily bitter. That is so much so that those other than Muss feel as if they were carried even in stone.

"Dear Mr. Muss, there's something for you."

Nung, who regained me as soon as possible, wipes Muss' dirty trousers with a silk handkerchief. Next the maids rushed to hide the dirty part with a new arm towel.

(I am pressured by the weak and the weak by the nobles of Wang Du!?

Pauline was licking against Muss, who was born weak and had no notable history of war.

I was reminded before me that the idea was a mistake, an unknown object in the skin of someone smiling in front of me.

Pauline hastily widened her fan and hid her mouth so that she could not notice her fright.

"And it was silent."

"Yeah. That's fine."

"The response is… I will wait until tomorrow"

"Then you should stay in the hall today. Let's get you a room."

"Fine. If I stay in the Hall of the Count Muss, where I am unmarried, let alone single, some of you may say something wrong."

"That's a shame.

Sometimes I have trouble in strange lands. If you have any problems, don't hesitate to use the nung you have here. "

"Not only in case of trouble, but what can I tell you?"

"I care for you. It hurts.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I remind you of an emergency. "

Nung and the maids bowed their heads and dropped off Pauline leaving the room early.

Leaving the Muss hall, Pauline took her squire and escorts to the west gate of the city Kammer.

What you see ahead along the road through the West Gate is Yu's mansion, which everyone who is a resident of the city Kammer knows.

So Pauline raised her second hysterical shout today.

"What the hell!! Say it again!!


Your husband will not see you. "

That's what I answered in front of the mansion was Ariane, a slave-made apprentice fox. There were other raccoons, Pocoli, and Nepola the devil, staring at Pauline and the others with their faces.

"Who do you think I am, so awesome!

Lower slut civilians.

It is also blocked by fans so that the smell of the subhumans and those who despise them does not reach their noses, but it was obvious to whoever saw Pauline exasperate.

"Which is it?

It's better to call your husband and scatter him without a name, and you don't know who he is. "

There is force in the hand that is layered with pockets of dust just saying "well said" to Ariane's words.

"Oh, my God! Bullshit, you rude bastard!!

Since birth, Pauline, who had never been treated in such a varied manner, had been more humiliated by the fact that the other person was a subhuman. As a result, instead of dyeing his face red with anger, he was on the contrary enough to realize for himself that his blood would draw and turn blue.


One of Pauline's escorts tries to pull out his sword, but he puts his hand on the pattern.

"Huh! Ke, the sword - what is this cloth!?

The hand holding the pattern of the guard man and the sheath of the sword were tied with cloth. No matter how powerful or frightened the man was, the cloth was hardened like iron when he saw it.

"Ki, you." Cloth Magician "hey!!

A man from the escort stares at Nepola.

A cloth was tied to Nepola's right hand and the man's arm in the escort. The cloth is a waistcloth of made-up clothing. If Nepola, the "Cloth Magician," puts a soft cloth in his hands, he turns it into steel.

"Do you know where this place is? Our Lord has the same status and voice as the Baron, although it is the B-rank Adventurer, the Territory that does not hold. I am so intent on turning the Adventurer Alliance as well as the Kingdom of Wodon against my enemies, such as pulling out my sword in front of that mansion!

Escorts and squires wander over Nepola's reprimand.

At the same time, we realized that we were at a disadvantage for our legitimacy, while understanding that we could not win a decent battle for Nepola's early work, which took control of the lead at an inconspicuous speed.

"I am a nobleman of the Kingdom of Oudon. Bring Satou now if you know what I mean. In the first place, how long are you keeping me waiting in a place like this!!

There was only one person - Pauline. The behavior was absolute to me, and I caught a glimpse of arrogance that the other person should acknowledge the non, even if it was wrong.

"Name and title, please."

Pocoli asks pale.

"Beep! Bu, impudent!! Who I am..."

"So I'm asking you"

Pauline's whole body trembles with anger.

"I decide that not being able to answer means that you do not have a title. Well, welcome home."

"The maid of honor has been disrespectful for a while! Do you know who this one is!! You are the daddy's maid!!

"Satou doesn't even know how to be polite to guests!!

Neither did the cursing guards nor the words of their servants echo one thing to the Arianes.

"Your husband will not meet the nobility of the understated (...). At least come back with a reciprocal title or a letter of introduction from Count Muss"

Do you think Pocoli could darkly see a nobleman like you as our master? He said.

"Looking forward to seeing you again"

All the while he heard no cursing words or anything, Ariane bowed her head deeply and dropped off the Paulines.

"Also, I'm sorry. Oh... forgive me."

"Who are you talking to! You know who I am!

Pauline slaps a man in the face with a whip. The man's face swells up while he sees it, about doubling.

The man being slapped is the man of the escort who was sealed in motion by Nepola on the contrary in an earlier attempt to pull out his sword.

"You! Because of impudence! How humiliating do you think I've tasted!! I inherit honorable blood! I, the nobleman!! They made fun of me when I was a sub!!

"Hih. Forgive me."

Pauline had rented out the top floor of the most formatted inn in the city of Camer. As a matter of course, he expelled the guests who had taken the lodging earlier.

"Ha ha."

When Pauline, who roughs her breath, throws a whip, her squire offers a chilled towel and tea.

Cummer has an assassination guild, too.

Pauline asks her squire as she cools her hands with heat in a towel.

Yes, sir.

One of my squire answers. I could see the color of fear in my eyes.

"Go right away, get Satou. - No. Arrange for everyone to be assassinated, including that sub."

"Huh!? Oh, that's... so you don't mind?

"Anything you want to say?

"Wow, I don't have time for that."

"Go quickly if you find out. I don't care how much money it costs. Tell him to kill as much pain as he can."

"Shh, soon!

Several squires and escorts rush out of the room.

"Heh, heh. This pissed me off. You don't think it's going to be easy."

Assassination guild.

As its name suggests, it is a guild that undertakes murder with money.

If it is a slightly larger town or city, one or two assassination guilds exist.

And, naturally, the city camer...

"It's the fruit shop behind this street. So if you buy two app fruits with one gold coin and one imperial gold coin, the conductor will take you where you want to go."

"Okay. This is an information fee."

To a man who only looks like a vagrant, Pauline's squire turns to the fruit shop by giving him an information fee.

"Welcome to"

"Give me two app fruits. Here's the price."

When the grocery store owner receives the gold and imperial gold coins, he calls the old man in the back of the store.

"The rest will be guided by this sausage. Nah, you just have to keep up."

As you follow the old man with a bent hip, you will see the doors that lead to the abandoned underground waterway as he turns several alleys and passes through the old buildings.

The guide's old man offered the door with a cane, and only said that he could guide him so far, and that he would guide him back in the same way.

"All right, let's go"

"Though the guild, the opponent is an assassination guild. Don't be alarmed."

"I know."

A large cobblestone square jumps into his eyes as the men proceed along the abandoned underground waterway with vigilance. There a constant amount of light was maintained in the magic props, so bright that there was no need to stare at them even though they were underground.

"You know what we're doing?

"Hihi. Oh, come see us all the way to this place. You have one business to attend to."

A man covering one eye with an eyelid in his bossy hair approaches him with an uncomfortable laugh.

There are about ten men in the square staring at Pauline's servants and escorts as worthy.

Although their appearance varied, such as a man in civilian appearance anywhere, a dirty old man in slum city, and a well-dressed middle-aged man, these are the ones who make assassinations their business. It was a skill with which each had the skill of killing to fear.

"Nah I see. Kill Sato and his maids miserably..."

"Can you? I'll pay you as much as I want."

"Hihi. Well, don't panic like that. If I say Satou, no one is more famous adventurer than Cummer and no stranger. All the people around it can't be a glimmer. Kura. You're gonna kill that, aren't you?

"I know. I'll pay you in words."

The squire man removes the cloth bag from the item pouch. The contents of the cloth bag are gold coins. When you put it on the table, the table hits with weight.

"Oh ho! This is amazing. Your employer and I seem to resent Satou."

"I don't mind wasting my mouth. We're in a hurry. I need you to get to it right away!

"Don't panic, I told you. Hey, bring that one."

When the man in the eyelid says so, he brings from the back to the table enough boxes for another man to hold with both arms.

"What is this?

"Hihi. Don't panic.

Actually, I had a request a long time ago. "

Tensions run to Pauline's squire and escorts.

That would be the case, too. Because a request was made before and Yu's survival means that the assassination guild failed the request.

"Well, I didn't ask you to kill me like that. What else do you want me to get in pain with a fucking busy kid? A request from a nobleman.

Yeah, I can't even tell you my client's name. Such an acorn operation, but benevolent there, huh?

And his servants and his guards scolded him with their hearts, saying what the slayer would say.

"So. The hand that the guy who asked for it used was the kid from Slam Street. Well, that's one of the hands we use a lot. Give them the money to stop the assassination or, in some cases, kill them."

When a man in his eyelid scratches his head tight, white things like dandruff or scalp are powdered to the table and fall. The squire turns away uncomfortably from it, but the men of the escort do not loosen their guard unless they are cautious.

"Nah. Well, it's not weird when a kid like you is in Slam Street, nobody cares. It's dust to say, right? I tricked him into turning to Satou for a dime. Oh, Satou was angry in advance, and the nobleman called in to talk about it, right? Then Satou came to Mushroom City.

Come on, it's a good place to talk. I also asked you to persuade the noblemen to submit to their command before they hurt you. Absolutely noble people are unscrupulous.

Don't tell me Satou doesn't want to be handed over? So, you're going to get hurt, and the kids who were waiting for the signal flocked to Satou. "

What's the point of such a story, one of my squire shakes his leg in frustration.

"Hihi. This is an important story, so listen to me till the end.

I let one of those kids have a knife. The poisoned one, too.

Satou must have been alarmed that the other guy was a kid, too, huh? Belly on the kid, like this! It's been decided.

Hihi, a newbie adventurer (Rookie) who doesn't even seem to be D-ranked by then. If it was decided with a poisonous knife, it would have worked. I got on my knees. He's already won, so he tried to negotiate with Satou again that if he was under your command, his life would be saved. The kids - ahhh... the kids from Slam Street came in a bunch of rewards. I'm not giving you that, am I? So, he was so persistent that he killed one of the kids because he was depressed.

I shouldn't have done that. You pissed off Satou, didn't you? We all have this kind of acorn business. I'm ready to die one day. But, you know, not much of this stuff, right?

"Hey, what are you... talking about"

"Hi-hi, hi-hi. Open the box. Fine, see. You'll see."

When one of his servants opens the box in horror, he says, there's...

"Hih!? Hey, hey, what the hell is this!!

"What are you going to do!!


To my surprise clap, the contents of the box (...) rolled over the table.

The contents of the box were a person's - neck.

"Hi-hi. Hiccup!! Surprised? But I'm going to be surprised. Look, just calm down and do it again, okay? Let's see."

When the guards, who had their swords against the man in the eyelid, and their squire, who was astonished and butted, turned their gaze to the living neck on the table.

"Buh!? Stupid!! Is this neck, yes... alive?

"That's it!? This, here, this... A, Ann, is it undead?

Though his neck does not speak, when he opens his mouth like a fish, he turns his gaze to those around him with his vain eyes to complain about something.

"Hihi, hihi. Yeah, he's undead. I wonder how painful it is to want to die but not to?

It was quick for Satou to find us Assassin Alliance Ajitos. Take that neck, Satou says. This is punishment.

His neck is a man by the name of Ben, but even so, his consciousness is clear. Something about a good day, because you're gonna cry all day for me to kill you. This one's going crazy. "

"Sa, what is Sato's purpose? This... imitate such outrage as to kill a person!!

"Hihi. There it is.

We've been told not to show up for such stupid requests in the future. So, so long! What do you think I'd do if an idiot like that showed up?

There finally the squire and escorts realized they had been trapped. The surrounding entrance and exit were blocked and weapons were held in the hands of the men of the assassination guild.

"It's no use running away, huh? It's more important than my life. Even if he's dead, I'm gonna kill you guys."

"Ma, stay! If it's money, you pay as much as you want!! And who do you think our Lord is!!

"Money, huh? Lord? Stupid thing to say. Shh! Every day and every day, I'm going crazy!! I wonder if I can turn Sato against my enemies for that matter!!

If you find out, just die! Hey, hey! Hey there!!

"Stay, wait...... yahhhh!!

"Damn it!!

"Don't fight! Running away somewhere."

The fact that Pauline's squadrons and escorts came out of that square alive did not come true as one. Only an untold corpse was he able to leave.

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