To Deprive a Deprived Person

Episode 245: Early Morning on Day Two

One peacock gate is the four main gates of Tenkassi, the king capital of the Kingdom of Oudon. In front of the huge gates protecting the south, many people still visited today from the surrounding cities and villages and even from other countries, forming a long line of snakes.

Would anyone, criminals, etc. try to bring in suspicious goods by getting into such a lot of people illegally? The guards were glaring at me.

It is not uncommon to refuse to inspect possessions, body checks, etc. and rub them with the guards. Even though, the guards, who have to inspect enough numbers to get fed up, are busy moving around, physically and mentally exhausted.

Among the several tasks of the guards, it was also possible to snort that they could be counted as one of the fierce duties.

Nevertheless, things like yesterday (...) don't happen that way.

"Captain, you were surprised yesterday."

"Hmm? Oh, you mean that boy"

I remember yesterday's Yu and Lawrence whilst a man called Captain wiped the sweat off his forehead.

In a nutshell, it was painful.

The good thing that the Minister of Finance is behind us is that the Lawrence people who do whatever they want were shamed in front of a large crowd.

That's a shame too. The Lawrence executives, including Bugsy, dispersed amazingly against just one boy without even being able to help him with anything. If those who dwell in the king's capital were there, everyone would have felt the same way.

"You don't know that kid is a B-rank adventurer."

"Surely you wouldn't normally think of B-rank in that look"

"The captain has seen many famous adventurers before, hasn't he?

Asked so by the young guard, the grey-haired captain remembers the adventurers he had met in the past with his hands on his chin.

"You were only in your first year as a guard.

I don't know how many opportunities I have to see a highly-ranked adventurer if I'm in King's Capital.

Right. Famous places are "Spirit Knight Goriva," "Still Water" Lampha, "Dragon Spear Ummo," "Dragon Spear Fang," "Blind Lorience" - and more recently, "Darling in the Lost Valley," "Hugo in" The Wall, "and" Woorich the Hundred Warcraft "?

The air that haunts every adventurer draws a line with the ordinary man. It was just a bunch of people coming from afar and telling us they weren't alone. "

"Awesome...... These are always adventurers who can make a name for themselves in other countries!!

The guard looked excited and muttered "wow" frequently. But did the question come to mind? Ask the captain again as he shines his eyes.

"Who was the most amazing adventurer the captain had ever met?

"That's the leader of the Red Meteor."

The captain answers instantly without even showing a distressing gesture.

In response, however, the guards were dismayed.

"The" Red Meteor "allies are definitely Dwarves called" Little Devils, "aren't they? Then the vice allies are still more famous."

"Uh, no, no. You're talking about your current ally, aren't you? I said," Ice, blood, skies, "the allies of previous generations."

"I've never heard those two names before."

"I guess so.

Decades ago, I just became your guard. "

"So, how about that one? Is that strong?


From the equipment first, the digits are different from those of the adventurers around.

I don't know what kind of technology or magic you're using, but you were wearing an armor called a magic guide armor that encloses the high spirits and uses their power. I still remember hearing that the grade was second grade and that it was even more accumulated.

And the armor that covered my face, but I could tell from the long ears and appearance that I was an elf woman jumping out of my helmet. "

"Grade 2!? Isn't that a lie, Captain, no matter how much? I can't believe any adventurer owns the same rank as Master Param's Holy Sword or Gareth's Battle Axe."

The guard was surprised that the captain, who had seen many adventurers over the years, had a second-degree rank in armor that he called the Magic Guided Armor rather than the part called Elf's Woman who said it was the most amazing of them all.

If you are a small country, it is not uncommon for you to be treated as a national treasure from the third level, such as a magic guide to weapons and decorations. If you are a second level, it is a level held by a large country or some middle-level state and given to a national treasure or competent general or knight. And even if I say I give it away, I don't really give it away. If they are no longer able to serve the country, the obligation of return arises for the most part.

"And because you have strong equipment, doesn't that mean you're strong, too?

"No, that's..."

So the captain's man mumbles.

I pretend to be worried about whether I can say it or not, but I decide.

"You, you know the story of the breakdown of the 'Devil's Prison' junction?

"Please don't joke. If that were the case, we'd be making a fuss."

The guard shrugs his shoulders and turns the suspicious eye to the captain, just a story that is too unlikely to lie.

"Well, isn't it impossible for you not to know? The only thing is that a warrant was laid right from the top.

How do I know that? You just talked about "Ice Blood Cutting Sky," didn't you? The person in charge at that time was "The Devil's Prison." A fort surrounding the entrance, to be exact.

As you know, that's a dangerous place to be, the A-Rank Labyrinth. The stretched ties are also strictly managed by high-ranking conjunctors and great sages.

But only once did someone break that line. He still doesn't know who the killer is.

Anyway, I'm in a big hurry with the people around me and my boss. Besides, demons popped up, as if waiting for the junction to break.

The worst part was not only that bunch of demons were at the top. It was also a mix of demons from the middle and beyond. Guards and knights in the fort are not the only ones who can deal with it, not very much.

My boss decided to ask the adventurers on the spot to help me because I thought it was a good idea. "

At some point the guard listened seriously to the way its genuine captain spoke.

"So what happened?

"Ha ha. You've got an instinct that no matter how much you work with adventurers, I'm not going to survive. The others were ready to die. You wonder why I didn't run away. Even if the Wang capital is safe in the kingdom of the Great Sage, the villages and towns in the neighborhood will not. Perhaps, but at least hundreds of thousands of sacrifices are catastrophic. To reduce the sacrifice at all, everyone stood on the spot ready to die to buy time.

So much so that the demon of the A-rank Labyrinth, "The Devil's Prison," is the strength of common sense deviation.

I just showed up then. The "Red Meteor" guys lead the way with "Ice Blood Cutting Sky" feathering a cape in bright red magic guidance armor.

When it's strong... Whoa! Those there, what are you doing!!

At last, the captain interrupts the conversation in such places as Good Borders. At the end of that gaze was the figure of an elf woman who proceeded to walk without being in line.

The elf woman was dressed too lightly to think she had traveled all the way to the Wang capital.

It is a common story for merchants to put merchandise in item pouches and travel in their everyday clothes to combat burglary, but the captain looked familiar in the clothes worn by an elf woman. Although slightly different in design, it is the uniform of the receptionist of the Wangdu Adventurers Guild.

"Oh, I'm sorry"

"What's that attitude!

The guard is interrupted in a good place by the captain's story and treats the elf woman with a strong attitude without hiding her frustration.

"Please don't shout out loud. It sounds like an elf to me."

"Whose fault do you think it is!

"I'm in trouble.

I know you're working too, but I'm in a hurry.

I've been running from Cummer for days now, and I'm finally here. "

From the conversation between the guard and the elf woman, the captain can solve the uniform question.

(I see. Was that the uniform of the City Cummer Adventurer Alliance? Hmm? I've been running for days? From Cummer to Wangdu? What do you mean? I have my feet for it...)

The more I looked to the foot of the elf woman, the more beautiful my shoes were than I thought I had been running for very many days.

Of elves with inferior physical abilities than people in the first place, it can't be that women keep running from Kamer to Wang Capital, on the contrary, they can get there in a few days, etc.

"You're not really a suspicious person, are you? Look, I even have a guild card. Whatever, go to the City Cummer Adventurer Alliance and ask me about Edda Arndt -"

"We're all in a hurry. There are people like you who don't follow the rules, so the sum is disturbing!

And what the fuck! its black (...) guild card Ha!! I've never seen a guild card like that!! Suspected counterfeiting, so why don't you come over here!!

The captain's face turns bright blue the moment he sees the black guild card, as if even an ice column was stuck in his spine, on the back of the guard at all times. That's not all. Sweat erupts from all over your body. It is not sweating due to thermoregulation. out of fear and tension.

"Ma, wait!! I'll show you."

"Captain, what is this elf?"

"Fine! You don't have to say anything extra!! I'm in charge here, so get back to your stations!!

Approximately the proper guard, the captain guides Edda.

"Bu, my men have been rude. Forgive me because I'm still a young man who hasn't been a guard..."

"Oh, that's okay. I said Wagamama because it's my fault."

Side by side the long line of snakes lined up to enter the Wang capital, Edda is guided by the captain to advance into the gate.

The captain can't even look at Edda for his men's faults, but Edda has looked at her face many times since earlier.

Edda talks to the captain who tried to catch his breath when he finally walks through the gate and his role is over.

"You, I thought I'd seen you somewhere, you're old enough. I didn't think you were still playing guard."

"Heh? That's... no way"

"Thank you for your guidance."

Edda thanked the captain and disappeared into the mess.

The captain standing on the spot perceived everything in the words of Edda earlier. Tell me who the elf woman with the black guild card is who knows who she is.

To the benefactor of life who left shortly after I conveyed my thanks that day. The captain kept his head down until he could no longer see behind it.

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