To Deprive a Deprived Person
Episode 254: The Day Before The Medal Ceremony, Part One
"Okay! You're stable."
"Don't be alarmed because it's stable!
"Now we will further strengthen the bonds and seals. That'll be fine for now."
Decorated to sit in the middle of one of the Value mansions, its wide interior, is the corner of the ancient dragon Magranals.
A pedestal with silver horns over two metres in diameter is a sealed magic guide owned by Value. It's one of the secret items that I pulled out of the treasure trove. Furthermore, around the pedestal is placed the magic guide of the junction in the form of a positive pentagram star, where more than ten junctionists succeed in curbing the runoff of wild magic by focusing their efforts.
Value, who watched the conjunctors work, drank the glass of wine at once and placed the glass on the table to beat it.
Usually I serve slaves and maids, but now Value was drinking alone. Not so alcoholic, but there are about three empty wine bottles rolling on the table.
I watched as the ancient dragon horn was installed safely. Eight hundred billion madka, no matter how much the value, is not an amount that can be easily delivered. The horn of the ancient dragon that you acquired by wearing a large piece of it cannot be stored with too much wild magic.
Huge amounts of cash had disappeared from Value's nostalgia due to the condition of payment only in cash (...) put on by Yu.
But the real reason Value couldn't sleep...
Along with the yelling, Value pays off wine bottles and glasses at the table. The conjunctors' hands stopped at the sound, turning their gaze for a moment on the value, but when the value of the blood running eyes stares at them, they rush back to work.
"Oh, this, this me, this me who inherits the noble blood! Shame on you in front of a public like that! Yum, I won't forgive you!! Always this guy...... I'll make him fall down in front of the Knox family!!
Even as he tried to sleep, the humiliation he received at the Suzatie's auction ran through his head, and every time his eyes blinded with anger, his body refused to sleep. It was the first experience for Value to be raw in the house of the great nobility and humiliated in this way. Originally, I would have ordered the minister to kill Yu immediately, but I just put up with something about an untimely item pouch.
"That's almost there, too.
If tomorrow's Symphony ceremony is over... everything will fall into my hands "
Value squeaks as she gazes at the item pouch containing embroidery of fish placed on the table.
I'm drunk, but still Value's thoughts aren't dull. at the Suzzaties Auction. No, I remembered a series of flows from before that, and the more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I felt.
In the first place, I heard rumors at the Suzatie's Auction that a very boring substitute would be offered, and I was collecting funds in conjunction with the cost of hosting nightclubs. When the seller of the rumored substitute was in Yu and threatened the curator of the Suzatiez to find out how to carry the corner of the ancient dragon, which had taken the trouble to recover, he used an untimely item pouch.
It's a little impossible to think of this as a coincidence. What is the purpose? Value, who was letting him gather information about Yu, did not think that its purpose would only bring shame to himself. When this happens, it also seems to me that there is some reason why the terms of the Gu Long's Horn bid were cash.
"Isn't this as if it were then"
Abominable memories are revived in the back of Value's brain.
Wyatt Goffa Buff, feared by the people of the Kingdom of Oudon to be a nobleman among the nobles, flipped the flag against the king more than twenty years ago.
Whatever happened, Value, who thought that only Wyatt would not betray the royal family who had sworn allegiance, could not hide his surprise like any other nobleman.
But I realize there is. No, Wyatt noticed me. When you realize that fact, the truth, the value...
Dear "-"
King Woodon said that Wyatt...
"Dear Value,"
Soon, a man stood in front of Value.
"Dear Value, how have you been? You don't seem to have a very good complexion."
"Yes, no... nothing.
So, what brings you here?
"Forgive my early morning visit"
"Fine. Tell me what you need to do."
"Ha. I came to your report because the people I was seeing replied to your attendance at the talks after tomorrow's Symphony ceremony"
Value looks at the man in front of him - Peterlit Morderon Pasle. He was a four-man of the Pasle family, not succeeding to the title, and a particularly talented and incompetent person who only put up his parents' faces and added them to the faction.
However, the growth of the past few months has been remarkable, a man who has emerged in the faction with a mechanical headline and is now a treasure.
"Hmm. Finally, William Bona Papal, the head of the Neutralists, rode my invitation"
"Other than that, we have received a colorful response from those of you who have previously withheld repeated invitations from Dear Value and have been cautious and watched how things are going. Just..."
"Just what?
In response to replies from rival factions and neutral nobles who have not even been on the talks until now instead of soliciting, Value is somewhat in a better mood. But Peter Litt's attitude makes me frown and grumpy as soon as possible.
"Yes. We want you to show us what Value has got."
"You think it's what I got? Did you hear what it refers to?"
"I asked you, but you told Value that you would know, and you couldn't tell me about the particulars."
I see, and Value is convinced.
Those who had never responded to their own invitations more than once found out why they had come here and changed their attitude so rapidly.
"Aye, okay."
"So what?"
"Tell him I'll bring it with me."
"Okay. So be it."
Follow Peter Litt with his eyes as he leaves early as possible. When viewed until exit, the value turns again to the item pouch placed on the table. And, by the way, when I turned the item pouch upside down, it was embroidered there with Yu Sato.
"Huh. imitate without going down."
In one of the rooms of the luxury inn Conrad Barrill, Yu and the others were tongue-in-cheek for breakfast with the cooks putting more on their arms.
"Nina, you're behaving badly."
Nina cautions Marifa with her cheeks swollen like a hamster, stuffed with bread, meat and salad all over her mouth wondering if this is still the case.
But Nina doesn't seem to have received Marifa's novel in her ear, and she's shooting Yu and the others with the magic prop "Eye Writer" that Yu won at the auction with all her heart from earlier.
"... Nina's still a kid, too"
"Doesn't Mr. Nina just want Lena to tell you that she's got sauce all around her mouth, too?
Swinging left and right as if the whirling asshole hair was upset, Lena wiped her mouth with a napkin as if nothing had happened.
"Colo, Lan. Look at me."
Eat bait for specially crafted submissive demons and stare as the lenient colo nibbles at Nina's call. Next to that, Lan is drinking water, but he drinks too poorly and his face is flooded.
Yu, who has not been involved with me since earlier, takes a photo of the dish in "Eye Writing Devices" and then confirms the ingredients of the dish to the way it is made in "The Devil's Eye of the Other World" before eating it. Then write down the flavours and cooking methods of the dish on the paper at hand.
"... Yu is also badly behaved"
Even though Lena tells Marifa, Marifa pretends not to see. Because Yu is the absolute lord of Marifa. Instead, he even felt that Yu looked lovely.
"It's okay."
"… to be cautious"
"No need"
"... why?
"Because it's your husband."
Lena feels like "... eh" and her mouth stays pounded open.
Such Lena, Marifa confirms that Yu has finished the entire meal, prepares tea after the meal and serves it to Yu.
"Master, I have plans for today."
"Oh, I'm going to the royal palace with Muss, so you guys can sightsee in the king's capital too"
At some point Nina, who had heard Yu and Marifa's conversation nearby, shoots Yu from close range with "Phew Phew" and "Eye Writing Equipment".
"It's tomorrow for Yu to go to the royal castle, isn't it? I'm already bogged down - HI!? Yikes, Yikes, Yikes ~"
Nina tears her cheeks at Yu.
"Who just messed up? And Pasha, Pasha, shut up."
"Master, are you going to the royal palace, not the royal castle?
"That's right. I'm supposed to go with private patience."
"How did that happen? Don't think you should stop going there. Let's go sightseeing with us today."
"... Nina is right. Yu should set us up a little more"
In an unusual tone, Nina seemed to want to stop Yu from going to the royal palace somehow. Lena, on the other hand, seemed to want to show Yu and the others the magic she had learned in the book of magic she had obtained at the auction, and from earlier on she had frequently waved her wand and appealed to the flirtatious.
"May I accompany you?"
Although Marifa intended to follow Yu from the beginning without having to check.
To the royal palace, just me and Muss.
Don't look like that. I'm not replacing it, but I'm gonna do this. "
Marifa, who was turned down by Yu for accompanying her, seemed at first glance to be the one whose expression had not changed, but whose long ears were drooping down to soften.
When Yu takes three small leather bags out of the item pouch and places them on the table, the leather bags reach Nina's ears with a heavy sound not commensurate with their size.
"Wow. It sounded amazing, but I wonder what the contents are ~..."
When she opened the leather bag and checked the contents, Nina hardened to her true face. When Lena and Marifa, who were suspicious, also check the contents, they harden with a true face, just like Nina.
"Yu, yu... you know, this"
"... white gold coins"
"Master, this is..."
Inside the leather bag were about a hundred pieces of white gold coins.
"It's your dime. I know what you're trying to say. You want to tell me you can't use white gold in a regular store?
Nina and I wanted to say, "No, we're not," but we were flabbergasted by Yu's sense of money giving him as much as 100 million madka for the penny.
"You can exchange them in your guild."
With that said, Yu creates a gate (gate) with "space-time magic". I try to dive the gate as it is, but I look back at the Ninas, who still say something.
"If you come, you know."
After pressing caution, Yu dived the gate.
"Hey, I've been waiting for you."
Muss greets Yu in one of the inns no less than the Inn where Yu is staying.
"What about Mr. Nung?
"They're taking the treasury minister's men on a carriage to visit the king's capital."
What did you think of Yuu's attitude to look first for his butler, Nung, even though Muss, the Count, welcomed him? Muss laughs bitterly at his shoulders.
"Well, let's go"
"I want you to wait.
Is going to be Yu's "Spacetime Magic"?
"What else is there?"
"I have something to check. How far can you go with space-time magic?"
Even so, Muss is a nobleman of the Kingdom of Oudon. I wanted to know how far I could go inside the Royal Castle or the Royal Castle with Yu's "Spacetime Magic". But in response to Muss' question, Yu smiled a little mean.
"How far do you think we can go?
"Mmm...... I don't suppose you can go directly inside the royal castle, can you? My neck will fly inside the royal palace.
Well, fine. Outside the royal castle, can you make that less visible too? I'll show you the rest. "
"You're a guy with a lot of orders."
"I'm the Count."
"Then I'm the king."
Yu moves west of the Royal Castle with 'space-time magic', as requested by Muss, who places this order. After that, Muss guides Yu. The story already seems to have gone through, and as he passes the West Gate without being stopped, Muss continues from the side road to the underground without heading to the Royal Castle.
When Muss shows the warrant to the watchman who was at the basement door, the watchman rushes to magically unlock the door. Then an old man in a swallow tail suit, who was holding back beside the guard, guides the muss to the end of the door with a lantern in his hand.
Then continue along the maze of underground tunnels with the guide. I can finally see the stairs up how much I walked.
"If you climb this way, it will be the main road to the Royal Palace."
The guide's role seems to be this far, and Muss expresses his gratitude to the old man.
"Wouldn't you be surprised?
Up the stairs, it was a garden.
When Yu looked around and looked casually back, the stairs and doors that should have come up earlier had disappeared without a trace. I should have been walking for almost an hour with even more physique, but the royal palace-like building still looks far away.
"Come on, just a few more walks and your majesty will be sitting at Wodon's Royal Palace."
Two old men, across the chessboard, were facing each other.
They are both wearing skinny, loose robes and the large hall ceiling, which is too wide to play board games, is built so that natural light is captured. A Kingsguard guarding the king was placed on the surrounding wall, standing motionless as if it were a statue.
"Your Majesty, why do you always strike at your disadvantage?"
"Why? Balls, you ask me weird things. It's easy. 'Cause it's more interesting."
The wrinkles between Balls' eyebrows deepen even further to King Woodon, who answers with a mild look.
"I'm looking forward to today. It's been a long time since I've seen Muss, but I've seen a rumored boy."
"I can't help but be anxious.
How long do you intend to leave Count Muss alone in the first place "
"How long? I just wanted to say that I can't hope to live up to my expectations."
"The intake of Count Muss into the faction that Finance Minister Value was plotting seems to have failed"
"That's a shame.
It would have been interesting if it had been successful. "
From the bottom of his heart unfortunately, King Woodon shook his head left and right.
"Your Majesty. I have a problem with that idea."
Boles' tone grows as strong as his appetite for King Woodon.
"And to me who prophesies - apparently, Count Muss is here."
Yu and Muss are guided by the samurai over a red carpet with gold embroidery.
Muss kneels down when he comes to the front of King Woodon and confirms the soldiers placed at that time.
(Balls von Balling, the Chancellor by making him five knights beside His Majesty, plus the five knights "knights to bring absolute victory" thing Param Papus? There are about thirty Woodon Kingsguard knights just to see...... He must be hiding soldiers from the ceiling and underneath, anyway. Don't make my stomach ache just imagine)
King Woodon nods to Eagle Deep and urges him to stand with his hands. This means that I have allowed myself to greet Muss.
"First of all, Your Majesty, this is an opportunity to see, yes -"
"Count Muss, wait."
Balls blocks Muss' words. Though it is an act of disrespect, such as blocking the greetings of the King and the Count on the way.
"Chancellor Balling, anything that doesn't even get to me?
"You don't have it.
I'd like to say a few words to your disrespectful boy. "
Balls states not to Muss, but to Yu, who does not take his gaze off King Woodon.
"Why don't you kneel, even though you are in front of His Majesty? Even if you neglect aristocratic etiquette, that's about understandable.
And what's that outfit? "
Best on a calm blue Justcall, compared to Cullot's Muss, Yu's outfit was Shield on the Great Sword, Armor - the usual adventurer style.
"Where is he that wears armor, and sees it with the king of a nation?"
"You'll be right in front of me."
It was a louder amount of reprimand and pressure than I could imagine from my skinny appearance. But still, Yu doesn't take his gaze off King Woodon.
"You must be the one being disrespectful.
I haven't even named you since the first time I met you, and you sound so perplexed. "
Balls has a surprising, usually sharp eye opening. Muss was Muss and suddenly he held his head to Yu's attitude of fighting hips. And King Woodon remained smiling, but his mouth corner seemed slightly up.
"Wow, I am Balls von Balling, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Wodon"
Balls names his name as he hits his cheek.
"That's a name I've never even heard of."
With the attitude of Yu, one of the five kingdoms, who can take the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Oudon as an arrogant shore opponent, even Muss is a little blue in the face.
"I am Yu Satou, King of the Nameless Kingdom."
"Nameless kingdom? You've never heard of a country like that."
Balls returns the words just in return.
"I guess. I don't think you've ever pulled out here before."
A voice leaks out of Balls's mouth, usually called calm deposition, that you shouldn't hear.
"Or even if I were a pull, the Lame Union would not recognize such a country"
"You look like a smart fool.
You don't have to admit it's a country. Make him admit it. I guess that's how you guys have grown to be one of the five powers.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. The king of one kingdom came all the way here to see you, just stand up. "
It's not a word for the Balls. toward King Woodon, who has been watching the accomplishment of things in silence since earlier.
The great hall quickly becomes full of killing spirit. It was leaked from the Kingsguards swearing absolute loyalty to the King.
"I'm not going to be great, but apparently the boy doesn't like me"
In a situation with an unusual atmosphere, King Woodon was smiling unchanged.
"Where in your world is there an element of being liked? And you think he's a boy? I must have named myself King of the Nameless Kingdom."
Even in the wake of the killings from the Kingsguards, Yu's mouth shot will not stop. No, it's more intense momentum.
Also, Balls stares at Muss like that. Its eyes are like, "Is this what you wanted?" He seemed to ask. But even under that gaze, Muss looks floating and winks at Balls when he puts his index finger on his mouth to watch him in silence.
"Didn't the boy just say it himself earlier? It's not something you're gonna admit, it's something you're gonna admit.
This standing is the difference in power between me and the boy today, the difference in national power.
If you want me to recognize you as king, show me just enough stuff for it. Otherwise, you'll stay a boy forever, won't you?
"Don't say that often.
The Finance Minister likes my country, you bastard. "
"You know and leave it alone. What's so fun about weakening the country?"
"I wouldn't want to do that if I could. By the way, the boy seems to be good at holding his pace by deliberately pissing off or terrorizing the other guy, but it's no use.
..................... yeah? I tried to imitate William. Apparently he didn't take it. "
At this point, Yu was unable to draw to his own pace to King Woodon, who did not disturb any emotions.
"It may be an extra favor, but you better watch out for William. It is a great nobleman who brings together the neutrals of the Kingdom of Oudon, but it has the ruthlessness to cut them off easily if it comes to no avail. Never believe a grandson is taken hostage in front of a boy, even if he looks angry, surprised, or wolfish.
Anyway, William always takes his medicine when he meets with me. Assuming I'm the king, right? Don't you think there's enough rudeness? I just told him I wanted him to play with me. "
He was a yu who had previously interacted with numerous benders, such as Victor, who did not make him feel malicious, or William, who did not feel fear, but compared to them - no, King Woodon was incomprehensible enough not to compare.
"Talk to the boy like this, my view is different from that of William.
Boys are sensitive to negative emotions such as malice and anger - rather than being able to use it to spot their lies? Hehe, apparently it's a hit. "
King Woodon applauds with joy when he sees Yu's reaction and decides that his prediction had been met.
"Let's accelerate our thinking even further.
Is it the ability to be born originally? Or is it an acquired ability?
I think I'm the latter. Perhaps a malicious environment, or the result of growing up with continued malice, is equipped abilities. Hehe, I hit it again. "
The appearance of King Woodon, who rejoiced in applause just as he had earlier, was like a child who enjoyed playing.
"That's a lot of insight. I've noticed that too."
"What is it? I want you to tell me."
"That's why I'm letting you do whatever you want."
King Woodon's smile deepens.
"Unbelievably, you want someone to play with."
"May I ask why you think so?
"Think of it that way, because all the Tsuji fit.
Leaving aside the tyranny of the aristocracy (scum), the Knights are clearly weak compared to one of the five powers but others. Diplomacy is also poor and is licked by other countries. Despite all that incompetence, I can still remain king. It doesn't matter what you think, does it? You're playing with your country to confuse your boredom. "
Yu's too ridiculous speculation puts the Kingsguards in awe and fogs the killing, which was so intense.
In just a few minutes, the sound of applause echoes in the large hall, quiet as if time had stopped.
King Wodon - Yu felt the emotional swing for the first time from Clemens Klau Ning Balchette.
And the figure of King Woodon, who was just smiling, looked like a monster to Yu and Muss.
"Your (...) rating has increased in me.
I wonder if it's about a little below William and a little below Mamma. Do you know anything about Mamma? A very capable figure, it is by his arms that the current Republic of Set operates well without collapsing.
Well, he doesn't seem to like me for some reason, so knowing I praised him here and showing disgust won't make him happy.
Well, I don't know what my clan is... in a nutshell, I like to play. One of your ancestors, who loved to play with it, was in trouble and chose a great sage to play with.
If I were a regular person in the first place, I wouldn't think of trying the Great Sage, etc. But the great sage who rode the games your ancestors suggested turned out to lose.
Every time I told you this story, the great sage would have a bitter look on his face, so I guess I regretted it. "
Hearing King Woodon's long story, Yu was clearly frustrated. Muss worries about Yu, although it is not in his expression that this is the opposite of normal.
"- Let's go back to the story of your ancestors and the Great Sage. I don't leak into the example of the clan, and I like to play, but I have a slightly troubled vice. Somehow, what a troubled vice to dare to push yourself into an overwhelmingly unfavourable situation and then start playing. I hate to lose, so I think it's a hassle to say it myself."
"I don't care about your story.
What I want to know more than that is whether this country is involved in my subpoena.
I know you scumbags have been summoning and crushing people who are convenient to us for a long time. "
To Yu's remarks, Muss gazes at King Woodon with a surprised look.
"King Nameless (...), what you are talking about touches upon a special note in the matter of the Covenant of the Six Lehms.
I had to impose powerful contract magic on those who were here later. "
"A covenant? Don't make me laugh! It would be a convenient promise to ourselves that the scum made to hide our sins."
"I remember every promise made for the peace of the Lame continent."
"Safe? You have so much shame.
How many human beings you guys have used to crush. Summon a woman with no sin whatsoever and use her scattered, at the end of the sentence - "
Yu breaks the word and jumps away.
Where Yu was until earlier, the Holy Sword Excalibur swung down by Param into the Tang Bamboo Crack profoundly pierces him.
"I kept my mouth shut because of His Majesty's presence, but I can't miss any more of the numerous ramblings! One Wodon Five Knight, 'Knight to Bring Absolute Victory' Param Papus will succeed and defeat!!
Chancellor Balls held his head in the figure of Param raising the Holy Sword Excalibur pulled out of the floor.
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