To Deprive a Deprived Person
Episode 263: The Never-Ending Nightmare
Day forty from the covenant concluded between Yu and Value.
There was a figure of Value with ministers and escorts in front of Yu's mansion, which is visible as he continues along the road from the city Kamer towards the west.
"This is Satou's mansion..."
"Be careful what you say.
It's no exaggeration to say that we're already under the power of the Nameless King. "
"Wow, I know"
Note the inadvertent words of the ministers, the man who suggested discussing them with Yu to Value.
"I'll negotiate from here, so the others will wish you quiet"
"Do as I say."
The ministers, who seemed dissatisfied, also nodded and agreed that Value would order them.
In front of the mansion, Nepola the Demon and Graphila the Werewolf awaited. Next to Grafira, Ekacherina of Shadowwolf, the submissive demon, lays down and watches as she observes the Values.
"What can I do for you?"
The two greet each other at Cartesy and Nepola asks.
The ministers of the Values thought sincerely that they were like maids serving civilians, but they kept silent with anger just because there had been an earlier incident.
And those who were fished by gold and contracted escorts knew exactly whose possession this mansion was. I shrugged in my heart about how dangerous the person was and how we just knew we wouldn't have teeth on our own to get the job done without anything.
"Thank you for this lovely greeting"
When the man entrusted with everything knelt down on the spot without worrying about his knees getting dirty, he paid a polite greeting to the Nepolas.
"What you asked was that King Nameless heard you were at home today, and the King's Capital sent you a visit with our Lord Value Volvi Knox.
For how many minutes, since we are never closer to Kamer than the King's capital, I hereby apologize for the massive push we have made, such as those who escort us during our journey and those who take care of the Lord's surroundings ".
Nepola and the others were puzzled by the man who greeted themselves too politely, who was described by the people as subhuman, and more importantly by how he knew Yu was the nameless king.
"Don't you know?
A man asks as if he had seen through the inside of the Nepolas.
"As kings of the kingdom of Nameless, your Lord, Master Yu Satoh, has forged an alliance of equivalence with His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of Wodon, His Majesty the Kramens Kraw Ning Balchett"
"We haven't had a formal announcement yet," the man added.
The Nepolas, who have not been informed about it at all, get even more upset.
"Could you please take care of King Nameless?"
How do I respond? Nepola thinks if we should go back to the mansion and ask Yu or Marifa, Tin, a demon fallen girl, walks from the mansion.
"Welcome all the way."
Nepola and Graphila, who know their usual appearance, are stunned by Tin, who greets them politely in Cartesy.
"Your husband is going to see Master Volvi."
"Whoa," the ministers stroked their breasts first.
"However, only Master Volvi and I will see you. If you don't mind, the others can wait here or return to Cummer."
"Such an idiot," the ministers said before protesting.
"Thank you.
Thank you for accepting this unexpected visit, even though you did not take your promise in advance. "
Among the ministers, the man of lower sequence bowed his head deeply toward Tin. And when you turn back to the value.
"Dear Value, that's all we can do. Please be careful with your time."
"Ugh... uhm"
There wasn't much time left in the value, even with the thought of being left alone in the enemy formation.
Do you want to pay compensation to the Adventurer Alliance by noon? If Yu and Value break the pledge by mutual agreement, Value will literally be doomed.
"Master, I have brought Master Volvi"
In the mansion's living room, there were only two: Yu and Marifa. Nina and Lena are freeing themselves from a hell of a labyrinth and taking Namari and Momo out to visit Cummer.
"Oh, then get out of the living room"
"Tin, Nepola, did you not hear your husband? Go outside."
There is no Graphila here because we are keeping an eye on the Value ministers and escorts waiting outside the mansion.
"No, Marifa, get out of here."
"Wow, me too!?
For some reason Tin stares happily at Marifa and is stared at by Marifa. Marifa, who swears absolute loyalty to Yu, says he will take the Tins outside the mansion according to Yu's words.
"Nepola, Tin"
"" Yes, sister ""
Marifa removes a piece of gold from the item pouch.
"I was just about to run out of some seasonings. Buy it at Cummer."
"Uh-huh. But sister, if you're shopping, Melanie and I are going. It hurts when your sister stops messing with you."
Tin, back in his usual shape, gets smacked by Marifa before he runs out of words. I don't know who looks like anywhere I can get my hands on it right away.
"Cash in on your change."
"Then go to the sweet treat shop."
"I don't know what to do ~"
"I exempt you from the rest of your work today"
"Tin, why did you do that to your sister?"
"It's okay. I'll take care of the rest, Nepola."
Marifa starts moving when the two of them are gone. Along the way, he sees an inebriated run named Vigilance on a garden tree or a colo sleeping on the lawn as something, but Marifa instructs him to remain quiet.
When you travel to the place facing the living room, maintain a critical distance where your ears can pick up sounds so that Yu doesn't notice you.
"If it's here..."
"Sister, what are you doing?
Marifa, who almost screamed unexpectedly, hastily blocks her own mouth with her hands.
"What are you doing?"
"Your sister cared, so I left the shopping to Nepola. Besides, your husband told you to leave, and I can eavesdrop on you at Kohna's?
Even if your husband scolds you later, Tin won't be able to shelter your sister and will stop. "
Tin stood behind Marifa as to how he beckoned Nepola.
"Your husband has been ordered to leave the living room. I'm following orders, so there's no problem."
Yu ordered Marifa and the others to leave because they don't want to be heard, and not to eavesdrop from outside the mansion? And, even if Tin stares at me, Marifa has no sign of stopping eavesdropping without being evil.
"Here it is. Please, let me break my pledge! No, let me!!
Yu's foot is full of the most powerful majesty in the kingdom of Oudon.
"Become, why!?
"I decided from the beginning that you would never forgive me."
"Kim...? Oh, I swear allegiance to you! I won't defy you from now on!! Yes, yes!! If you and I join hands, instead of the Kingdom of Wodon, domination of the Lame continent is not a dream!! You have the power, and I know how to manipulate the country, the people, and the handouts to the powerful people all over the Lame continent!!
With a creepy grin, Value said, "Yes! ♪ And bumps and squeals.
"Huh, huh! If we put together, we have no enemies!!
"But no"
"Why? -!? Isn't that better for each other? I don't see why it would be a huge sum of money to pay out of the rights I hold rather than a single indemnity!? No, you should know!!
'Cause you got your hands on it.
"What... are you saying?
moment by moment and the time limit for the value was imminent. Already the sun was about to go overhead, that is to say, to noon.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... let me break my pledge!!
"The village of Lessell where I lived is, well, a small village in the de countryside in the mountains.
Even in the mountains, there was a kidnapping, and my grandmother used to mourn with a sad face.
Surprisingly, they were apparently released without being caught or tied up. "
To the abrupt long story, I don't care about the value I can't afford the time.
"No matter why you get caught, do you know if you'll be released on acquittal? Yeah, well, fuck it, because you were the owner of the kidnapping."
"So...? Was I resented for that?
"Ah? No. Well, when I saw the kidnappers, I was going to kill them, and when I did, I was going to kill them."
"What... then?
"You let them attack the village of Dark Elves."
Yu's voice gradually contains anger.
"Duh... which dark elf village are you talking about?
"You've attacked me too hard to remember one thing, you son of a bitch"
"Oh, your... I know your slave has a dark elf. Is that it? Apologize. Let me apologize! That's right! Help me find the sold out dark elves!! I've always thought it would be less nice to enslave Dark Elves, too!
"Hey, are you making fun of me?
You're telling me you know who the nobles (scumbags) who made Dark Elves attack the village where Marifa was, enslave them and sell them away?
"Ma'am, wait!! I know the nobles who sold them off!! Help -"
"He was dead. All (...)"
Value knew full well how often the nobles who sold away their slaves had such tastes and sexuality that even Value wanted to turn away and purchase new slaves.
"Now you know, don't you? I wasn't willing to forgive you from the start. Oh, yeah. Send your friend first (...) Hey, don't worry."
"To where?," Value never asked. More than that, time was running out to pay compensation.
"Oh... with that? Just let Dark Elf's, Dirty Subhuman Village strike, this me? Why should I, the great nobleman, be seen like this!?
Value thought she was serious and she wasn't bad.
"It's not good!! Where one or two of the subhuman villages have perished... bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye! Give me time to... destroy, give me time to..."
Finally, the contractual magic embedded in the pledge is activated on the value that has received the time limit.
He takes the life of Value, aggrieved by the inescapable pain.
"Guru... Guru... Guru... Guru... Guru... Guru, Guru..."
Among the nobles who serve the Kingdom of Wodon, the last period of Value Volvi Knox, who is the head of the Knox family with the oldest blood muscles, was an indestructible thing that scratches his whole body and despairs.
"Sister, what's wrong? My stomach hurts?
Marifa, who was listening outside the mansion, was squatting.
Tin shouts Marifa's back in surprise at that weaker appearance than he can imagine from his usual appearance.
"Hey. Sister, why are you crying?
Tin kept rubbing Marifa's back, crying forever.
Later, a solemn funeral of the Value was performed in the cemetery of Tenkasi, the king's capital.
It was also a small funeral of such small size that it did not seem to be the object of a man who boasted of one of the best assets on the Lame continent.
And among the participants, there is no such thing as a relative of the value.
In this disturbance, many of the relatives of the Knox family had taken the title by execution or felony and ceased to be aristocrats. The few remaining relatives had also already disappeared from the Wang capital for fear of retribution. It is not certain that they will return safely to their homeland.
After all, the pledges made between Yu and Value made all the assets held by Value Yu's things. I can't get my hands on them, whether they're relatives or not.
"How dare you show your face?"
William, the head of the Papal family, vomits his words toward Yu. The voice was clearly angry, and the expression was rude.
"I have something to do with it. I'll be at the funeral."
"My nephews and friends are dead too"
"Good for you."
"What's so good about it!
"You didn't take your pills today? Emotions are coming out."
The gaze of the participants gathers to Yu and William.
"Because you're gonna cry to King Woodon, all you have to do is cremate with your nephews and friends."
Yu stares back at William as he takes William's eyes directly in front of him.
"What... are you... eh"
"Why didn't you think burial was the only difference between your nephew and your friend in the Woodon kingdom of habits? You thought you'd forgive all the other nobles once I was dead?
And now he's the king of the kingdom of Oudon and his rival allies. Be careful what you say. "
King Woodon and Balls stood ahead as they realized the stunned truth and passed beside William in dismay.
"Hey, nameless king. I hope you're not too annoying William."
"I think I'm nicer than you."
"You must be," Balls muttered in his heart.
"What do you think? I'd like to hold a dinner party and officially announce the alliance."
"Take care of yourself.
You think it's fun having dinner with a grandfather I'm not even as busy as you?
And you don't have to make a massive announcement. It's enough to send paper to other countries. "
"How dare you? Then I'd like to talk to you about your share."
"Split up? No."
King Woodon and Balls become faceless as if they had been poked in the void.
"Though the rights to mineral resources and utility rights in the 'Fort Ore' labyrinth, which Value had monopolized, would have returned to the hands of the Kingdom of Oudon"
"Are you willing to share the enormous assets that the Knox family has accumulated?
"I would have eliminated the dust that was nesting in the Kingdom of Wodon for free. Don't say bad things to people."
"Did you hear that, Balls? There was a hell of a king."
"I thought it might not be as good as His Majesty's."
Balls calmly put a scratch on King Woodon, who mourns with great admiration.
In the dark, the value awakens my eyes.
I don't see how big the room is because I don't see it very well.
The Value's body seemed to be shattered, and even if he moved his fingers, his arms, feet, etc. could not move as much force as he could.
"Oh... Dad... is that it?
A voice came out of the dark.
"Who? Where am I?
My eyes are getting darker, and Value can see thin in the room.
"Are you... a bugsy? Where am I? Somebody - hi-ha."
Values scream at the overly miserable appearance of a bugsy in the dark.
"It's your fault! This is what we are seeing!!
"Yu...... I won't forgive you! Sir Value, why are we here!!
"Thanks to you and others, we are, we are! Up!? Ouch! Bitter!! Somebody, let me finish ~!!
My son Bugsy wasn't the only one there.
The Value Faction's nobles, Lawrence and the Beloon Chamber of Commerce, including the Marquis de Faich and Viscount Sospiro, were in full swing.
How many hundred are there? In the wide interior, the body was restrained and tortured in various positions. No, there was a line of people who kept receiving it.
"Father, Father, help me!"
"Shut up! You, son of Value, are also guilty of the same crime!!
"What, Guru... how long will it last?
This was a sight I thought was hell.
Suddenly, the room gets brighter. Value meditated her eyes strongly on the glare.
"Hey, you kept me waiting."
"Ki, you..."
Values stare with hateful eyes at Yu, who took the torcher.
"Ohh! Please, would that be enough? Let go of me!
"Please!! Have mercy!!
"I've been rewarded! Forgive me!!
"Shut up. Shut the fuck up."
Torcher leaned down like an owner ashamed of his pet.
But when he accidentally raised his face, he held a needle in his hand, a thick, long needle like a tatami needle, and a thick thread like an octopus thread.
"Stay! Right now - gummy......"
"Stop, stop! Higu ahhh."
Torcher sewed up the mouths of the noise one after the other.
(i) There was a sweat on Torcher's forehead as he finished his job, and as he said, "Go ahead," he offered his right hand towards Yu to encourage him to continue.
"You thought it was over?
There's no way you're gonna end up taking everything from Marifa. "
"Nah... why am I alive!?
"He's dead. You just resurrected as an undead in my" Necromancer Magic ". So are the people there.
You know what? "Necromancer Magic" is also used in a variety of ways. Instead of being able to be strong under the influence of the surgeon, an undead that disappears at the same time as the surgeon dies, an undead that is subordinate but has some free will, an undead like a golem that only receives simple orders, but acts for a long time by the magic it contains?
Well, the power of the surgeon changes the success rate. Sadly, the more scum you guys have, the better your chances of success.
But don't worry. It's easy for me to succeed from a corpse that's been dead for a while now. "
To Yu's words, Value could not agree at all.
"The guys here are resurrecting it as a bit of a special undead. I don't have any power, but it's hard to double the pain and give the undead five senses, right?
I don't want to know that.
How can Value escape from here? I've been spinning my head since earlier, but no matter how much I think, I don't get an answer.
"- You wonder how much we'll have, don't you? Well, don't worry, even if I die right now, as a surgeon, I have enough magic to hold it for a hundred years."
Those with their mouths sewn together exclaimed without a voice. If you think you're going to continue to be tortured for a hundred years in such a hellish place, you can say that it's natural to disrupt it.
"I didn't know you'd be so happy. Did I try?
Oh, yeah. The torcher here is the guy who takes care of things, so you can have them healed for as much as they break. It's a magic replenishment. "
With that said, Yu, who left the rest to Torcher, walks towards the door.
"Stay! Wait!! Don't go!! Don't leave me like this!! Please - mumble... yah..."
A grinning torcher blocks the way before the value that stops Yu and starts playing like a child getting a new toy shaking.
Value's nightmare has just begun. And it won't end.
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