To Deprive a Deprived Person
Lesson 266: Negative Legacy
More than 90% of the countries that are members of the Laem Union actually adopt slavery even in non-member countries.
But these aren't anything else.
Most countries allow the exchange of slaves by contract, or trafficking in human beings.
Slaves operated as a valuable workforce, from caring around them to working in harsh settings.
"Boss, this - Aye. Mr. Satou, that's all for now."
Einar, who is entrusted with security company Alcom in the city camer, reports as he rubs his nose hit by a magic bullet.
"For now?"
"Yes, no! All of them!! They are all slaves (...) in this courtyard. Definitely!! Huh? You guys are right!
Einar, stared at by Giroli and Yu, rushes to correct and make the children agree.
The crowd gathered in the courtyard of this Value mansion, as Einar said, is a slave, but not the usual slave. Such as those forcibly abducted by the slave hunters held by the Values, and those who were put into slavery by unfair covenants.
"And isn't that a lot?
"That's a lot"
Though the Value was called one of the greatest nobles of the Kingdom of Oudon, it can be said that there are too many slaves in excess of 10,000.
"I have a reason.
Not only are we here slaves illegally gathered by Value Volvi Knox, but we have offered slaves even to relatives of the Knox family and their factions. "
"I still know the Knox family, but why send slaves even to the faction nobles and their relatives?"
"That's it. I guess the primary reason is fear of King Woodon.
A hell of a number of nobles have been executed in this case, haven't they? Afraid of all that, I guess we want to appeal at all to the fact that we're not involved. Anyway, about half of these people are common slaves. "
"The nobles are not only King Woodon, but the boss is afraid," Einar murmured in his heart.
"Well, okay. Then I'll start. Bring me in."
"Okay. Hey, you guys, here we go!
Using Einar's voice as a signal, the people of Alcom begin to direct the slaves to the front of Yu. That said, the number is number. The movement was a relaxed one.
But the sight of more than 10,000 imminent crowds, albeit slaves, was quite compelling. The Ninas and Tins have cool faces, but merchants and those in the nameless kingdom were seen to be more alert and their faces tense and nervous.
That must have been the same for the slaves, who were brought here with little explanation. Everyone has a nervous face. But that was just a slave to the aristocracy, and it was the difference in race and age that made most of them so conspicuous. Then those who looked inferior had high physical abilities and skills LV or rare intrinsic skills.
"Oops, stop here!
In keeping with Einar's decree, the people of Alcom will order one slave after another to stop. No matter how loud Einar screams at too many people, it doesn't reach the rear.
Forget that the slaves who stopped in front of Yu had ever been nervous, and flashed by the sight in front of them.
I'm guessing from the reactions and conditions around me that Yu is the greatest person on this scene, but my eyes were nailed to an object (...) stacked higher right behind Yu than that. It was a treasure chest spanning dozens. The lid was open. The chest is filled with gold coins that are overflowing. While doing so, one additional chest or coin after another was carried.
"What's your name?
There were no slaves to answer Yu's query. They were blinded by gold coins in crates piled up like mountains.
But hundreds of slaves from the front row stretched out their spines even further to the ones of Alcom, as if they had been stuck with an ice column in their spine on their pretenses.
"Your husband's words..."
The cause was Marifa.
"- Didn't you hear me?
No one could resist the appearance of staring with icy eyes and losing words. If you look closely, Melanie, a slave-made apprentice tiger who refrains behind Marifa, and Graphila, a werewolf, were pinching their tails between their legs and holding down their trembling bodies.
"Your husband."
As if nothing had happened, Marifa meets gently towards Yu.
"What's your name?
Yu asks again.
One elf, who was in the front row of the word, answers in horror as he peeks into Marifa's complexion.
"Wow, my name is Dafimoloto. There is no last name… Mi, as you can see, it's an elf."
"Where's home?
The man in the elf remains silent. Elves and dark elves are the species that live in the woods. They live in hiding without much involvement with other races. I don't teach other races how close the place is. This elf man, too, it was the same. Whether the collar of a slave gave him pain in defiance of an order, that was all he had to reveal.
"Ma, wait!
It was the young beast man who was next to the man in the elf who waited.
"What happened to that bastard who forced me into slavery!!
"Who's that bastard?"
"It must be decided! Exkle...... Huh!? What, gibberish...... Huh! K, shit."
The moment the young man of the Beast tries to forsake the name of Count Exclemon, the Lord, the collar of the slave inflicts pain. The young man of the beast stares at Yu even as he drips from his mouth.
"Einar, who is this guy's lord?
"Wait a minute, please"
When Einar says so, he rolls a bunch of baking marks and paper around the neck of the young beast man.
"You're the Count of Exclemon."
"Oh, that's him. He's dead."
It is a lie.
Count Exklemon was undead by Yu's Necromancer magic and is still cherished and adorable (...) in the Torcher's room deep beneath the castle of the nameless kingdom.
"And dead......!?
"My lord? Listen to me! I am not a slave!! I was kidnapped by a slave hunter."
A heavenly woman screams, who was behind a young man of a dazed beast. That triggered it.
"Well then so am I.!! Let me go!!
"Please! Let me go home!!
"I was told to go here without any explanation!
"What's gonna happen to me now? No, I don't care what happens to me, just let my wife go, just the kids!!
One slave after another makes a noise for pleading and explanations. When the noise continues to spread to slaves in the rear, and eventually may develop into riots, the people of Alcom, including Einar, react quickly.
But the Tins. The slave maid apprentice has no sign of movement. Instead, he muttered "silly" in his heart as he looked at the slaves with pity.
"Hey, you heard me. - Whoa."
Only those who were making noise crawled to the ground as if to fall down.
"When did your husband give you permission to talk? Don't get me wrong just because my (...) husband is kind."
On the backs of the crawling slaves were countless osmium worms with as many as eighty kilometers in one manipulated by Marifa.
It is a state where you can only groan without being able to move, but you could say that you were fortunate in a way. If you're even a few more steps closer to Yu, you'll be torn apart by the people of the nameless kingdom - that's still fine, because you're just going to die. If Russ had moved, there would have been a scarier ending than death.
"Master, I showed you something ugly"
Marifa is the face of Alcom and the merchants who are pulling the dong.
"You said Dafimoroto. Do you have a home to go home to?
"Oh, there is."
Elf man - Daffimorotto regretted the unexpected response. Because I thought the future I was waiting for was unlimited, even if it could be bad.
"Can I go home alone (...) from here?
Without understanding Yu's words, Dafimoloto exposes the dumb surface with his mouth open.
"Can't you go home?
There was something behind it, and Daffimorotto remained silent. Then the pressure from Marifa and Russ, who refrain behind Yu, becomes blatantly stronger, and Dafimoloto, who feels in danger to himself, decides to be prepared.
"Or... I can go home. But I'm not going to tell you where my hometown is."
Yu clenches his neck in wonder. But you didn't care that much about what Dafimoloto was saying, picking two pieces of gold from the chest and throwing it away. Daffimorotto stares at Yu with a surprised look as he hurriedly accepts the gold coins thrown at him.
"You see the merchants over there, right? On the left is the exchange without fees, in the middle is the food, and on the right is the sale of clothes and things needed for the journey."
Approximately the confused Dafimoloto, Yu tells him so without hesitation.
"What are you standing there for? I'm telling you, I asked you not to, but they sell it at the right price. Or are you going to buy it in Wang Du? I don't think slaves will let me in, so it's better to get it all together here."
In fact, he told the merchants that Yu would replace the exchange fee.
It was Yu who tried to move on, but invites Dafimoloto to come to himself as if he remembered.
"I almost forgot"
With that said, Yu unconstitutionally removed the collar of the slave. I erupted the tea the magos and victors were drinking watching it.
The collar of slaves can only be removed by the Lord, the owner of slaves, but the slaves here had not undergone the Lord's transfer of authority. Nonetheless, it can be said that the merchants cannot be surprised because Yu removed the collar of the slave.
If it was meant to be, it would require an exchange between the owner of the slave and the higher-ranking contractual magic user and Yu. Plus half of the slaves here have lost their Lord, so it took an unusually difficult procedure or multiple exercise of contract magic.
But it was only after that that that I was truly surprised. When I thought Yu's palms glowed slightly, the collar of the slave and the demon balls separated, and Yu's right hand held the complete demon balls.
"You're surprised.
Yu, with a rare, flirtatious grin, sends his gaze to the magos.
"Huh... Huh! This Victor, you seem a little disturbed by a lot of things. So, Master Satoh and I are friends, so teach me that technique..."
"You can't tell me.
It's not just me, it's what I did with Russ. "
"No way, because we can remove the contractual magic embedded in that demon ball, reuse it, etc?
"I don't know."
"You seem to be able to," Victor stared at Russ as he stroked his chin beard. The other merchants wanted to know how to do that so much that their hands could get out of their throats, but it seemed obvious that they were putting up with Yu to the detriment of his mood.
"Next - you there."
Yu throws the collar of the slave in an empty box like he throws it away in rubbish, and the demon ball passes to Russ.
"Oh... my family is waiting for me where I'm going too!
Just like earlier, Yu hands over two gold coins and takes away the collar of the slave.
"Will you let me go?
"Liberation...... eh. Yay...! Free!!
"Thanks!! I will never forget this grace!!
One slave after another is freed.
And the next slave - a midget toddler.
"What's your name?
The dwarf toddler remains silent.
"Do you have a home to go home to?
Whatever you ask, there is no way to answer it.
"Oh, um..."
Probably slaved in the same place as a dwarf toddler. The beastly girl I saw comes out in front of Yu, trembling with a fine voice.
"He can't talk."
Yu walks toward a dwarf toddler. The beast girl said, "It's true!" As he cried out, "Yu went all the way to the dwarf toddler girl," he took away the collar of the slave. There was a scar on his neck - a cut off of his vocal cord.
Everyone on the spot lost their voice to the fact that their voice was still being taken from a young girl. Marifa was overlapping her past self, clutching the chest of her maid's clothes unknowingly.
Yu slowly and gently strokes the scar on the neck of a dwarf toddler girl. When my hands went too far, the scar had disappeared without a trace.
"Now you can talk."
The dwarf toddler is bewildered by the sound of her voice. Touch where your neck scar was many times and check your voice.
"What's your name?
"I know... no..."
"What about the parents?
"Wah... no... guh"
"Where's your birthplace?
"Hiku... no... no... no... no, no, no, no."
A dwarf toddler who was abducted before her heart could even remember her parents' faces, rather than her own name.
"You can't sit on your own!
"No more..."
"Look, you're gonna get mad, so you're gonna stand!
"Ugh... I want to come home."
A Dwarf child was sitting out a little further away.
"Where are we going next?
"Don't say anything extra"
"I'm starving..."
Also elsewhere, a ghost young girl spoke to a dragon man, saying she was hungry.
"Your husband."
"What the fuck?"
It was Tin who spoke to Yu in an energetic weather tone.
"Tin's kind of hungry, he's gonna stop"
Melanie turns bright blue and hurries to block Tin's mouth. I catch a glimpse of Marifa on the side, but I don't seem to have noticed what Tin has said since earlier, seemingly fumbling with wonder.
"I can't help it. Vanamo, prepare your meal."
"Yes, sir."
Even though it's not weird that the usual Vanamo would be biting Tin, for the most part, Melanie sees it strangely.
"Melanie, what is it"
"No, what do you usually say to your husband -! You're angry."
"Tin felt your husband's heart and spoke. Why do you think I'm angry?"
I don't understand what Vanamo is saying. That Melanie is roaring.
"Yes! Master, what is it?"
"You and Graphila help Vanamo, too. And feed the slaves too, because it's depressing to see them wanting something during a meal."
"What!? Oh, give... your husband... this number?
He said he couldn't do anything at all.
What ingredients just feed over 10,000 people in the first place? What about the cookware? Even if there was, Vanamo pulls Melanie's sleeve when she thinks Melanie and the others can't handle it alone. "What the hell," he said, at the tip of Vanamo's gaze - the inhabitants of the nameless kingdom emerge from the space-time gate created by Yu with one ingredient or cookware after another.
"Pocoli, Ariane"
"" Here ""
Pocoli the raccoon and Ariane the fox, kneel before Yu.
"It's blind to have other owners' burn marks on my slaves."
"Yes, you are."
"Bring in medical units from the nameless kingdom and erase the burn mark. Now that it's a good practice bench, heal the scars and bad spots in your eyes."
As Pocoli and Ariane turned their gaze to the space-time gate, they saw those in the medical unit waiting for their turn now or now. But these two can read the air, so I'm not saying Yu called them from the beginning.
"" Leave it to me ""
It only moves as Yu wishes.
Kneeling in front of Yu, more like a samurai than a demon Nepola is a maid.
"It won't end when the sun goes down like this. Lubanov, Bjarne, Mauno, and Machupi. Let the others who are free explain to the slaves."
"I'll take care of it!
Yu tells Nepola the words of explanation to the slaves. He added that slaves without a place to return again would be given two options.
The instructed slave maid apprentices begin their actions immediately. With the cooperation of the inhabitants of the nameless kingdom, Alcom, and the merchants, meals are distributed sequentially to more than 10,000 slaves without major disruption.
"Ha ha! I didn't know we were going to be eating, but that's Satou! I'm thrilled with this Victor!!
"Shut up and eat."
"That's right -! Master O'Donald will come to you if you don't eat rice!
Namari, who is eating with the slave children a short distance from Yu, gets up and preaches to Victor greatly, but when Marifa scolds him, he rushes to sit back and resume his meal.
"Huh. Namari is the same. And Namari and Momo aren't present, because for some reason?
"People like you are a bad influence on the education of kids like Namari."
Mago laughs niggly.
"Remember that some of you, Master Satou, also include Lord Mago"
"Ho ho. No way."
"No, he's in there."
Victor and the merchants laughed niggardly at all the revenge.
"By the way, I remember that some of Value's treasures included numerous works of art."
"Oh, it looks like you've been collecting from all over the Lame continent."
"If you have any problems with the disposition, this Victor will take it at the right price."
Some of the art collected by Value is illegal. Some of them are family heirlooms that the royalties of small and medium-sized nations have cherished from their ancestors. Victor wanted to buy them from Yu and sell favors to the royalty of another country.
"I'm not selling it."
"Then why don't you sell it to my Chamber of Commerce?"
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
"I'll multiply it by the amount offered by the other merchants and buy it."
Victor and his merchants sell themselves to Yu all the time here.
"That's why I'm telling you I'm not selling."
"Hmm. May I ask why that is?
'Cause I'm gonna build a museum.'
"No way. Is it for the inhabitants of the sub - nameless kingdom?
Viktor sweats a cold sweat in his heart, threatening to silence him.
I hear it's good for education.
"Education? Dear Satou, is that for the children of the nameless kingdom, if I am not mistaken?
A royal or aristocratic child would still understand. It is because from an early age we will educate ourselves in various fields of knowledge and other talents from etiquette to speech. Rather than being just a civilian, it didn't seem Victor could understand the value and beauty of a national treasure piece of art to his children, either, of a species known as the Subhuman.
"Who said it was for those loud kids?"
Yu wrinkled between his eyebrows uncomfortably, staring at Victor.
"Noha-ha. So who is that happy person? I want you to tell me something about this Victor."
Victor grins wildly as he takes Yu's gaze flatly.
".................. it's Russ. He's not happy with the stuff there."
"Ho ho. Was it Lord Russ! Phew."
And Marifa likes expensive furniture.
Victor's cheeks just loosen on too painful an excuse. Fearing the slightest, magos and merchants are turning away from Yu and his eyes.
"Nina, if you have something to say, just say it."
"That's the one with the yu, right? Yes, it's tundelle (...)"
"Who was Tundele! Where did you say that?"
"Mr. Satou, I'm taking you in. Excuse me, may I have a moment?
Yu's questioning becomes obnoxious by the Einar who sent the merchants out.
"I need to talk to you about something"
"What the fuck?"
"Alcom's got a big territory."
"Watch your language. I'm not a dick anymore."
Einar, who thinks he is inside, while holding down his nose where he was hit with a magic bullet, naturally doesn't say that.
"We have more sales offices and we don't have enough people."
"You can get more out of the orphanage."
"You're such a ga-- you're a kid, right? You won't be able to use it right away."
Even though the orphanage children working at Alcom were finely ordered by Yu to eat, snack and rest during working hours.
"So I want you to turn the general slave over here, not the illegal slave. Of course they're convinced. Yeah, but. I'll even pay my salary."
"Slaves convince you?
"Hehe. Mr. Satow may not understand, but not everyone wants to be free from slavery. Some of them want us to guarantee food and clothing as slaves."
"Einar's right. I don't understand.
All right, you've been arranging illegal slaves in front of you from the beginning, and you've been arranging them in general slavery behind you. "
"Was it a prospect"
"What about Wangdu more than that?
"Thank you. I'm so scared that things are going too well."
"You haven't rubbed it with Lawrence's lower tissue or the people that were holding him back?
"It's outrageous! It's more cooperative."
The fact that the back shield of Alcom was Yu was known to the dark society of Tenkasi, the king's capital. In just a few days, there was no fool to deal with Lawrence, or even with a group of Values who had bulldozed the table and the back of the Kingdom of Oudon. Rather, we were trying to make our position a little better by working with Alcom, helping Alcom so that every organization could compete.
"Oh, my God. If I was in trouble, I'd help you."
"Ha, ha..."
Dry laughter comes from Einar and Alcom people.
"You're mistaken about something, aren't you? I'm good at discussing things."
"Heh, you know what? Yes!? Hey, boss, stop it! Seriously, the one that flies it hurts!!
As the men of Alcom flee from Yu's magic bullets, they scatter themselves toward the common slaves.
Looking around, an explanation had been given to the slaves from where they had finished their meals. Slaves who had been briefed and chosen to be free had made a long line of serpents to the merchants in search of the equipment they needed to exchange and travel.
Yu, like others, had resumed explaining to the slaves. If things are going well, it will be the turn of the two elves. The elf that seems to be my sister seems to be strong, but she boasted a beauty to which exactly the word "appearance" applies, having pulled out one of her heads among the elves. The elf hiding behind that sister is also an adorable form of asylum appetite.
"What's your name?
"My name is Zenobia. Descendants of the great Bailey clan, the coward over here is Chris."
"Hey, sister."
"You have a family, which means you have a place to go."
Yu tries to take gold from the chest.
"Ma, stay! You don't remember us!?
With a surprising glance Yu turns to Zenobia, he moves his long ears with joy. However, pressure like cold air is released from the marifa watching the condition.
"No, you don't."
"Why don't you remember! It's me!! You really remember that, don't you? Nah! Come on, come on, don't try to give me the gold!
"Do that kind of scam roughly"
"Chi Ga Ga - Ro! You would have helped me when I was about to let those bad people lick my legs!!
Apparently, Zenobia and Chris were the matching elves when Yu boarded at Lawrence's headquarters.
But it still doesn't seem to be in Yu's memory.
"I don't."
"Oops! Why are you so mean!!
"Take the money and go home."
"I hate it!! I'm not leaving!! I will return the favor I received!! In the name of the Bailey clan!!
"Sister, the way you ask me to do that is rude."
"Chris! What are you talking about?
Yu tries to force me to give him the gold coin, but Zenobia gets rid of that hand. Then Marifa broke in between Yu and Zenobia.
"Hey, what are you! I'm in the middle of something important right now."
"Your husband apparently doesn't know about elves like you. Now pick up that gold coin and disappear."
It is such a cold Marifa attitude that it reminds me of it being icy. If you're a regular person, you're releasing so much pressure that it's not strange to be cowardly, but Zenobia at the time is more carefree - more dull than dull.
"Ya. I'm not giving up!
"Tin, take this impolite"
"Er. Sister, Tin enjoys a post-meal break, but don't..."
"- I thought I was suddenly motivated. Let's go home, Elf."
"No, don't! Don't treat me like a deaf kid!
Zenobia desperately resists being dragged by Tin.
"Ma, wait! I can use my bow!! I'm sure it will help!!
"Can you use a bow?
Tin's movement stops at Yu, who reacted to the word bow. Poke that gap and Zenobia escapes Tin's hand.
"That's right! I'm a bowman!
"It's something I can often say about my own fame. Master, I will eliminate you."
"Wow. Wait! Your Lord is interested in me, but you can move on your own!
Marifa, who tried to eliminate it by doing her best, stares bitterly at Zenobia.
"Are you a bowman?
The nameless kingdom, unfortunately, has no bow users. Even if it is a marifa using a bow, the level of 'bowing' is 3 because it is not in a bow system job.
"Kufu. Does that bother you? This is my bow arm!
"How much can you use?
"That's surprising enough for everyone already."
"Can you use as much as Simon, Mardary and Hans?
"Wait, wait, wait!! Those three must be about" Dark Green Reaper "Simon Hay," Black Reaper "Hans Urun Ruddle," One Shot, One Kill "Mardary.
Mm, don't be impotent! Compared to those chosen as the top three archers. "
"What. Bye, no."
Losing interest, Yu had his consciousness shifted to the next slave.
"Come on, now you'll be satisfied too"
"Yi-yah! Wait ~! Oh yeah!! If I'm with my brother (...), I might be able to draw even if I can't win...... no, I can!
Everyone's gaze gathered on the adorable elf who had been grating on the Zenobian side for some time now on the word "brother of Zenobia".
"Oh, um... well, it's embarrassing to be staring at you so much..."
It's not a woman's costume, but Chris is the only look a girl can see from anywhere. As representative of everyone's doubts, Namari pampers her groin as she approaches Chris.
"Yikes!? What are you doing?"
Chris hides behind Zenobia by turning his face bright red with his inner crotch.
"Ah! Dear Odono, this guy dude I have a penis!!
"Namari! Don't say that out loud!
"'Cause Sister Mari, this weak bastard has an oh!
"Oh, oh... I have a penis, so what do you say"
"Because, uhh..."
"Haha. You thought Chris was a woman?
So I would always say. He told me to walk with more breasts up. "
"Sister, it's terrible."
It's not a level where you can do something with your chest up. Even at this point in Bobcut, the merchants running the whorehouse were convinced that Chris had the charm to become the store's most popular.
"What do you say? Our sister and brother would have wanted it!
"No, nothing."
"Why? - Whoa!
"Come on, let's go home"
Marifa happily places her hand on Zenobia's shoulder.
"No, no, no! I'm not leaving!
"Pfft. My husband says he's not interested in you."
"Oh, no!
What an ugly dispute exists between the resistant Zenobia and Marifa to take her, but the sorting of slaves proceeded without great trouble.
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