To Deprive a Deprived Person

Lesson 289: The Virgin Candidate

One carriage was driving down the royal road leading to the city of Kamer. It is also a splendid construction with passenger cars rather than carriages. However, there is no brilliant decoration as the nobles and merchants ride. It makes me feel fancy, but I don't hate it.

There were ten girls in the passenger car and a woman in her mid-thirties. What was common to everyone was that they were wearing white robes and an amulet mimicking the Illigamic symbol from their necks, hanging in a chain.

"We will soon reach the city of Cummer, but this is one of the cities within the Kingdom of Oudon that continues to develop particularly remarkably. One of the most important places in Iligamic missionary activity."

"" "Yes" "

Nine girls reply with their voices together.

"As I always say, Holy God drugs are limiting. Be careful not to distribute it cheaply except to the powerful or their relatives."

"" "Yes" "

"Again, the city Cummer is a big town, but lamentably it has slum streets just like the rest of the city. Needless to say, it's a dangerous place. Don't get too close by mistake."

"" "Yes" "

(You look like an idiot. It is in the slums and in places despised by men that there must be weak people who seek the hand of salvation)

"Sister Evarina, are you listening?

(Or is it also the teaching of Irigamism to distribute holy god drugs only to nobles and merchants and save only the wealthy)

"Evarina Fodd (...), are you listening to me!

Without just one reply, the girl, who was watching the flow outside from the passenger car, lazily glances at the woman who absurds her voice.

"Yes, Sister Angelica, I can hear you without making such a loud noise."

To Evarina, who smiles gracefully, Angelica desperately suppresses boiling frustration.

"It's fine if you're hearing me. Don't let it break my promise. In the first place, you are not conscious enough to be candidates for the Virgin. As I always say, we are from Jardalk, the Holy Nation."

Angelica's long sermon begins, but Evarina did not reply, but merely smiled.

(You're a little hysterical. I can't hide my emotions in my voice.)

"... won"

The Yus, who returned from the nameless kingdom to the mansion of the city Kammer late last night, were having breakfast in the mansion's living room. Then, abruptly, Lena mutters.

"... I won"

Lena shrugged again, either because the Yus were unresponsive. Slightly, the whirling asshole hair also appeared to be trembling.

But ignoring Lena's whining, Yu and Marifa proceed with the meal.

"Who did you beat?

Nina asks if Lena thought it was too pathetic. Lena herself didn't seem to notice, but her mouth was smiling thinly.

"... you want to know?

"Ugh, yeah. Don't worry ~"

I don't know what to do. A lot of Lena. And then, basically, when you get up on the chair...

"Lena, you're behaving badly."

"You can't do that."

Note Marifa and Namari. Momo also crosses arms to make an X mark. But it wasn't Lena who gave it up.

"... Heavenly Knowing, Earthly Knowing, I Know"

It is as rhetorical as I have heard somewhere. It is Lena who poses as a decision maker, but naturally these poses have no meaning. But it seems to be popular with kids like Namari and Momo, "Whoa! Or, that's cool!!" Namari is excited.

"... the supergenius magician who called"

"You're saying it yourself, aren't you?," Yu speaks to Nina, but Nina deludes herself with a bitter laugh.

"... yes. I am the ten proud diners of Marquis Muss, two of whom defeated Lampoo and Gonroya the Ice Cube without the need for an avant-garde."

When you make the final decision pose, you catch a glimpse of the chills and the yus.

"Lena. Did you beat the diner?

Marifa, who suffered a defeat from Prili, confirms to Lena with regret.

"... I won. It's both at the same time."

"Awesome! Those two are A-rank adventurers, right? How strong have you gotten to fight and win at the same time?

"... it's not that surprising. With my power, you deserve to win."

When Nina compliments her, Lena just asks her to calm down and hold Nina's head down. But its cheeks were slightly reddish, and its whirling asshole hair was spinning hard.

"Anyway, if it's one opponent, did you beat them both? Let's do it. - No, you declared you were going to defeat the Great Sage, so it's only natural that you could do this."

I honestly tried to praise Yu, but when I cut the words along the way, I snap at Lena.

"... yes, of course. Next we beat Russ."

"Russ is strong."

"You're strong! But I'm stronger!!

"... no problem"

"Is that the end of the story?

"... over"

I finished what I was trying to say, and Lena got to her seat, and there was someone waiting for her.

"It's not the end, is it?

- It's Joseph. I was obsessed with eating dinner and listening to Lena in silence, but something seems to be on my mind to say.

"This guy, I'm glad I almost defeated Lampoo and Gonroya. And then you try and beat the prick!

Lena hastily tries to block Joseph's mouth, but Joseph keeps talking.

"So? And then I tried Claudia, and I lost again, and then I tried Lara again, and I lost, didn't I? Sounds like he kept trying until you guys got back last night, but he didn't win once in the end, did he?

"... Ugh, loud"

I wondered why Lena would say extra things and slap Joseph on the back with a pokapoka.

"Well, I worked out these guys while Yu was gone, so maybe one day we can win"

"Thanks to you, Tin has a muscle ache all over his body, and it stops"

"What's left of the fangs is the clan's allies' apologies to the 'Nameless', and the adventurers' guild brought a lot of money, so it sounds like they were making a scene."

"I'm not interested."

"I'm not interested either. Morpheus told me to tell you. I told him.

Whoa, Tin. Bread, soup, meat and potato salad. Oh, and don't forget the booze. "

"I'm gonna do it all instead."

All he wanted to say was run out of words, and Joseph hit the steak.

A girl dressed out of place in a white robe on the so-called Slam Street, in the corner of the city Cummer - Evarina was walking alone. Even though so much attention had been paid by Sister Angelica to stay away from Slam Street, she was not willing to listen at all.


Speaking of slums, there is a gloomy, bitter air everywhere in different places, and those who live there are worn out, their hair is bumpy, their skin is rough and they have cloudy eyes. With its glitzy eyes, he peers into the crevices of his dumb prey. That's what Evarina finds out. It was the hallmark of a slum city in every country and town.

(There's definitely order here)

A glimpse of the surroundings with unclean eyes could cause extra rubbing, so it was Evarina, who trifled to observe the surroundings, but the buildings were lined with slum-like ruins, but the eyes of those who lived there were full of vitality.

"The lady there"

Evarina, who is called and sits up, loosens her guard about a step to the appearance of the man who has spoken up.

(Uniform... sounds like a guard in this town)

Evarina judges the man as a guard in the appearance of a man dressed in a beautiful uniform unlike Slam Street. While slumming on the evidence, the man was cared for not only in uniform, but also in mustaches, etc.

"Whoa, this is rude. Was it Master Sister?"

"He's a visitor in an Illigamic missionary mission."

"As you can see, this is not the kind of place where there is a Sister from another country, Slam Street. Sa, sa. I'll show you the way to the main street while you cross."

"Shall I sweeten your words, then?"

That's what Everina tells the man to do.

"Uh, this will be the orphanage in Slam Street (...)"


"What are you doing?

"Come on, I'm at work, so stop it."

Children in orphanages hang in the arms of men.

"Um. Master Sister, are you sure you're glad we're here?

"Yeah, this will be the place to be. Thank you for your guidance, Guard."

I'm not a guard.


Leaving Evarina slightly surprised, the man leaves with his hand.

"Hey, what are you doing here?

"Is there someone in charge here?

Evarina asks as she strokes the cheeks of her skin-glossy children, as she does not think she is in an orphanage in Slam Street.

"Blame it on you. What?

"I'm not talking about Sister"

"Yeah, show me to that Sister."


Look at the kids as if they deserve Evarina.

"Look, as you can see, I don't have anything dangerous, do I? Or are you afraid of me?

"I'm not frightened!

"Wow, you're not frightened."

"Hehe, right. You guys look so much stronger than me."

Guided by the strong children, Evarina enters the orphanage.

"Well, because I came from Jardalk, the Holy Country"

"Yes. My name is late. My name is Evarina Fodd, and I believe in Irigamit, the goddess of light."

"This is polite. I am Nourche Bonnefeld, who believes in Sara Ana, goddess of water. That said, as you can see, the orphanage in Slam Street is also a helpless sister who cannot operate satisfactorily."

"Be modest. With all due respect, let me take a look at the children, but every child is healthy in itself, very - well, don't be offended."

"I don't think it's a child in an orphanage in Slam Street - is it?

Sisternowlce spins the word, as if to speak for Evarina in her heart, who is about to say it spicy. After that, I smiled and clasped my shoulders, and Evarina was also smiled at.

"If you don't mind, can I tell you an old story instead of a little difficult sermon to the kids?

"Yeah, the kids will be happier."

"Are you going to give me a treat?

"Yay! Me, I'm a fool!

The children you were eavesdropping on enter the room.

"You guys, bugging is a bad thing."

"I'm sorry."

"You told me to treat Sister to you."

"It's a good idea. Shit to Yu."

(Brother Yu?

"Now let's talk outside."

The kids go after Evarina.

"You are pathetic children abandoned by your parents, but you will never abandon Irigamit, the goddess of light. Let us not forget that with its infinite light we are always watching over you"

To the children sitting around Evarina in the garden, I will say a classic word.

(Strange. There's a reaction from the kids...)

The reaction is not faint. Evarina was feeling a less good emotion coming out of the kids.

(This is the orphanage of Sister, who believes in the goddess of water. I wonder if you don't have a very favourable impression of Irigamit, the goddess of light. Fine, I'll try to eagle the kids' hearts with my story)

Get back on your mind, Evarina starts the old story.

"One of those five brave men is blessed with Irigamit, the goddess of light -"

But there's something wrong with the kids who were blinking their eyes and listening at first. Still, Evarina keeps talking.

"So again, by the power of the people, peace has come to the world. But two years later, an alliance of beasts betrayed him and attacked the land of a certain people. Not only soldiers to kings and knights, but also children to old men and women without sin."



All of a sudden, an animal girl stood up and called Evarina a a liar.

"This lady is lying!!

"Chi, no. I'm not lying."

"I'm in Yu, so you're really getting rid of me!!

"That's right! Hey, you're a liar!

Next time, a boy of the people stands up and blames Evarina. The eyes of the silent children were also filled with anger.

"Oh no... I can't believe I'm lying..."

Evarina has spoken a long time ago in front of a large crowd. But I've never had such an attitude before. On the contrary, he was never even blinded by the sight of hatred, as if it were innocent children. Shocked Evarina was left with an orphanage to escape the children's eyes.

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