Le Larange.

It is the most formatted luxury restaurant in the city of Kammer. Most users are called aristocrats or large merchants and cannot be used at first sight.

"Ho, are you sure you want to eat? I'm telling you, if they charge you money later, you don't have that kind of money, do you?

In one of Le Larange's rooms, Ansgar rushes to wipe the back of his hand as the saliva is about to drip from his mouth to the numerous fine dishes arranged on the table. It was also something I had no choice about. Because Ansgar could not even take a decent meal or break in order to continue to escape the intransigent pursuit of Holy Country Jardalk's intelligence agency Hua (Brosom).

"Hang on, this place is so fancy that at first glance, you refuse to be super, right? Is that okay with a private room, too?

"I thought you said you wanted to eat. Besides, this is a store I've used many times, and it's a good place to accommodate some of the ingredients I'm unloading."

"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. This bread, it's not good. Ugh, even so, it's you! I'm older even when I look like this!

"What does it look like? I don't care if you look at me or not."

Ansgar complains to Yu as he eats a lot of bread at once and rushes through the bread stuck in his throat and pours it into his stomach with soup. If it was meant to be, the food would be carried in the order of appetizers, soups, fish dishes, etc., but Yu was forcing the store to carry the food at a time because Ansgar says he wants to eat fast anyway.

"Kah! You're a mouthless kid. I told you I wasn't the enemy. Trust me a little bit."

"Shut up. I'll decide if you're the enemy or not."

"I'll tell you what. When you first came to Cummer, who would have watched over you? Besides, I was the one who passed on the rookie hunt information to the Adventurer Alliance. Well, no, I was watching more than that."

Ansgar points to Yuu in a fork as he cuts apart the steak of the Wodon Devil's Bull.


"You were rubbing with Roy Buom in the Adventurer's Guild, weren't you? And you fought unilaterally."

"I don't care about that. More than that..."

"Stella asked me (...) to watch over you. The fact that Jardalk was insinuating about tailoring you to the Demon King, or your predicament - whoa! The rich flavour that spreads over your tongue in this aromatic fragrance, it's a truly fine wine."

Drinking up a glass of wine at once, Ansgar urges Yu to speak with his chin. What an abomination that expression makes Yu angry.

"If you know Jardalk's plan, you don't have to tell me. I pay attention to the trends of each brave man. Roy Buom focussed on Jardalk and Harmeln. That brave man came all the way to see me in the kingdom of Oudon, didn't he? If you're not on your guard with this, it's a dumb ass."

"Well, you sure do"

Ansgar nods with a difficult face.

"Yet that bastard has a hellish side (a knuckle), wouldn't you turn to me and be a brave man? Yeah, I'm through with my anger."

"Kuha. Well, don't be so angry. But thinking about it, ■ maybe I'm glad it stays on my eyes."


"You don't seem to notice, but no, it's like the traits of a brave man you don't notice"

"What do you want to say? Say it clearly."

"You - were slightly but attracted to the brave, Roy Buom"

Towards Yu, who opened his mouth to say something, Ansgar points again with a fork.

"Now you didn't kill Roy Buom. If I knew Yu Sato, I would have killed him. Or did it get sweeter after a while?

Yu does not argue with his mouth shut. Ansgar has a point. To the evidence, Yu doesn't know the footsteps after Roy left the Adventurer's Alliance. Even though earlier he said to Ansgar that he was paying attention to the trend of the brave.

"You seem to understand a little. But the evil ■ is no longer necessary. One of my purposes is to relieve you of your evil. I've fulfilled my promise to Stella, so I'm sorry for your loss. Oh, my God, that... you can't leave me alone."

Let your mouth deceive you, Ansgar doesn't say it's clear.

"Don't do anything extra"

"It's an extra thing. I'm doing it for you."

"I'm telling you that's extra."

"Uh, yeah. That's great.

I'll tell you what. I don't know how much you owe Stella's K ■ Baba ■. From me... "


"I said fucking baba."

"Connect and say, it seems to contradict the banned language."

"Shit," he mutters, and Ansgar throws a pair of steak matching carrots into his mouth.

"Look at that. ■ If you don't release your eyes, you can't even talk satisfactorily."

"Just keep talking."

To Yu who doesn't listen, Ansgar gives a visible and frustrating look, but no matter what he says, he starts to give up and tell Yu that he can't honestly listen.

"Don't regret it. Again, Stella might have been a good old lady to you. From me, she's like a bitch - no, she was a scarier woman than a ghost. I was originally orphaned and picked up by Stella, but that was the beginning of a horrible day. The rice doesn't taste good, even though the training isn't too tough to die for, Stella won't lose any of her hands.

You know what? That woman's alias is "Frozen ■ Woman" in "Evil ■ Demon ■" or "Ice S ■ La". Well, that's a funny thing to say, isn't it? Besides, Jardalk territory doesn't get satisfying ingredients because it's mostly lean and decaying land, but adding to that, Stella's ■ no rice ■ I don't know! That's poison. You don't even eat poison hounds that are poison resistant. "

He was a yu who could not understand all Ansgar's words, but still could not hide his surprise at their content, which was spoken. I was too far away from Stella's impression that I knew.

"Hmm? Heh, surprised? Stella started practicing cooking and sewing after she decided to live with you. Until then, she wasn't interested in the flavour of cooking, because she wanted to get the nutrition she needed.

Anyway, if you think about the future, ■ you should solve your eyes. In that state, you cannot check the status of anyone with the Fod surname in The Devil's Eye of the Other World. One of your strengths is to see your opponent's status without struggling, right? Sooner or later Jardalk and you will be in full contention. And then... "

"'Twin Saints'?

"That's right. Even I know you've become incredibly strong. But there is one" saint of the two saints, "de ■ le f ■ ■ is an authentic monster. Whatever... that bastard is going to serve God."

Dew your disgust. Ansgar makes it a word.

"You know more about summoning me than that?

"That's you... Oh, I know."

"Tell me how much you sacrificed to summon my soul (...)"

"Soul...... what are you talking about? All I know is..."

"Don't fall in love"

Even though Yu didn't vandalize his voice, the pressure Yu emits makes the room - no, the whole Le Larange trembles.

"Stay! Calm down a little. Maybe there's some information I'm hearing from Stella that you know about."

To Ansgar's words, the pressure released from Yu disappears, and the hair that was upside down also returns to it.

"Damn. How much pressure are you putting on me when you say I'm not your enemy? Look, I'm surprised by your hand sweat."

Ansgar sighs loudly, "Phew," wiping his hand sweat with a napkin.

"Ready? All I'm going to talk about is what Stella told me, and she said Stella never actually saw it herself. Listen to me based on that.

Long before the Holy Calendar, there was a country called the Kingdom of Cammulida. He said the country wasn't doomed anymore, but there was a man in the country who was good at summoning. One day, a royal decree was given to the ministers to gather talented people on King Cammrida's orders. While many ministers cannot gather the people King Camurida wants, the summoner man knits a certain technique. Yes, by offering the sacrifice you were talking about, it's a summons that brings people more convenient to us than the 'otherworlds' - the 'otherworlds summons'. The hallmark of this summons is that, unlike a normal summons, the other party's will can be disregarded and further conditions can be imposed. For example, with a boy with dark hair (...) and black eyes (...) "

Yu listens to Ansugar in silence.

"Besides... the horror of this' Summoning the Other World 'was in the sacrifice offered. Depending on the number of their sacrifices, the summoned are granted powerful skills. If you are the" Devil's Eye of the Other World "..."

"If it's hard to say, I'll tell you." Robbery. "

"Though sacrifices are necessary, it didn't take long for countries other than the Kingdom of Camurida to dye their hands in the 'Summons of the Other World' because of the ability to acquire people with mighty power. So does Jardalk. Thoughts varied from country to country. He continued to 'summon the other worlds' for the brave, the heroes, and sometimes the villains convenient to themselves. Even after the demise of the Kingdom of Cammulida, it never ceased to exist."

Ansgar had moistened his throat with wine many times since earlier, whether his throat was unusually dry.

"I know that. I'm asking you how much you sacrificed to my subpoena."

"It's about 200,000. As far as Stella's concerned... I just know."

Close your eyes and Yu often thinks. He was indefensible, unthinkable from his usual lack of clearance.

"The maximum capacity of the Hilfe camp should be about 100,000. You have more than one other facility?

"I don't know much about it either, but they're saving the sacrificial soul in a certain way."

"Is that the same method as Holy God's medicine?

Ansgar shows a surprised bare gesture that the name of the Holy Divine Medicine came out of Yu's mouth.

"Not that far...... I don't know. However, in Stella's diary, there was a statement that I assumed applied the power of the Holy Grail."

"You guys are really a bunch of crumbs you can't help."

"I'm a Jardalk, but I'm not involved in The Summoning of the Other Worlds. Besides, some of the Jardalks were against the 'Summoning of the Other Worlds'. Stella is one of them. And the Virgin."

"Shut up."

From this room, out of Yu's sight, he is forced to suppress his desire to escape instantly, and Ansgar just stares at Yu in silence.

"Two hundred thousand...... so?

"Many of the sacrifices are sinners."

"Sinners? Tell me what sins they've committed. Before I come to this (...) world, before I lose consciousness in the original world, shall I tell you what I saw? It's a pile of corpses of children, women, men, old men, young and old. The corpses are not the only people. Many of them are Beasts, Elves, Dark Elves, Dwarves - the kind of species you discriminate against subhumans. Some of them looked like babies. Aren't these the sacrificed ones? Then I can be convinced that the people I saw were watching me with cursing eyes."

Ansgar had nothing more to say. No, I couldn't say anything.

Yu takes a seat, saying he doesn't need to talk any more.

"Wait, we're not done talking. At least let the eye release. You seem to think it's a connection to Stella, but the ■ eyes limit your abilities and thoughts. For example, you're supposed to be wearing very little decoration! Because there are objects in the decoration that unlock charm, temptation, etc. -"

Ansgar's words bare Yu's ears.

"And you fear loneliness (...). I can't be alone. Stella thinks this is about you. But because of that, you..."

No matter how desperately Ansgar overlaps words, Yu's steps toward the door will not stop.

"Even if you can't believe me, believe me about Stella!

Yu's leg stops at that word.

"I need to ask you one thing"


"Grandma Stella's grave was being dug back by..."

"I dug it back. Stella asked me not to be used by Jardalk until after she died."

"- Right, right..."

"Stay! Whoa!!

Without even looking back, Yu leaves the room. When the remaining Ansgar sat down to fall in the chair, he held down his poisonous, painful flank with his right hand.

"You were listening, weren't you?

"Yes, I remember everything"

Out in the hallway, Yu talks to Russ, who has long disappeared and been on guard.

"Write it up on paper as soon as you get back to the mansion. I know words can be recognized if they are letters, even if they are unrecognizable."

"Yes, sir."

Ansgar was walking down the hallway leading from Le Larange's private room to the exit. The waiter leading the way was a man with gray hair, who served as a summariser for the waiter.

"I'm not paying you, okay?

"Rest assured. I've already received it from Satou."

Ansugar kept eating and drinking even after Yu left. For not being able to eat or drink satisfactorily in his escape life, I guess the recoil was also huge. Normally tight abs are also slightly swollen now.

"Looking forward to seeing you again"

"It was delicious."

Ansgar greets the waiter with a respectful greeting and proceeds to the boulevard. This is a restaurant on the corner of the aristocratic district, where the identity of those who inevitably cross paths is also superior to that of the civilian population, and the number of people is sparse. Though within the city camer, walking there with Ansgar mixed together is too conspicuous.

"That bastard. You don't listen to people until the end, because Stella told you not to."

Eat and drink sporadically and let Yu luxury you, Ansgar spills stupidity.

After a while, you'll eventually see the boulevard. There I saw the same large crowd crossing the road as usual.

"Stop there"

Towards the woman walking toward her, Answer speaks as if to warn her.

Did you tell me to stop?

A woman dressed as a civilian to see fingers her own face in amazement. Several men and old women stop and gaze at Answers for something. On the side of the road, the children were in sight playing.

"If it's a little rubbing, don't worry about it. I'm just on my way shopping!

With an angry face, the woman protests Ansgar.

"I don't shop...... It's the aristocratic city that's going this way. Do you think there's a shop where dozens of civilians like you go? Whoa, no more excuses. I've lived here before. I'm more familiar with Cummer than you guys are."

Emotions fell out of the face of a woman who was angry until earlier. Old women and men who watched how they were doing around also had an emotionless look on their faces and moved to surround Ansgar at some point.

"Where did you do Sister Stella's body?

A woman asks Ansgar a question in such a cold voice that she does not think she is the same person.

"Well, I wonder where you did it"

"That (...) belongs to Jardalk, the Holy Nation. You want me to give it to you?"

"Even though it's my in-laws, it's my mother. Did you think I'd give it to people like you motherfuckers?

Despite being besieged, Ansgar replies to make a fool of himself.

"You back-cutter."

"When did I become one of you guys? I can get in the way here. Let's change places."

Ansgar suggests watching the kids play on the side of the road.

"What's wrong with that?


"It is not our knowledge that those who do not worship Irigamism will die no matter how much. Is it not rather a pleasure to see fewer heretics"

The siege surrounding Ansgar narrows.

"It's our last chance. Tell me where the body is. Then I'll kill you without suffering."


I can't hear you very well.

"That's why I said I threw it away. You fuckers burned Stella's body until it was ashes and dumped her in the ocean."

"Ki, you! You understand what you've done?" Two-Holy Saint "Doyle Fodd's Blood Drawer's Body Dumped!?

"Nah, it's" The Twin Saints, "Doll Fodd. Aren't you a son of a bitch who only sprinkles seeds? Tell me when you get home, you stay in the jardalk!

When the agents belonging to Hua (Brosom) tried to launch a simultaneous attack on Answer Gar...

"Oh, he's the grantor's uncle."

Nina was the one who appeared in the capable weather voice.

"D...... Nina."

The agents are alert to Nina, who shows up without a sign. That was the same for Ansgar. Instead, he dew a stronger sense of vigilance than he did against the intelligence agents, putting his cane toward Nina.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it? What are you doing here? Is that it? Doesn't this smell anything?

Nina, holding her nose down, gestures a glance around her. At that moment, in an instant, Nina disappears and appears behind the woman who was facing Ansgar. As it were, Nina put her face on the woman's shoulder.

"Kun-kun. Oh, you're a Jerdalk, aren't you?

It was Nina speaking with a smile on her face, but the next moment...

"I thought it smelled reasonable"

With the sword the woman had hidden in her right hand, she tries to poke Nina's flank, but lies on the ground to collapse when the movement suddenly stops. The woman never moved again as it was. No one could understand what Nina did to the woman.

"Clean it up from the woman."

A man of intelligence leadership besieging Ansgar skips instructions. An old woman throws a dagger at that voice. But it wasn't Nina who was ahead of the throw, it was the kids playing on the side of the road. If Nina moved to shelter the children if she was upset, the rest of them would have stabbed her in the stomach.

"Shit... ha... oh, man... have a child... eh"

The old woman kneels as she holds her chest. The chest was submerged in the shape of a palm. The old woman was struck by Nina's lethal assassination move, Narrow Palm Heart Strike. Horribly, the moment the old woman unleashed her throw, Nina prioritized the attack without even looking at the daggers heading for the children.

The children were in Ansgar's junction, sparing death with one hair at a time. Kids stare strangely at Ansgar repeatedly breathing rough.

"Once here - haha..."

Nina's right elbow plunges into the leader's chest. Keep it up. Nina grabs the man's right wrist with her left hand and moves on to the throwing move. It is an assassination technique called "Elbow Shooting". The last sight seen by a man who had his head slapped to the ground without even being able to take a reception was of his own people already lying breathlessly on the ground.

"Ha ha, it would be annoying for others if I slept here ~"

Nina pretends to lend her shoulders and carries the agents to the alley, as if she were drunk, leaving her body on the item porch as usual.

"I wonder why you're here? The role's over now, isn't it?

Nina asks Ansgar with a flat face that she can't believe she just killed someone.

"You told Yu something extra anyway, didn't you?

"It's not extra. I just taught him the truth."

"I'd rather not know. There's also a truth. Poor thing, I think Yu is hurting somewhere by now, knowing he doesn't have to know."

Nina talks as she hands behind her back and peeks at Ansugar's face from the bottom. It would also have looked like a smiling sight from the side, but at the time Ansgar was wet with sweat erupting from all over her body.

"You... what do you want?"

"Do you need to know?

Nina waves a dagger of black dragons and nails in her right hand. At the end of the track is Ansgar's neck. Blades of black dragons and nails pass through Ansgar's neck without resistance.

"Su, there were not one but two Stella diaries. There was speculation about who you were."


Nina's black dragon/nail passes through Ansgar's left shoulder to his right torso. I couldn't even understand why I was still alive and why the blade would pass through my body without scratches by Answer himself, who was supposed to be under attack.

"To protect Yu, Stella was taking care of intelligence agents from other countries who were secretly sniffing around the village of Lessell. Some of them, apparently, were bodies that Stella hadn't put her hands on."


Now the blade of the black dragon/nail passes from Ansgar's right shoulder to his left torso and the reverse.

"You... from another country... no, I was destroying intelligence, including Jardalk."

"Then what do you say?

"You are... you are... haha"

Ansgar kneels in spiritual fatigue. Nina's swinging blade is no stranger to killing Ansgar a few times. I couldn't stand the pressure anymore.

"Good for you, huh? Though in law, he's Stella's son. Otherwise, you're killing Jardilks."

"Lick - No!?

Neglectly Nina had disappeared from before Ansgar, who raised her face.

"Damn. What does she want? And what's that ability? Kill my body over and over again - what!? What the hell was that? The poison is gone from my body."

Looking around, Ansgar rubbed his painless flank with his hand.

"Is that all of it?


In Yu's mansion's own room, Russ had a conversation between Yu and Ansgar in the text.

"Master, please wait. Which way?"

Russ speaks to Yuu as he tries to dive through the gates created by space-time magic.

"I want to read it alone"

"I'm on your side too."

"Not necessary"

"Master, trust me"

"What happened to your country after you believed in people?

Russ kneeling in front of Yu just squeezed her fist hard without even being able to raise her face.

"I'll be back by night"

Nothing to say, Russ just shut up and dropped Yu off diving the gate.

"What, I wasn't dead"

There was a figure of Yu deep in a deserted mountain with no one. Read Russ's written paper as he deposits his body on the slope and squirms at his lack of interest.

"Uh, and don't laugh. How many of you summoned me? Oh, 200,000 people."

A bright red sunset illuminates Yu's face.

"Uh, don't laugh"

Yu mutters the same words.

"Do you normally use 200,000 souls to call me one? You must be an idiot................... Uh, I'm just really stupid. Ah............................................................................................."

Yu wakes up, he holds his chest down. I felt a pain I had never experienced before. Yu, who has endured any pain, squatts with the pain. With the first pain Yu couldn't afford - no, it wasn't the first time. When Stella died, she had the same pain.

"My grandmother..."

Yu with his face up stares at the bright red sunset.

"Grandma's gonna be nice to me... I'm getting weak."

No matter how many people you killed, no matter how many people died, if you were an enemy or someone who had nothing to do with you, you never felt anything.

The pain that Yu would never have felt before she met Stella, Stella's tenderness, warmth, those happy days made Yu weak. Yu's heart was just torn apart by the fact that the innocent had been killed only to summon themselves.

No one asked me, and the cries that did not make Yu's voice echoed in the mountains.

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