To Deprive a Deprived Person
Episode 299: Miscalculation
"Are you listening to me?
When Joseph says so, he releases the foot of the giant beast he grips in his right hand. The owner of the giant leg was Griffon. A slightly beating griffon's chest is stabbed with a single arrow. The identity of the sound that draws something would undoubtedly be due to the fact that Joseph was pulling the griffon.
Compared to the dying Griffon nevertheless, Joseph is not injured, although he has soil attached to his face, arms, etc., all the time. In the dark from that altitude, the knights of Jardalk whine "monsters" inside as to what kind of body they crash with Griffon and are intact.
I'm telling you.
A knight who unleashed an arrow was overwhelmed by the enormous struggle that was unleashed from Joseph's entire body, and unexpectedly...
"Oh, oh..."
The moment the knight's man responded appropriately, a loud blow sounded in the quiet darkness.
"I can't hear you."
It is the sound of Joseph flattening. Despite being from the top of his helmet, the knight's man can be set free by the shock. Further as Joseph approaches the knight's man, another knight watching puts his hand on the spear pattern, but his colleague's knight stops it.
"Stay. You better see how it goes."
"You want me to keep my mouth shut?
"It is possible that Joseph does not yet know that there is a Demon King here. If you came here by chance, you'd be better off doing it."
The knights exchanged in a whisper, Joseph wandered the nostalgia of the fluttering knight. "There was," Joseph said, and it was the potion in his hand. Joseph snatched the potion while he was there.
"Damn, if you make a mistake, you're almost hurt."
Immediate death if you are a regular person even if you are not mistaken, and weight if you are lucky.
Joseph turns to Griffon as he says the bumps, pulling through the arrow that stabs him in the chest and wounding the potion.
"If you're done, you should just leave."
Still fluttering, Joseph says in an angry voice that the knight slapped him to leave than he did on this occasion. But Joseph ignores and glances at the three knights. There were three of us here, but Joseph felt a lot of signs in the woods and a little further away.
"That armor belongs to Jardalk."
"Holy Land (...) It's Jardalk"
"I don't care about that. What more could a Jardilk knight be doing in a place like this?
"You can't give details. You were in the army, too. I want you to understand."
A different knight from an exciting knight speaks as if to teach Joseph. Joseph moves more in the direction of the shrine as he tries to pinch the hole in his ear.
"Since when did this place become Jardalk territory for you guys?"
"I'm telling you to leave more than this land. Otherwise..."
Each of the two remaining knights had a different thought in the knight who stood his bow against Joseph.
(Be cool)
(Kill him! With this distance and your arms, no matter how Joseph is!
At the point where Joseph lays his bow in front of him without moving, it can be seen that this knight is not a man in line. But Joseph doesn't show any shards and doesn't stop walking.
(Stupid! You're going to show me some room!!
A flash of light runs in the dark night.
A knight shot an arrow. The arrow pierced Joseph's eyebrow exactly - it looked like it.
"Or I did! My arrow at this distance... Huh!?
"What are you doing!! Can't connect the next arrow!!
Returning me to the words of my colleague's knight, he shoots two arrows in a flowing motion. It was no longer a case of being bound to pride. Bow moves LV3 "Wind Bow", "Light emission", arrows created by wind slashing and tearing and magic try to shoot through Joseph. I don't have a sweet idea about ending this. The knight tries to reach for the next arrow to unleash his fateful bow LV7 'Meteor', but it was faster for Joseph to eagle the knight's helmet than it would have been if he had been injured by a hand.
"Remember one of the idiots, he's after the same place all the time."
"Nah...... why. Why is my bow - ahhh..."
The knight's helmet was the type of thing that also covered the front, but Joseph struck him at the mercy of his might. When Joseph's huge fist shaken his helmet, as if to be disputed with the ghosts and giants, it was easy to imagine that the two knights, who had been watching, had not even finished their contents.
"No, you didn't shoot an arrow earlier, did you?
Two, three shots and one after the other Joseph's rigid fist is wielded. There was no resistance-like resistance either, and the knight's body only trembled into small pieces whenever Joseph hit him.
"Didn't Jardalk even tell you he apologized? Hey, listen... hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
A hundred kilos, including weapons, throws a knight's body, and Joseph throws it unconstitutionally. Two knights circle in before Joseph restarts his steps as they are.
"You can't let them pass you by dead."
"Then die away"
On Joseph's left hand was held the Holy Sword Sacred Flame (Holy Flame) at some point. Keep it up, Joseph waves his sword down on the knight's head.
"Hmm...... Rumor has it, it's" The Awesome Arm. "
Joseph's sword had been taken by the shield of the knight. I don't know how much I swung with one hand. He even had a spare smile on the face of a knight with a shield, under the sword wielded by Joseph's strength.
"Don't be silly."
"You heretics who give to the Seventh Heavenly Demon King in Black! Die!!
Another knight unleashes a spear at Joseph's flank, who was about to chase him with the right hand demon sword Ice Demon (Ice Devil). It is a spike aimed at the joint of armor. One is attacked and the other punches that gap. It is simple, but difficult to attack.
"I killed him!!
"Here we go!!
- Joseph didn't. It's not like I couldn't afford to. It's just that my head turned bright red on the words the knight's man said.
"What is pitch black (...)?"
"What's up? Joseph's still alive! Stop it!
A knight who was receiving Joseph's sword with a shield notices an anomaly. Instead of weakening the sword pressure from Joseph, it is strengthening.
"Wu...... Huh!
Finally, I can't stand it and put one knee on the ground.
"What are you doing!
"Spears, spears don't move!!
Spikes aimed at armor joints avoid armor as they aim, breaking through Joseph's flank skin to reach meat. But more than that, it was inhibited as if it had been fixed between the blade and the meat, and it did not go as far as a millimeter.
"- You're not talking about Yu, are you?
If you embody the intent to kill or kill there, even if they say it will look like this, it seems convincing. Joseph stood in a phase of anger.
The two knights force their bodies, trembling against their will, to hold down with faith.
With temper, the shield does not move with Pickle, even though the knight can force his whole body to bounce back Joseph's sword. Two, the knight's man looks up at the light that illuminates his face and the smell that he can't smell. I saw a bright red light in the dark night. The identity of the red light was that the shield that I erected was bright red with heat.
The shield was beginning to melt due to the heat generated by the Holy Sword Sacred Flame (Holy Flame). The knight's arm with the shield rots bright red, raising black smoke.
"Ha, come on! Grr............!! Come on, Jose, let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
bright red body, that was the last sight the knight saw. The body of the knight, which became two straight from the head to the lower abdomen of each shield, the wound carburizes and not even a drop of blood flows from that wound.
The knight of Jardalk, the Holy Land, who knows no fear, throws his spear and flees without shame or outspoken ears.
"It's Joseph!! Joseph's out! Come with all the armies - huh?"
The neck of a knight who was slashed next to his neck by the Devil's Sword Ice Demon (Ice Devil) never fell from behind. The wound was frozen in an instant.
"There it is!
He's already been killed.
"How many opponents?
"You said you were alone!? I can't believe it. You're pretty sure about that, huh?
"It could be Yang Dynasty. Don't fail to be vigilant!!
Those who were patrolling in groups of three will gather one after the other. From the main unit, which is blocking the main road, I feel signs of a rush to move. More than a thousand knights had already begun to siege Joseph in the dark night.
"I'll kill you."
Instead of pulling, Joseph moved forward alone toward such an army.
The outer perimeter of the Buerko basin becomes noisy for Joseph, who showed up, but the Ballashes, who are in a fierce battle with Yu in the centre, were not the place to be.
With Doros in a beastly position, he travels fast through the ground rinse to approach Yu. Yu and Doros, when you pack the distance to the point where you wonder if the distance between the two will snuggle, you unleash the martial arts LV6, "Roaring Tiger/Gangkick Leg," Hoko/Sesame Cucumber ". Rigid legs, as if to shoot through heaven, strike Yu's jaw. Yet Yu, in reverse, releases the martial arts LV3" Unarmed "to both feet of Doros. It's a clapping move that punches the chi in both arms, but it was used to avoid Doroth's attack. Doroth's thigh expands all bouncing and defends Yu from attack. If he still decides he can't take damage, Doros flies backwards as he rotates his body vertically.
Martial Arts LV4 'Breath', special breathing method to restore damage and health Doros heals. Brilliant, it was the shapes of anger that floated in Doroth's face, even though he received Yu's counterattack. Killing each other with a hand-fist, enemies with this far can't even think of exploring past memories. Regardless of when you are immature, you have literally no enemies since you came to be called under the two names' Holy Fist '. Yu's presence engraved Doroth's pride with great wounds.
Besides, Doros had doubts in this desperate situation that Yu was gradually getting stronger. That's what pisses off Doroth.
"Don't let him rest!
"Whoa whoa!!
The surrounding knights attack Yu. Against that, the moment Yu tries to adjust his counterattack posture, another powerful negative imparting magic is unleashed over the rear left.
One of the knights raised his voice of surprise.
For Yu hath lifted up the bond which he hath wrapped around him. "Finally, the Demon King gave up!" Some of them floated with joy, but some of them noticed Yu's thoughts were blue-faced.
Yu stopped all resistance to this negative granting magic, which is the starting point for Yu's attacks, against an unidentified opponent whose whereabouts and appearances are still not even captured.
Anyway, if you want to eat it, you have wasted resistance and avoided depleting the MP.
The negative granting magic this time was' Hemp Storm (Man Bo) '. It is a grant magic that significantly reduces the target's defense and resistance.
Next hundreds of negative grant magic loom from all directions, but Yu stretches the junction in a spherical shape. The difference is that the junction is spherical but mesh, and if you gaze at it, you can see that it's a braided thing. It was a bitter measure to reduce MP consumption while increasing the strength of the junction. The junction prevents negative imparting magic as Yu aims.
"Once you get your distance!!
Listening to that decree, thousands of arrows were unleashed towards Yu as the knights who were about to mount a melee battle took their distance simultaneously.
Yuu's reaction to the arrows is delayed because the clash of kingdoms and grant magic was snatching vision from Yuu like a smokescreen. Most arrows hit Yu's entangling junction and fall to the ground. But there were those who put an arrow through the knitted junction into the gap of whether or not to pass one finger. by some awesome archers, including the captain of the Fourth Battalion.
"You idiot! Your own bonds are caged!
But now we know who the Demon King is.
Thousands of arrows cover Yu from boundary to boundary, and they cannot confirm Yu's appearance.
"I can't stand it now. I'm supposed to break the line."
"All right, we'll resume the attack at the same time."
As the Knight of Jardalk thought, Yu unbinds. But the Jardalk knights, who were simultaneously about to resume their attack on Yu, could not move a single step on the spot.
"Mm... intact... you say?
"How did you prevent that arrow!?
Nothing. All I'm saying is that Yu can take it if there's a squeeze of places to come to be struck by arrows.
An instant but a gap was created in the knights of Jerdalk, who were going out of time. Yu goes in there with his body like a bullet. Yu's entire body has already been fortified with 'fighting'.
Isn't it the first time Yu has properly wrapped up 'fighting' since this battle began?
"The Demon King is here - op...!?
Dozens of knights are defeated without Yu's tackle. Yu does not loosen momentum and goes further back.
"Oops. The goal of the Demon King is to break through the siege net!!
"Protect the heavy cavalry!
A heavy-duty cavalry stands in front of the shield and prepares for Yu's tackle. When Yu suddenly stops in front of him, he activates the "Air Battering Ram", an empty castle gavel, on the fifth floor of black magic. An invisible broken castle hammer blew up a hundred heavy-duty cavalry men and sent them up into space.
Then there can be a hole in the corner of the siege net.
"I guess I'm the one you're dealing with!!
"It's hard for you to forget about us."
"Come on!!
Three men, Doros, Cesar and Stéphane, launch a fierce attack on Yu. After that, the knights of Jardalk continue.
"We will follow the three of you!!
The breaks that have been made into a siege net are instantly repaired by the heavy-duty cavalry of the second and third battalions.
But Yu's purpose was not to exit the siege net. In the first place, I never thought it would be that easy to get out.
(parallel or...)
For a moment, Yu saw the guards supplying restorative magic behind the heavily armed cavalry. A horizontal line, each connected by a thread of magic, shared an MP and used it as a single mass.
(Is that how you keep sending healing and granting magic to large numbers of soldiers? Then I can also predict a mechanism that unleashes an unusually powerful grant magic)
Several soldiers rush to Barash.
"The siege net has already been repaired"
"The wounded heavy cavalry is also recovering and returning to the front"
"No damage has been done to the rear guard"
Barash's complexion is not superior after hearing the report.
"Looks like they saw you."
"Sooner rather than later, the Demon King began to adapt to this situation. Tell Lord Theodora to increase the number of assisted attacks."
The Jardalk army laying the siege net has a heavy cavalry on the inside from the first to the third, with archers and rear guards behind it, protected by heavy cavalry. But there were troops acting apart from them.
Its troops are made up of three hundred elite rear guard surgeons each in twelve directions, mainly Yu, in a longitudinal formation. These twelve troops have been negatively imparting magic to Yu since earlier.
Come on, hurry up.
"Ha-ha-ha... Huh. Please wait."
To the words of the 'Three Virgins' Theodora, a man of guardian, whose breath is constant, begs him to rest. Not only the man if you look at him, but the rest of us are even those who sit on the ground because it seems difficult to stand, or even those who are unconscious and lying on the ground.
"With the help of Master Theodora, can't you heal us?
"Well, then, it wouldn't make sense for you guys to be here."
The formation of the rear guard magicians that Yu saw behind the siege net was a thing called the Sacred Connection Horizontal Formation, which shared MP and magic by connecting each other with a thread created by magic called the Sacred Thread.
And the formation used by these twelve forces is called the Sacred Connection Vertical Formation. Contrary to the Sacred Connection Horizontal Formation, you can unleash powerful magic by connecting each of the Sacred Threads in a vertical line and adding up magic. However, there is only one drawback. The closer you are to those who activate magic, the stronger your load becomes. In fact, from Theodora's arms and wands, smoke is still rising today due to the high load of magic. The rear guard magicians, who were near Theodora, could not stand the load and had fallen unconscious. If you're unlucky, you won't be able to resume.
"If you can afford to cry, get up."
Theodora can't afford it as much as it looks either. Covering up as many as 50,000 soldiers from Yu and Roy, they continue to tighten wide boundaries so that Yu will not escape. Then Yu won't know where he is, and he's running around between the twelve armies, releasing a negative grant magic that combines his own magic with that of 300 men.
"Hmm. Not Lord Theodora, but the power, the side supplying MP, can't stand it..."
"I pay enough potions and mana potions, but still 20% are unwell and useless due to MP depletion"
"Aye, okay. It's sooner than planned, but we have to put in the Three Swords."
"Yes, I did. Master Barash, apart from that, I'm curious."
"Tell me."
"The level of" The Seventh Heavenly Demon King of Lacquer Black "is rising"
Surrounded by the words of his servant's youth.
"Quiet. What do you do upset about this extent? Not uncommon, such as rising levels during battle. Isn't it natural to go up in such a massive battle?
So, what's the Demon King's level?
"Ha. It's 57 to 58"
"Well... it's something you can't stay. Nevertheless, the demon king will overlap with the Wicked Eyed Witch. A heartbreaking iron heart doesn't look exactly like Stella."
Groaning so, Balash tied his mouth to a single letter with a rugged face.
"Let go!!
Countless arrows unleashed by the bow technique LV2 'Strong Bow' along with the decree go towards Yu's back. Yu doesn't even look back as he fights the Doros, but activates the Iron Wall, the fifth floor of black magic. A thick iron wall appearing behind Yu plays all the arrows.
"Our attack is losing its utility."
"Make it sound weak! I don't have infinite health, MP with the Demon King. What if we break our hearts first!!
The captain of the Fourth Battalion scolds his men. But this man was also beginning to notice inside. While Yu fought, no. To be strong enough over time.
Yu wields a sword at the spike that Stéphane rolls out, offsetting Doroth's kick with a kick as well.
"What's up? It's getting late."
"Ew... hey!
Doroth, who is beautiful in Yu's words, packs a distance to his nostalgia while striking Yu's sword with his martial arts "Shadow Walk", which generates remnants by his unique footwork, and unleashes the martial arts LV7 "Jiuluan Gun Dang (Choulen Houto)". It is a random and simultaneous martial art to nine of the countless steeple points of the human body.
"Ha, ha! Fuck you!!
Nine blows at the same time that lead to death with one blow. Doroth laughs if there's anything he can do. But the laugh will freeze soon.
"What... did you?
Yu's passive skill, Devil's Dragon Eye, predicted Doroth's attack from a branched future and struck down all nine blows with his unique skill, Void Fist.
This also included Stéphane, who was about to follow Doros' attack, without hiding his surprise.
When this is awkward, Cesar, who activated the shield move LV5 "Aurachel," which covers the shield with a fighting temper, hits Yu with a big bang. Cesar has also smashed Snake Dragon's fangs, known for his huge demons, with this move.
But Cesar's movement stops perfectly, despite adequate response.
"From now on, it's almost depressing."
Shield move LV6 "Iron Wall" was activated and Yu took Cesar's hit. Sweat flows down Cesar's forehead, which has been completely stopped from moving, to a yu much smaller than himself.
"Cesar, don't take the distance!
It coincided with Stéphane's voice. Yu's martial arts LV5, "Iron Breakdown" bursts. It is a technique that gathers refined minds on your back and hits enemies. Roll down the ground as if Cesar's body, proud of the giant, kicked the pebble.
"Cesar battalion captain eh!!
"Give me a hand, you guys!
My men rush over to Cesar and pull over. Cesar's armor is a delicacy forged by one of the three most famous artisans and Gombugul Kecht. In the wake of Yu's attack, it is arguably a dreadful armor that hasn't been heavily damaged. But the contents didn't. Cesar's body, morose of Yu's "iron broken reliance," was in such a state that his ribs and guts stirred into Gushagusha. It is so damaging that even if continually healing magic continues to be sent from the thread of magic, it cannot be healed in an instant.
"You're next."
Yu sets his aim for Stéphane.
"Just what I want!
There were some miscalculations.
That Yu started responding to the Ballashes' tactics faster than expected. That Yu was stronger than I imagined and had another unbreakable heart. Therefore, the depletion of the avant-garde and the rear guard exceeded the recovery speed.
But - the miscalculation was also with Yu.
The negative granting magic that Yu overwrote and unlocked was already over 10,000. I had handled a huge number of magic with my intrinsic skill, Parallel Thoughts, but without Yu realizing it, I had even unlocked the shackles I had fitted myself, Spacetime Magic. The enormous amount of experience that was blocking it flows into Yu's body.
Before Yu's two swords with swords in his hands taken from his enemies, Stéphane is on the defensive side of the war. I'm not dealing with them, even though I have support from my peers.
At this point, Yu's level rose to 61, and he didn't know where to stay.
There was another miscalculation for Yu. It wasn't just "space-time magic" that accidentally disarmed it.
- It had even lifted the shackles applied by Stella, the 'evil eye', which had been applied for Yu's safety.
"Ah... ahhh... here"
"Get up quick! Wounds must be healing. Ugh."
A knight who devoured Yu's palm beating on his abdomen does not get up while he lays down depressed. When the other knights forced him to wake up, he had about thirty centimetres of dark green thorns stabbed in his abdomen.
"Damn, it's poison. You demon king!!
"We have to pull right through. Have a little patience - guaaaahhhhhh!?
It was triggered by one of the knights pulling through the thorns. The knight's abdomen burst and the thorns splashed, as if he had pushed the detonator. The knights around him are caught in an explosion, and the broken venom thorn pierces them where they are not covered in eyes or armor.
"Ma...... no way. This is all... Really?
In front of the knight, who was not caught in the explosion, countless figures of those stabbed with similar thorns are rolling. If left alone, he dies of poison, and to be treated he must pull out the thorns of poison. But if you pull it out, it explodes and sprinkles poison all around you.
This magic was Yu's original, dark magic second floor, Poison Root Explosion (Balizon). It was inhumane magic that rooted in the body with the subject MP as food and exploded when pulled through. The use of the subject's MP also allows the magically activated Yu himself to be used continuously with only a few MPs.
"What are you going to do about this?"
Without being able to do anything, the knight could only stand before his suffering companions.
"Ow! Shame on you!!
Stéphane, furiously elevated by Yu's outrageous actions, carries out a series of spear moves without regard for his own injuries.
"I don't want you guys to tell me."
"Wush. So much... what!?
He was a Stéphane who had his shoulder slashed and torn with Yu's sword, but his wounds also heal instantly with healing magic sent through a thread of magic. Stéphane was surprised because Yu's wounds recovered in the same way.
(Play? Do your own healing magic - no, no!
"You guys are the only cheats, right? Do me a favor."
Yu's body and the thread of magic were connected.
"Whoa whoa whoa!? What are you doing!! The Demon King has plundered us!!
"Tell the rear guard!
"Now it's like we're covering for the Demon King!
My men react to Stéphane's voice, but there was nothing the other guards could do about it. It keeps sending healing magic and granting magic to 10,000 soldiers fighting Yu. We are not talking about difficult places, such as avoiding and supplying only one yu.
"You thief!!
Dros cuts the thread of magic that is out of Yu's body with a kick.
"Oh. If you think of someone, didn't you run away?
"Who said he ran away!!
"How about it! Doroth, don't let me ride it!!
Ignoring Stéphane's advice, Doros approaches Yu.
Doros pokes the middle right and unleashes a collapsed fist. Fever-like pain runs on Yu's left flank as he winds up in the air.
When Yu and Doros are different, Yu steps on the ground with his right foot. The ground freezes around my feet. It is Iceburn, the second floor of black magic. Ice covering the ground extends to Doroth's feet.
Doros steps on the earth. Martial arts LV1, "Shock Legs". Ice scatters and beautiful ice crystals rise to the universe. The vibration passes from the earth to Yu and seals the movement - it should have been.
"Fucking kid! Eat it honestly!!
On the verge of jumping into space, Doros rolls out a fist of pursuit, but faster than that, Yu unleashes his sword moves "Flash" and "Fight Blade".
(Son of a bitch. Two swords at the same time!
Doroth pulls the "flash" of the horizontal giraffe. Delayed 'Fighting Blade' takes aim at Doroth's neck. Even though Doros tries to pull his body further, the blade of the sword stretches out to reach his neck, created by his struggle.
"Son of a bitch. Ahhh!!
Not only does Doros jump back a lot - but Yu was also jumping after Doros.
"Don't let Sacred Fist get away with it."
Because the scream has understood its own death? A serious voice in the mighty leaks out of Doroth's mouth. Doroth's face hangs and the blade of death swings down. Everybody thought Doroth was dead then - the red sword flash breaks up Yu and Doroth. When Yu, interrupted by this one step, confirmed sideways, the earth where the red sword flash ran was broken and flames were gushing.
"You don't have the usual power."
Despite saving the Doros crisis in that situation, the knight holding the red sword groans in dissatisfaction.
"Your Spirit Sword still doesn't seem to be compatible with the Demon King," he said.
When Yu, who responded to his voice, looked up, he saw a knight waving a blue-purple sword down over his head. The sword struck so sharply and so swiftly that Yu could not notice the approach until he heard it.
Yu, who decides not to be able to do so, receives two swords crossed. But the two swords are cut from the half, as if they were even cut on paper with a knife. Yu's left arm had been slashed off from the base of his shoulder, even as he jumped away.
"You better be careful. My Devil's Sword, Alondite, will destroy everything."
Not only did Alondite the Devil's Sword strike the sword, but even Yu's wrapped 'Martial Arts' was slashed and torn without resistance. Yu's slashed left arm regains its original appearance by passive skill 'Fast Regeneration'.
"Ho, that's the Demon King. Can you take Percival's blow with a hand wound of that magnitude?"
Suddenly, on the signs behind his appearance, Yu throws a broken sword. The man plays the throw unleashed by Yu with a platinum sword without bitterness. But Yu was already starting to move when he threw it. Approaching the front of the knight, he releases a kick into the belly of the sword. But instead of getting Yu's kick, the sword broke, it didn't even bend slightly.
"To that extent, you cannot scratch one of my holy swords, Durandal."
When the knight says so, he unleashes a slaughter with a sword that wears a holy heart. It is the Sacred Sword moves "Sacred Flow Slash". Rushly Yu prevents him from switching from 'fighting' to the junction, but still more than half of the ten junctions had been slashed and torn apart.
"Seems like we've been running around a lot, but should we deal with them?"
Signal the words of the 'Three Swords' Galahat, who erects the Holy Sword Durandal, and the two remaining strike Yu.
With just three people joining the war, Yu will again be put at a disadvantage.
Whenever Ramolac waves his sword freely manipulating the Spirit Sword Liama Core, the air is taken from the perimeter of Yu and the moisture evaporates from his body.
The Devil's Sword Alondite, waved by Percival, does not allow any reception. Every single blow slashes off some part of Yu's body.
Galahat is the user of the Orthodox sword. Combined with the Unbreakable Holy Sword Durandal, there is no weakness that seems weak.
The three swordsmen work together undisturbed to unleash the special blows of the Sacred Sword moves, the Sword moves, and the Dark Sword.
(All three of these guys have sword arms above me)
"Run away!!
Cesar, who stood up for the great pride, stands at Yu's mercy.
Cesar is not the only one. Even Stéphane and the other knights rise up their will and attack Yu. For Yu today, who has not been able to deal with the "Three Swords" alone, even a small number of soldiers will be burdened.
Negative grant magic from Theodora hits Yu directly there.
"Take the sword of justice!!
Percival unleashes Dark Sword LV7: Crying Demon Blade Slash. Ghosts cry and escape. The slaughter breaks every stretched junction of Yu. My body tears my skin from my right clavicle to my abdomen, my flesh slashes and my guts pop out. Yu pushes his organs back with his left hand. The wound regenerates, but Ramolac pierced his belly with the Spirit Sword before the wound blocked.
"Lord Demon, how does it feel to be burned from within?
The Spirit Sword Liama Core is home to the Spirit of Fire. Yu can put his strength into his left hand as he hears the blood boiling in his body. Stéphane's spear pierces that hand. Then the arrow of the captain of the Fourth Battalion slashed his clavicle, and he shoots at the right hand, which he thought was unsatisfactory.
"Slash off your limbs and your heart will eventually break!!
The appearance of Galahat leaping heavily around the Holy Sword Durandal is reflected in Yu's sight.
"Demon King, take over -"
At that very moment when Galahat tried to wave down the Holy Sword Durandal now - it is blown in the direction of the Unsullied. The gaze of the Jardalk knights is not Galahat, but concentrates in the direction in which the slaughter (...) flew.
The siege net was blowing up. No, it's exactly the corner of the siege net. The body of the heavy-duty cavalry laying the siege mesh is chopped to pieces and scattered there.
But there was only one person standing in the tragedy. He begat arrows all over his body, and his arms and feet remain stabbed with broken swords and spears.
I'm not a Jardalk knight. I can see that at a glance because armor is not officially adopted stuff. More importantly, it is a side that is too unproductive to call a knight. Besides, it's no exaggeration for this man to call it jihad, looking around in an arrogant manner whispering his nose.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I thought you were doing something fun. Mix me up, too!
Joseph laughed when he said it unilaterally.
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