“Note that the first two are Richard Parker and Mary Parker in disguise.”

After Jean’s telepathy was released, she began to scan the entire crowd at the airport check-in gate on a large scale. Fortunately, there were not many people at the airport, and it was easy to find the disguised Richard Parker couple without much pressure.

“Ming, we brought back the information normally, but the two of them… How do we deal with it? “In fact, Izumi is also a ninja who is not involved in the world, and if he wants to kill the other party, Izumi does not object, which is the normal practice of ninjas. Izumi,

who had read the background information of the two, also knew that they still had a poor child, so Izumi still moved his heart of compassion. In the face of Konoha’s oppression, Uchiha Akira was like a god who suddenly appeared and saved Uchiha. Now he is leading the Uchiha family to flourish.

If it weren’t for Konoha’s persecution, Uchiha Izumi’s gentle nature has a great possibility of becoming a full-time housewife in the future and giving birth to two well-behaved children.

The good thoughts in his heart made Uchiha Izumi a little embarrassed.

On the one hand, Uchiha Izumi was hesitant, not wanting his compassion to affect Uchiha’s plan; On the other hand, Uchiha Izumi knows that he is a ninja, and ninjas should have ninja consciousness. Perhaps seeing Uchiha

Izumi’s embarrassment, Uchiha Akira originally did not intend to attack the two couples.

“We just got the information to hand over, and Osborne didn’t make it clear that he wanted to clean up these two people. I also don’t disdain to attack ordinary people like Richard Parker and Mary Parker, two small characters, let them go.

“Izumi, when you don’t know how to decide, try to trust my judgment. At least I shouldn’t embarrass you. Uchiha rubbed the head of this kind little girl.

“Look at my eyes, cooperate well, stop them…”

“Hello, two. Your passport has dropped. Uchiha grabbed Richard Parker’s shoulder.

“Our passports were in the bag and we didn’t lose it. You should be mistaken. We’re still going to catch the plane. Richard Parker, who had a ghost in his heart, immediately responded.

Feeling the force coming from his shoulder, Richard once wondered if he had been discovered by Osborne’s people. The blocking of the young man in front of him caused great psychological pressure on Richard.

The panicked Richard Parker couple was about to shout, but when they looked up, they saw a pair of red chakra eyes. The two who had planned to escape now obediently followed Uchiha to a secluded place at the airport.

This is a blind spot specially selected by Uchiha Ming.

“Give me the information, then forget everything, and finally find a strange place and come back in a few years.” Akira Uchiha hypnotized the Richards with his sharingan.

“Yes.” Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parker dullly duly turned out the information in the luggage, and even finally Mary Parker took out a USB flash drive from her chest. It made Uchiha stand in place awkwardly, and for a moment he didn’t know whether it was better to take it or not.

Fortunately, at this time, Uchiha Izumi intimately took the USB flash drive with body temperature, which eased Ming’s embarrassment.

“Let’s go, go farther. I suggest you go to Xia Country, Osborne’s tentacles can’t reach there. After a few years of limelight, come back to see your children.

Uchiha Akira once again forcibly implanted some information in the minds of the two with his chakra eyes.

Uchiha Akira does not sympathize with the Parkers, but simply thinks that they are not guilty of death. Strictly speaking, the two not only violated the contract signed with Ossbourn, but even violated the law themselves.

It’s just that Uchiha Akira is too lazy to mix the contradictions between the two sides, if his subordinates do something, Uchiha Akira will definitely reward him with a proud fire to extinguish.

When Richard Parker woke up from hypnosis, Uchiha and his party had long since left. Looking at the boarding gate in the distance, I don’t know why, Richard suddenly changed his mind.

“Mary, let’s travel to Xia Country, I heard that the scenery of Xia Country is particularly good. The environment is also particularly safe.

Mary Parker readily agreed, “Well, we’ve been tired for so long, it’s time to relax.”

The two have completely forgotten their original purpose, and what research materials and escape have nothing to do with them.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“We make a copy of the information, and the core information cannot be given to Osbourne completely. Maybe we’ll be able to use it in the future. Izumi nodded approvingly. At the same time, Uchiha glanced at the piano and found that the piano had no opinion, just looked at himself stupidly.

Uchiha shook his head, feeling that this sick girl was not saved, and he didn’t know what he was giggling.

What Uchiha didn’t know was that he had a faint breath of phoenix power on his body, and it was also a meek and obedient breath – a sharp contrast to the irascible phoenix power on Koto’s body. One is the

waveless pool of ancient wells, and the other is the roaring flame. Koto was more and more attracted by the breath of Uchiha Akira, whether it was the attraction of the opposite sex or the attraction of the power of the phoenix.

It’s just a pity that Uchiha Ming can’t feel the power of the phoenix at all at present. After all, the phoenix power on his body is still in the state of seeds. Uchiha Akira couldn’t feel the power of the phoenix in his body at all.

On the return journey, Uchiha soon realized that the three of them were being followed.

“Lord Ming, someone is following us.”

“Izumi, you go deal with it. Hypnosis erases the memory.

“Yes, Lord Ming.”

“Do you all have these magical eyes? There are tadpole-like patterns in the eyes…” asked Jean on the side curiously.

This is the second time that Jean has taken the initiative to speak for so long, and the first time is to say hello when he came to the manor. “Yes, this is

not called strange eyes, this is called Sharingan, which is the symbol of our Uchiha clan. It is a bloodline inheritance, the same as you mutants, but the difference is that our Uchiha family is a stable bloodline inheritance.

“That means your descendants can also gain access to this special ability, right?” It’s amazing! Unlike us mutants, whether the offspring are mutants or not is a question.

“This Charles should have taught you, right? Mutants are very unstable because they have the X gene in their bodies. Even ordinary people can awaken because of the hidden X gene.

“Well, I’ve studied Darwin’s theory of evolution and Professor Charles’ related writings. Of course, the professor’s work is rarely published, and according to the professor, he fears that some of his views will cause panic among the American authorities. I still have a solid grasp of basic biological knowledge.

Uchiha Ming couldn’t help but glance up at the piano, it seemed that there was still some difference between this girl and the big chest and brainless he imagined.

But after thinking about it, Uchiha Akira had to admit that he was still a little embarrassed. Because Qin, this girl doesn’t have big breasts.

“Well, this commission is considered to be a smooth end. You leave me an account, and I will call you the task reward when the time comes.

“I can’t remember for a while now, or let’s add a contact information.” Jean seemed to have been prepared, took out his mobile phone, and after the two added their contact information, Jean breathed a sigh of relief.

“Then we can use Viber to connect with each other.”

“Viber? Is this a live chat app? “Uchiha Ming doesn’t know much about the world’s instant chat tools, and he used WeChat, QQ, and of course it is not impossible to chat with Alipay.

“Yes, Viber, as long as you have a number, you can chat instantly, video call, no registration is required, it is quite convenient.” Jean carefully introduced the simple use of Viber, and then said goodbye to Uchiha in reluctance.

“Lord Ming, I think this woman named Qin must have bad intentions towards you, and I suggest you delete her contact information.” Uchiha Izumi, who had been silent just now, couldn’t help but say.

“Izumi, don’t worry, I prefer gentle girls.” Then Uchiha Ming touched Uchiha Quan’s head casually, after all, the height gap is obvious, it is convenient to give the little girl a touch of the head to kill.

“Hmm.” Izumi bowed his head and blushed and whispered in response.

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