“Thank you very much! This is free from the sphere of influence of those extreme organizations, and we can go and take the tram home by ourselves! The two high school girls thanked Tony again and bowed deeply.

Even when bowing, because the width is too large, the neckline slightly exposes part of the chest.

Of course, Tony doesn’t have much thought when he sees it, Tony likes mature types, and children don’t put it in their eyes at all. After the two thanked each other, they finally got out of the car, and waved goodbye to Tony enthusiastically when they left.

“Tony, can’t really venture out next time! You all said that Stark Industries was tripped up in Tokyo and had to help these two girls.

Harpy felt that Tony’s approach today was still too dangerous, this is not the United States, let alone New York, Stark’s face is not as good as in New York.

“Just helped the two little girls, it’s okay, let’s go.”

Tony shook his head and motioned for the driver to continue the rest of the journey. Only no one noticed that Tony’s pant leg was glued to a silver object the size of a button.

“Aiko, are you really all right? It’s the famous Tony Stark who helped us today, right? Yes, the two high school girls are real

female high school students, and the punks who persecuted them are also real. It’s just that the two were also asked to throw a metal button on Tony’s body. Because the experiences of the two girls

are real, even Harpy and Tony can’t see the flaws in the acting skills of the two girls.

“I know he’s the famous Tony Stark, but we just put a button, and we didn’t hurt him, even if something happens, what does it have to do with us?”

Aiko didn’t care about her companions’ worries at all.

“But that strange woman gave us 200,000 yen (about 10,000 RMB)…”

“So what? Aren’t our breasts exposed when we are grateful?

“Aiko… You’re just wearing a low-cut outfit… Don’t be so erotic…”

Tony Stark had no idea that his kindness had led to his calculations.

The words were divided into two ends, and Akira Uchiha, who got off the plane, came to Sakura Country this time, mainly because he heard Tony talking about the news of the Yashita Group. When it comes to the Yashita

Group, what Uchiha remembers most clearly is the ungrateful villain Yashita Ichiro, the silver metal samurai, and Yashita Ichiro’s granddaughter Yashita Mariko.

Mariko Yashida is not the kind of woman who is particularly beautiful or stunning, but it perfectly fits most men’s fantasies about the gentleness of “Yamato Fuko-style”.

This is the deepest impression of Akira Uchiha in the previous life on Mariko Yashita.

“Yashita Group is our target this time, this is Sakura Country, many customs and people are very close to the ninja world, transformation to change the appearance, let’s first go to find out the head of Yashita Yashita Ichiro.”

“Izumi, you go to find out about Yashita Ichiro, it’s no surprise that this guy may already be sick in bed.”

“Koto, you go to investigate the black polar forces of the Yashita Group, and Yashita Shingen, he is the son of Yashita Ichiro, just spy on him.”

As for the safety of the two, there is no need to worry at all – even if Ichiro Yashita is driving the mecha, the two want to escape, they can ensure their own safety.

The real danger is the extreme power of Yashita, and ordinary people meet ninjas and phoenixes, which is the end of being chopped and chopped. Jean nodded and blended into the crowd.

“It’s so arranged for the time being, I’ll have some personal affairs to do.” This time Uchiha Akira did not explain anything, and Uchiha Izumi did not know why Uchiha Akira, who came to Sakura Country for the first time, still had private affairs, but the patriarch’s decision was absolute and unquestionable.

Neither Uchiha Izumi nor Kototo raised any objections. The shrine in

Kudankita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo in Sakura Country, is a shrine with a long history. Many memorial tablets for soldiers and prisoners are enshrined here. It’s still a pretty famous place.

Uchiha stands in the distance and looks out over the shrine, which is also a place with some centuries of history. The grandeur is not visible, the evil is full but not a lot.

This is a dirty place of great evil.

It’s just that Akira Uchiha didn’t expect that the Marvel World also had this shrine.

Because it was late, the shrine was basically empty. Only a small number of shrine monks remained.

Of course, the monks of the cherry blossom country are different from the traditional monks in general. The monks of the cherry blossom country are more inclined to a profession, and they themselves can get married, have children, eat meat and fish. Even many monks work at the shrine during the day and go home at night to lead a normal life.

“Mariko, this is the resting place of your grandfather’s comrades, why don’t you want to pay homage?”

Shingen Yashita was particularly angry at Mariko, who had always been a good girl, daring to resist her performance in public.

“Father, that’s just a piece of the past history of Sakura Country, not to mention that grandpa also experienced the atomic bomb explosion. It turns out that we in Sakura Country are the sinners of the world. What is enshrined here is not a heroic soul, but a group of executioners.

With a “pop”, Shingen Yashita slapped his daughter Mariko Yashita hard.

“! Mariko, do you know what you yourself are talking about? You are insulting your last name Yashita!

Yashita Shingen did not expect his daughter, who had always been well-behaved, to say such a big contrarian thing.

The father of Yashita Shingen, Yashita Ichiro, was a Sakura Country officer who survived World War II, and later founded the Yashita Group with a strong and extreme color.

However, as a granddaughter, Masako Yashita actually denied the founder of the Yashita Group, Ichiro Yashita in her bones.

“I’m sorry, Father!” Seeing that her father’s thunderous wrath was about to come, Mariko Yashita had no choice but to apologize, even if Mariko did not agree with her father at all. Poor Mariko is just a puppet

of his father, Shingen Tian, and in his father’s eyes, no matter what Mariko’s life expectations are, it cannot change the essence of Mariko being just a puppet. And the only thing that Shingen Yashita is interested in is inheriting all the rights and wealth of Yashita Ichiro.

“Let’s reflect here!” Shingen Yashita saw the news on his mobile phone that “the head of the family is critically ill” and ignored his daughter. And Mariko

Yashita just quietly knelt under the eaves, even now that her father was gone, Mariko didn’t seem to have any intention of getting up.

And Uchiha Akira, who observed the whole process by the roof, suddenly felt sympathy for this weak woman.

In his previous life, Uchiha Akira was just an ordinary person, of course, he had not experienced this situation of a large family. Apparently, Mariko Yashita had no room to speak in her own home. It may look glamorous, but in essence it is a puppet, and life is just constantly being manipulated.

“God, are people born with these oppressions and sufferings?”

The sky of the shrine is full of stars, but it pales in comparison to the lights of the Tokyo metropolitan area.

“No, life has always been difficult. The gods also do not want to pay attention to mortals. If you want to break free from the cage, you can only give yourself wings to fly. Uchiha’s voice echoed through the silent shrine.

“Who is it!” The

lonely shrine suddenly sounded in a deep male voice, which surprised Mariko.

At this time, Mariko finally realized that her own guard Yukio was not around, and there was almost only a girl in the entire shrine.

Mariko finally showed a panicked look, and now the silent shrine was like a huge tomb, exuding a burst of yin aura. Mariko finally revealed the posture of a little woman at this time.

“Are the eyes bad? Look above.

Looking at the voice, under the moonlight, the man’s long hair fluttered and flew wantonly.

“Who are you?”

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