To Raise a Soul

: 21. Introduction

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Yin Yan went to the supermarket with Yu Yu, and he was very obedient in helping to buy household items.

For Yin Yan, whose common sense of life comes from the original memory, his method of buying things also follows the consistent principle of the original master. Even if he has done a master, he is more exaggerated than the original, that is, only buy the best and most expensive, a little I don’t even look at it at all.

The supermarket in the villa area can be no more than other cheap supermarket chains. The expensive things imported inside can catch a lot. If you want to be good, you can definitely find it. In the end, you can't stand it anymore. In Yin Yan, you are ready to take a bottle of expensive. When shampoo, he cautiously grabbed his arm and said in a hurry: "You don't have to buy this. The mother just said that it is a gas, how can the family lack the daily necessities, don't take it again."

Yin Yan looked at him sideways and asked, "Don't you buy it?"

"Do not buy or buy, you are not eating, let's go eat."

Yu Yu can still remember that he was driven out halfway through the meal, and now he is still hungry.

Yin Yan took back his hand and quietly watched him for a few seconds. He suddenly said, "I want to eat the rice you made."

Yu Wei: "???"

What did he cook? How to do it, the supermarket has no kitchen, can you go home and open the stove? That Yin Yan is likely to be counted again by Qiu Feiqian, who is on the anger.

Half an hour later, Yin Yan parked the car downstairs in a high-rise elevator apartment with a commercial area and two parks in the villa area, with Yu Yu and a bunch of ingredients bought at the supermarket. Go in.

The elevator goes straight to the top floor and goes directly to the house. After opening the door with a password, a renovated duplex apartment appears in front of you.

“The kitchen is over there, cleaning will be cleaned regularly, and the kitchen utensils can be used directly.”

Yin Yan took the finger down the direction of the kitchen, then took off his coat and comfortably leaned back on the sofa, looking at Yu Yu, not talking.

Yu Yu: "...wait a moment."

The utensils in the kitchen are very new. It is obviously kept after the decoration. No one used it. If you look closely, you can also see the new traces left by the decoration at the corner.

This is a new house, no one has ever lived.

Yu Yu took back the sight of the shot and put the supermarket bag on the cooking table. He first pondered the utensils in the kitchen, burned the water with a kettle, and then began to process the ingredients.

Now this time is a bit embarrassing, not too late, the two have eaten half a meal before, not too hungry, so Yu Yu simply made a pot of noodles, fried some shrimp to make a side dish, the amount is not much, Do not eat too much to eat at night.

They are all good things. After a while, they came out with something. They went directly to the coffee table in front of Yin Yan and handed the dishes over. They said, "I will eat it, don’t eat too. More, or you can't eat at night."

Yin Yan still kept his posture when he left, and nodded until he sat down on the single sofa on the side, only changed his position and reached for the chopsticks, but did not eat, but screamed: "Nothing."

A group of white hairballs appeared on the coffee table out of thin air, then slowly stretched out of the body, got up and stretched out and walked to the front of Yu in a catwalk, swept the tail and saw a carved wooden box on the table.

"There are some kinds of lotus seeds taken from the monk's cave house, with aura. If you want to continue planting flowers, you can use it as a nutrient, and you can do more with less."

The emptiness turned to Yu, and the tail swept again. Another slightly larger solid wood box appeared next to the carved wooden box.

"There is a soil in this area, and everything can be planted."

The imaginary carved wooden box continues to lick the tail.

"Innocent water, I wish the plants grow."

"Yunkun turn basin, the initial stage of the device, the inner space is about one acre, you can put it here, this house is I exchanged with pearls, there will be no others to enter, you can rest assured."

One box and one box, Yin Yan all finished, only stretched the chopsticks and picked up a shrimp, said: "I use these things to change your meal."

Nothing "喵~", softly slammed down from the wooden box, gently walked to the side of the plate, took a shrimp inside, and licked the tail and ate it.

Yu Yu was stunned, staring at the wooden box and their pet, and his mouth was open, but he didn't know what to say.

A meal, for those things that are very powerful, I don’t think about it.

Yin Yan said this probably to prevent him from psychological pressure, but...

"The noodles should be cold." Yin Yan said, and picked up a shrimp, and fed it to Yu Yu's mouth, gently touched it, "open your mouth."

Yu Yu's reflective mouth, shrimp entrance, tongue tip to chopsticks, the taste of fresh fragrance is pervasive.

"My soul can't be repaired by myself. You can only rely on your cultivation and cultivation. That is to say, the merits of your cultivation will be automatically split into half. I am sorry, it has become your drag."

Yin Yan took back the chopsticks and lowered his eyes. It was still a calm expression, but the breath was low.

"Not a drag."

Yu Yu hurriedly swallowed the shrimp, and quickly spoke up, clumsy and pacified: "You are very powerful, if not you, I have already died."

"If it weren't for you, I would have lost my soul." Yin Yan looked at him again, pointed his fingers at the wooden boxes, and gestured to the ring on his hand. He said, "You and my destiny are connected, regardless of you or me."

Regardless of you and me.

Yu Yu and his confrontation, the uneasiness that arises when the heart reaches the strange environment gradually disappears and is re-established.

Regardless of you and me... He meditated on this sentence and picked up chopsticks.

Also, in this world, there is only one person in front of him who lives with him.

After eating the noodles, Yu Yu under the guidance of Yin Yan, forced out a little bit of gongs and gongs, and bound with Qiankun, after the activation, sprinkled into the soil, and then only one acre he can see. The field of the square appeared in front of his eyes.

"You have to buy some tools, and there are things that regulate the temperature. Lotus seeds must be bred first."

When it comes to what I am doing, Yu Yu’s tone has become more confident and cheerful, and even a smile on her face.

Yin Yan looked at his side face and whispered "Hmm" and said, "Go buy it tomorrow."

"The rest of the day, let's go to practice." Yu Yu suddenly looked at him sideways and offered to propose.

Yin Yan’s rare stunned, but because he always has no expression, so in Yu Yu’s opinion, he only answered a little slower.

"Do you want to cultivate?"

"Yeah." Yu Yu nodded, pressed down the instinct of the instinctive fear of the ghost, tried to keep calm and said: "You helped me, of course I have to help you!"

After saying that I feel a bit wrong, I added: "Of course, it is also for myself."

Yin Yan looked at him, then stepped back, then backed off, turned and left.


The smile on Yu’s face disappeared, and he looked at him numb and asked, “What are you doing?”

"do the washing up."

"..." can be clearly in the dishwasher!

The corner of the park, the small lake.

"That, then I went." Yu Yu shook his voice and opened his mouth, his face was white and miserable, and he was filled with heroes to death.

Yin Yan sat on the bench by the lake and looked at him and said, "Go, I am looking at you here."

I have to open my mouth, afraid to be **** the scalp!

Yu Yu took a deep breath, turned around, twisted his eyebrows and slammed into the grove of the lake. I saw a lot of ropes hanging on the bare branches of the trees in the forest. Each rope was hung with a complexion. The body of the body is afraid that the heart will stop jumping.

No, it’s a famous “suicide forest”, and it’s all about “corpse”.

It seems that there is a "companion" coming, "the corpses" are looking up, and then the sinister laughs: "Oh, it is a half-ghost, and there is merit and aura in the body. It is sure to make up for it."

The branches are shaking, and the ghostly and distorted laughter is accompanied by a yin wind. The screaming of Yu Yu screams in the throat, slamming his eyes, chanting the mouth that Yin Yan teaches him, and ignoring the merits of the body. Forced out.

"Little pity, let me eat you - ah -!"

The yin wind was circling around, the temperature of the body quickly passed, and after a sharp squeak of the eardrum, the smog subsided, and the rustling sound of the branches swaying gradually weakened.


Something has broken.

Yu Yu pinched the cold fingers and tried to open his eyes. Seeing that there were no ropes and white "corpses" in the forest, the mind was loose, and the legs were soft and almost sat on the ground.

The ghosts that can be active in the city where Longmai is located are not the same as those in the province of H.

The accumulated merits of Jinde were all released, and there were no Yinyan brand-shaped warm handbags around them. The coldness was once again flooding. Yu Yu’s arm was smashed, but there was no turning, but the stiff legs were used to find them around. .

The grove in this park is this famous suicide forest. Every year, people come to hang, the yin is very full, and close to the lake, has formed a spirit of the soul.

If you continue to let go, there will be a major accident sooner or later.

Yin Yan took him straight to here, and the fancy was the great merits that can be obtained after the introduction and breaking.

"Where, where..."

The circle is as small as a bean, red is like blood, non-ghost is invisible, and after the introduction, it will attract people to feed. When the brain turns to Yin Yan, he keeps whispering so that he does not stop thinking because of coldness. Seeing a squirrel leaping from the tree and rushing toward a stone, busy turning around and driving.

"Don't eat, eat will die!"

The squirrel ran away, and he crouched down to pick up the stone. Sure enough, he found a blood-red bean under the stone. The tentacles were extremely cool, and he hurried up and ran towards the lakeside bench.

It’s so cold, I feel that the internal organs are freezing.

There seemed to be more people in the lake than before, but Yu Wei couldn’t take care of it. There was only Yin Yan standing on the side of the bench.

Probably heard his footsteps, Yin Yan, who was talking to someone, turned and looked over, saw him running close, and naturally opened his arms.

Yu Yu smothered his head.


The two men collided with each other and made a slight muffled sound. Yu Yu put himself in his arms and held him in his arms. His head was still licking his chest and shoulders.

The people around the bench were all stupid. The Sven men who spoke to Yin Yan looked at their "wandering" hugs. They raised their hands and helped the glasses to cover up the cockroaches. They coughed and asked: "That, Yin Yan ,Who is this……?"

Yin Yan appeased the sly hair, looking sideways at the Sven man, and said: "My lover, Yu Yu, rude, he is a bit sticky."

The coldness faded slightly, just from his arms: "???"

Sticky people? Who?

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