To Raise a Soul

: 65. Privilege Disposal

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"I didn't expect to see you in a few months. You will be married one step at a time. Congratulations."

Wen Yi looks only handsome, but the temperament is gentle, the speech is not ill, the tone is natural, and the laughter makes people feel like a spring breeze.

Yu Yutian was born with no resistance to this kind of friendly person. He quickly put his impression on the standard above, and his heart was unknowingly dissipated because of the hug in public.

"Thank you."

Yin Yan thanked me, and the hand movements under the seat and Yu Yu’s hand shook the bounds of Yu’s palm.

Yu Yu looked at him sideways and asked him what he was doing with his eyes.

"How come you come to this park? Also with a group of children."

Yin Yan did not look at him, continued to talk with Wen Yi, the hands under the table loosened, lifted and placed on the table, to get the sugar bag on the table.

Losing the only heat source, the body temperature began to flow again. Yu said that the body gave a reaction in the first step than the brain. He squeezed into Yin Yan and hugged him tightly. The hand under the table was pressed onto Yin’s thigh. I smashed twice.

It’s so cold, I still want to hug.

Yin Yan moves a meal, and then if nothing happens, take the candy bag and take it apart, pour it into Yu's coffee, pick up the spoon and help him stir it and say: "First drink some coffee."

Speaking of a finger movement, the boundary was thrown in.

Yu Yu eyes, hands do not consciously force: "You ..." What do you throw into the world!

"Is the chest uncomfortable?" Yin Yan asked calmly.

Yu Yu’s attention was diverted, and he felt the heart of the beginning and nodded.

"It's good to drink this." Yin Yan continued to calm his face.


Yu Yu bitterly looked at the coffee cup and looked at the coffee cup. He weighed the difference between "arrhythmia" and "drinking strange things", or took back the hand on Yin Yan's thigh and picked up the coffee cup.

Yin Yan moved aside to the side without a trace. He looked at Wen Yi, who turned his eyes away from the courtesy. He said, "Sorry, he is a little uncomfortable and slow."

"It doesn't matter." Wen Yi turned his head back. His eyes were on the Yu Yu who sipped his coffee and stopped for a second. After a moment of courtesy, he re-opened with Yin Yan and smiled and said: "Your feelings are so good. Envy, when to prepare for the wedding, when I have to be thick, I want to have a cup of wine."

"The wedding is being prepared, and my parents want to do it, so it is estimated that the date will be one year later."

"This year is just right, you can prepare well. Now the wedding company and hotel venue are not very good -"

Ula - Ula - Ula -

The alarm sound of the park suddenly sounded, interrupting the conversation between the two people, and interrupting the action of Yu Yu putting down the coffee cup.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

The guests in the tea bar immediately rioted, and Wen Yi was busy looking back to appease the children he brought, frowning at the tea manager who hurried into the room.

"Nothing is ok, don't panic, just the trees in the grove in the Crescent Lake suddenly collapsed, smashed the fence on the lake and touched the alarm. Don't go to the Crescent Lake, it's okay! ”

After the manager explained it, the radio in the park also rang, and the situation was the same as the manager said.

The guests were relieved and quieted down.

After listening to this explanation, Wen Yi’s face was white, and he said with a heart: “These children are my girlfriend’s students. I came here to accompany her to bring the children to sketch. Before I met you, I had a child’s diarrhea, my girlfriend. I took the child to the bathroom, and I took the children to stop at the lake and wait for her, if not for you..."

The consequences could be disastrous.

Yu Yuwen suddenly looked down at the cup of coffee that had been drunk, and then went to see Yin Yan.

Before Yin Yan said it, if the boundary is not removed, sooner or later, something big will happen.

"It’s okay, let’s go out with the kids next time, remember to try not to get close to the deep waters and forests, and prevent them from happening.”

Yin Yan held his hand under the table and squeezed it gently, but he was still talking to Wen Yi.

"You are right, this time I am not thinking about it." After Wen Yi, he was afraid to nod, and looked back at the children who were sitting together to eat snacks, and thanked Yin Yan again.

Five minutes later, Wenyi’s girlfriend hurried to the tea bar with the diarrhea’s children. After listening to Wen Yi’s explanation, she was afraid of it and thanked Yin Yan. She also sent a picture to them with the children.

"It’s terrible to touch a ghost, but this painting is really beautiful."

On the way back, Yu Yu sat in the co-pilot, and he touched the landscape painting that was still very immature, and the eyes were bent, and the inside was full of satisfaction.


Yin Yan should be low and hand out a handful of meatballs.

"What?" Yu Yu lived.

"Eat, press the effect of the boundary, the effect of the previous diet is over."

Yu Yu doubts: "The one before? I don't remember that I had eaten before... ah, you not only lost the lead in the coffee?"

Yin Yan nodded and handed the ball to him.

"..." So how many strange things he was fed today.

Yu Yu, reached out and squeezed the meatballs to eat, and later realized that he was not chilling after drinking coffee, so his eyes bent again, and he glanced at the side face of Yin Yan’s serious driving. Living to praise: "You are so handsome today, saved so many little friends -"


The car stopped urgently, and Yin Yanma slipped off the seat belt.

Yu Yan eyes, eyes watching Yin Yan around the front of the car toward the convenience store on the side of the road, could not help but drop the window probe out, raise the voice and asked: "What are you going to do!"

"Buy daily necessities." Yin Yantou did not reply, the big long legs have entered the door of the convenience store.

"..." I believe you have a ghost!

When the two arrived home, the dinner was just on the table. Qiu Feiqian had calmed down. Seeing Yin Yan only took two boxes of underwear and came back without saying anything. The attitude was as usual to greet the two.

After dinner, Yin Hexiang and Qiu Feiqian went to the third floor study to deal with the backlog of business during this time. Yin Le didn't want to be a light bulb and consciously went back to the room to read the book.

Yu Yan returned to the room with Yin Yan. When he entered the door, he grabbed the underwear that Yin Yan’s hand was holding. He said with red ears: "You, why don’t you put them in the car and let your parents see more? ""

Yin Yan did not speak, but raised his hand and gently swayed in front of him.


For example, there is an invisible protective cover that is punctured. The body is shocked and the body temperature is rapidly fading. At the same time, the heart begins to jump wildly. Countless ghosts and crying gather together. In his ear, the noise is blowing, the wind is blowing, and there is something positive. I can't help but want to get out of his chest.

"Deep breath, sit cross-legged, five hearts, meditation on the mouth that I taught you before."

The bag with the underwear in his hand fell to the ground, and Yu instinctively stepped forward to touch the Yin Yan standing in front of him, but was hiding by the other party.

"Yu Yu, this is your own way, I can't help you."

The line of sight gradually blurred, as if a layer of black yarn covered his eyes and wanted to drag him into the darkness.

He tried his best to open his eyes, but he could only see the silhouette of Yin Yan's vaguely blurred figure.

"The control circles are immersed in Dantian, and the soul of the soul must be stabilized."

In the consciousness of chaos, only the cool voice was always clear. He slowly calmed down and learned how his grandfather had meditated before sitting cross-legged, five hearts and sinking consciousness.

噗通, 噗通, 噗通.

On the left chest, a tiny red blood drop like a bean is in keeping with the law of the heart beating.

A few golden lights suddenly appeared, and then gathered more and more, and soon formed a whirlpool, rushing toward the blood.

"A good one asks Tianzong! A good four-season door! Let's tear off the hypocritical coat, what is the difference between you and the evil demon!"

"who are you?"

"Master asks the disciples to worship."

"The disciples don't ask for longevity, they just want to be with Master forever."

"The bitter abyss, the Promise of hell, the wild city, the copper illusion... a tower of nothingness! But it turns out... even you are lying to me."

"This longevity avenue will not leave."

"This is a goodbye... I admire you, what about you?"


Jin Guang took blood to the Dantian, and then blasted open, a golden light filled.

The limbs warmed up, the consciousness floated up, Yu opened his eyes, and the morning light came from the face. Yin Yan still maintained his posture before his consciousness disappeared. He stood facing the morning light and stood in a two-step position, watching him quietly.

There was a feeling of repression in the chest. He raised his hand and touched his cheek. He felt a wet mark and asked: "Weird, how do I cry... It seems like I have dreamed of something terrible."

"Heart and the same."


He returned to God, wiped away the tears on his face, and wanted to stand up close, but he didn't want to sit on his legs for too long and was already stiff.

Yin Yan stepped forward to hold him steady, held him in his arms, held his head and prevented him from seeing his face.

"Thank you... What happened to you?" Yu Yu doubted, trying to push him after he stood firm and did not push.

Yin Yan was silent. After a long time, he replied: "You are cold."


Yu Yu felt the temperature of the body and looked back: "I am not cold, it is a bit stuffy in my heart, very sad, my nose is a bit sour, am I caught a cold?"

Yin Yan slowly released him. His expression was not clear because of the backlight. He did not answer his question. Instead, he turned and stepped on the bathroom and locked the door.

Yu Yu: "..."

This is another fault, is it scared by him?

After all, I have lived in the same body and now I have obtained the certificate. And this remnant soul can almost be said to be watching him grow up, in a sense can be said to be his elders.

So they are accused of incest?


He frantically shook his head and took this horrified speculation out of his mind. He looked at the opposite side and found his movement very natural. He let go of his hand, and his expression was always calm and calm. He seemed to have nothing to do with his hand, hesitantly thinking. .

Perhaps the other person, like his thoughts, treats himself as a junior who looks at growing up, so it is natural to hold hands, just as parents take their own children, just a pure tolerance and concern.

As for the shoulder-shoulders, just Yin family is there, the shoulders may be to make the play more like it, after all, the other side will still live with Yin Yan.

Yin Yan did not answer his question. After releasing his hand, he turned his head and asked: "Why shake your head, headache?"

Sure enough, it is the care of the elders. After all, no adult man will naturally touch the head of another adult man.

Yu Yu, who has no love in his nerves, has made his own conclusions in his heart. Then the less intelligent brain immediately put the problem behind his head and shook his head. He said, "Nothing, just thought of something."


Yin Yan nodded, and did not ask him what he thought of. He took his hand and looked up at the sky. He suddenly gestured to the other side of the alley and said, "Go there, your chance is up."


Yu Yu lost his face.

"You are not full of souls now, the soul is too weak, the orthodox cultivation method is not suitable for you. If you want to successfully enter the way of comprehension, you must first practice the soul. Today you should marry, you should also be a ghost, there is a merit in the lane, go Wake her up and send her to the reincarnation."

Yu Yu understood his words, and then was scared by the ubiquitous "ghost" words in his words, and began to swear: "You, you mean, there is a ghost in the lane?"

Yin Yan probably didn't think that he would be such a reaction. He was surprised to silence for two seconds. He stepped forward and tore him down from the wall and said: "The merits of the sorcerer will not hurt people, and the ambiguity will not be easy, and the time will be wrong. When the stagnation arrives, you have no chance to get close to the ecstasy."

In other words, is it possible to encounter a yin?

The fear that was almost taken away from the soul was rising wildly. Yu Yu shook his head and even his face was white. After he was torn off the wall, he was still ready to take a three-step trash can.

Yin Yan quickly reached out and stopped him, and then he was afraid of not being able to retreat and hugged him, and buried his head in his arms and shivered, not willing to go to the alley.

Yin Yan was held up by him and he felt the fragile fear in his heart. He was hesitant, remembered his broken soul, and sighed silently. He gently patted him on the back, again. Looking up at the sky, I thought about it and said: "Yu Yu, only the good man who did a lot of good things during his lifetime will become a meritorious deed, such as your grandfather, Yu Rongfeng."

The brain that Yu Yu was filled with fear was rushed out of the gap by a word, holding his hand loose.

"The soul of the alley is the same as your grandfather. It is also an old man. She is lost now. She can't find a way to reincarnate. You will help her, right?"

His tone was always calm, but his voice was lighter.

Yu Yu thinks of Grandpa, the brain fills up the grandfather's soul after the death, can not reincarnation, no one to help the picture, the heart shrinks, holding his hand to loosen, step back.

Yin Yan let go of his hand and looked at him quietly, not talking again.

"Then me, me..."

Yu Yu wants to say "I have gone," but I still have some fear in my heart.


Yin Yan patted him on the shoulder and turned him to the other side of the lane, gently pushed him and said: "I am looking at you here."

Yu Yu passively went forward and looked back at him. He knew that he could not hide. He also understood that Yin Yan was doing this for him. He took a deep breath and walked toward the lane.

One step, two steps, three steps... The distance between the two is getting bigger and bigger. Yin Yan looks at the back of the stiff and far-reaching, as if he saw the thin figure wearing a white robe walking in the fire. I consciously stepped forward and restrained.

can not go.

This is his way, he needs to go the first step himself.

He stopped and Yu Yu stopped.

The laneway was already in front of him, and Yu’s face turned back, barely twitching his mouth and smiling, and asked: “You will always be here, will not leave?”

The light in the lane was very dark. After walking away, the Yinyan expression was not clear, but his nodding movement was very obvious.

"Then I went."

Yu Yu took back the line of sight and stopped looking at Yin Yan’s straight back. He took a deep breath and accelerated his footsteps out of the alley. Then he bumped into a gray-haired old woman.

"Oh, my apple."

The old woman looks good and the good body is in a state of wealth, and she is more than a long-headed Yu Yu. She just looses the fruit in her hand, but she falls directly to the ground.

"Sorry, sorry, my mother-in-law, you are fine."

Yu Yu quickly climbed up to apologize, bent over to help the old man to pick up the apple, and gently fished his hand, but directly worn from the apple, the body immediately froze.

"What can I do, child, are you okay, where did you hit it? I blame the old man for walking, and I didn't see the road. Have you ever fallen?"

The old woman did not manage the apple on the ground, and quickly stepped forward to pull Yu Yu up, like pinching his arm like his grandson, and looking up and down in a hurry, his face could not cover his concern.

"I, I am fine."

Yu Yu feels the warmth of her hands as a living, watching her ruddy and full of radiant face, glanced at her empty, shadowless feet, her fingers tightened, holding on to the fear and reaching out to help the old man, asked: "Mother, how are you alone in this remote alley, family?"


The granny expression was lost for a moment, then raised her hand and patted her forehead, bent over and picked up the apple bag on the ground, and said with annoyance: "Look at me, my child is sick, I have to go see him, is this nearby? Is there a hospital? Strange, how come I am here."


Yu Yu recalled the address of several large hospitals in Dawu City and asked: "Is it the First People's Hospital?"

"Yes, that's it. My child is waiting for me to give him food. The young man thank you, I have to go."

"and many more!"

Yu Yu quickly stopped the old woman, remembered the Yin Yan in the lane and the yin that may come at any time, hesitated, or took out the mobile phone and called the rental, said to the old woman: "It is too slow to walk to the First People's Hospital. Send you in the past, you wait, the car will come soon."

The old woman was very embarrassed, and quickly made a resignation, Yu Yu insisted, and finally the old woman was not a jealousy, but she went to rent together with Yu Yu.

It takes only a few minutes to walk, and it only takes a few minutes to drive.

The taxi stopped at the entrance of the First People’s Hospital. Yu Yu paid the car money. After getting off the bus, I found that the traffic police was not far from the road and was surrounded by a traffic policeman. It seemed that there was a car accident, and there were a few apples on the side. Tight, busy sideways blocking the line of sight of the old woman, under the eyes of the driver watching the neuropathy, holding the old woman who did not exist in the eyes of others to enter the hospital.

"Good boy, thank you, this apple, you hold it, your own fruit forest, sweet."

The old woman hardly stuffed an apple into the hands of Yu Yu. After repeated thanks, she turned and walked into the hospital. After a few seconds, the ringing bells that I had heard were faintly passed, and the figure of the old man became weaker and faded away.

Yu Yu blocked himself with a pillar, and pinched his hand and suddenly had an apple that the entity could touch. The nose was inexplicably sour, shook his head and opened his emotions, striding toward the hospital.

I took the ride back again, and Yin Yin still stood in the position where he left when he left. His face did not wait for the intolerance. When he came back, he calmly asked: "Sent?"

Yu Yu nodded and gestured to the apple in his hand and said: "She gave me this and said it was sweet."

There was a feeling of sadness in his heart. Yin Yan looked at his expression of forcing nothing, raising his hand to cover the apple in his hand.

"Yu Yu, you don't have to be so kind."

"what happened to you?"

Yu Yu was too uncomfortable to look at his straight hook. He held the hand of Apple and shrank. He didn't understand how he suddenly stopped talking.

Yin Yan discovered that he had just not spoken out, shook his head and said nothing, covered with the apple's hand fretting, the next second, the apple turned into a golden light, and then split into two, respectively, into the body of the two. .

Losing the barrier of the apple, their hands were gently put together, and at the moment of skin contact, there was a faint glimmer of light on the surface of the ring on their hands.

Yu Yu was shocked by this completely unscientific side. He looked at Jinguang and got into his body. Then his heart was warm, some fragmented pictures appeared in front of his eyes, and quickly dissipated. The body immediately felt relaxed. a lot of.

The year is near, and Yu Yu decided to return to his hometown for the New Year and rest for a while.

After returning the two-bedroom house that had not been rented for a long time, he transferred to the nursery to transfer all the flowers to his peers, and settled the lease contract of the nursery. Yu Yu took a small amount of deposits and luggage and rented a taxi for the night. Go back to Taoist Temple.

The snow that night had already disappeared, and the white paper sprinkled on the day of the funeral was scattered on the ground. The light of the dim light of the small light bulb burned the hot water of the pot and began to clean.

Although the Taoist temple is small, it is well-organized. After Yu Dao swept all the inside and outside of the Taoist temple, the sky was already white.

He was so tired and sweaty that he didn't sleep for a night, but he felt very insane. The cold feeling that had been plaguing him for a long time had not disappeared, and his limbs were too light, and he felt like he could see it in the same place. Fly.

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