To Raise a Soul

: 79. Telephone

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Yu Yutian was born with no resistance to this kind of friendly person. He quickly put his impression on the standard above, and his heart was unknowingly dissipated because of the hug in public.

"Thank you."

Yin Yan thanked me, and the hand movements under the seat and Yu Yu’s hand shook the bounds of Yu’s palm.

Yu Yu looked at him sideways and asked him what he was doing with his eyes.

"How come you come to this park? Also with a group of children."

Yin Yan did not look at him, continued to talk with Wen Yi, the hands under the table loosened, lifted and placed on the table, to get the sugar bag on the table.

Losing the only heat source, the body temperature began to flow again. Yu said that the body gave a reaction in the first step than the brain. He squeezed into Yin Yan and hugged him tightly. The hand under the table was pressed onto Yin’s thigh. I smashed twice.

It’s so cold, I still want to hug.

Yin Yan moves a meal, and then if nothing happens, take the candy bag and take it apart, pour it into Yu's coffee, pick up the spoon and help him stir it and say: "First drink some coffee."

Speaking of a finger movement, the boundary was thrown in.

Yu Yu eyes, hands do not consciously force: "You ..." What do you throw into the world!

"Is the chest uncomfortable?" Yin Yan asked calmly.

Yu Yu’s attention was diverted, and he felt the heart of the beginning and nodded.

"It's good to drink this." Yin Yan continued to calm his face.


Yu Yu bitterly looked at the coffee cup and looked at the coffee cup. He weighed the difference between "arrhythmia" and "drinking strange things", or took back the hand on Yin Yan's thigh and picked up the coffee cup.

Yin Yan moved aside to the side without a trace. He looked at Wen Yi, who turned his eyes away from the courtesy. He said, "Sorry, he is a little uncomfortable and slow."

"It doesn't matter." Wen Yi turned his head back. His eyes were on the Yu Yu who sipped his coffee and stopped for a second. After a moment of courtesy, he re-opened with Yin Yan and smiled and said: "Your feelings are so good. Envy, when to prepare for the wedding, when I have to be thick, I want to have a cup of wine."

"The wedding is being prepared, and my parents want to do it, so it is estimated that the date will be one year later."

"This year is just right, you can prepare well. Now the wedding company and hotel venue are not very good -"

Ula - Ula - Ula -

The alarm sound of the park suddenly sounded, interrupting the conversation between the two people, and interrupting the action of Yu Yu putting down the coffee cup.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

The guests in the tea bar immediately rioted, and Wen Yi was busy looking back to appease the children he brought, frowning at the tea manager who hurried into the room.

"Nothing is ok, don't panic, just the trees in the grove in the Crescent Lake suddenly collapsed, smashed the fence on the lake and touched the alarm. Don't go to the Crescent Lake, it's okay! ”

After the manager explained it, the radio in the park also rang, and the situation was the same as the manager said.

The guests were relieved and quieted down.

After listening to this explanation, Wen Yi’s face was white, and he said with a heart: “These children are my girlfriend’s students. I came here to accompany her to bring the children to sketch. Before I met you, I had a child’s diarrhea, my girlfriend. I took the child to the bathroom, and I took the children to stop at the lake and wait for her, if not for you..."

The consequences could be disastrous.

Yu Yuwen suddenly looked down at the cup of coffee that had been drunk, and then went to see Yin Yan.

Before Yin Yan said it, if the boundary is not removed, sooner or later, something big will happen.

"It’s okay, let’s go out with the kids next time, remember to try not to get close to the deep waters and forests, and prevent them from happening.”

Yin Yan held his hand under the table and squeezed it gently, but he was still talking to Wen Yi.

"You are right, this time I am not thinking about it." After Wen Yi, he was afraid to nod, and looked back at the children who were sitting together to eat snacks, and thanked Yin Yan again.

Five minutes later, Wenyi’s girlfriend hurried to the tea bar with the diarrhea’s children. After listening to Wen Yi’s explanation, she was afraid of it and thanked Yin Yan. She also sent a picture to them with the children.

"It’s terrible to touch a ghost, but this painting is really beautiful."

On the way back, Yu Yu sat in the co-pilot, and he touched the landscape painting that was still very immature, and the eyes were bent, and the inside was full of satisfaction.


Yin Yan should be low and hand out a handful of meatballs.

"What?" Yu Yu lived.

"Eat, press the effect of the boundary, the effect of the previous diet is over."

Yu Yu doubts: "The one before? I don't remember that I had eaten before... ah, you not only lost the lead in the coffee?"

Yin Yan nodded and handed the ball to him.

"..." So how many strange things he was fed today.

Yu Yu, reached out and squeezed the meatballs to eat, and later realized that he was not chilling after drinking coffee, so his eyes bent again, and he glanced at the side face of Yin Yan’s serious driving. Living to praise: "You are so handsome today, saved so many little friends -"


The car stopped urgently, and Yin Yanma slipped off the seat belt.

Yu Yan eyes, eyes watching Yin Yan around the front of the car toward the convenience store on the side of the road, could not help but drop the window probe out, raise the voice and asked: "What are you going to do!"

"Buy daily necessities." Yin Yantou did not reply, the big long legs have entered the door of the convenience store.

"..." I believe you have a ghost!

When the two arrived home, the dinner was just on the table. Qiu Feiqian had calmed down. Seeing Yin Yan only took two boxes of underwear and came back without saying anything. The attitude was as usual to greet the two.

After dinner, Yin Hexiang and Qiu Feiqian went to the third floor study to deal with the backlog of business during this time. Yin Le didn't want to be a light bulb and consciously went back to the room to read the book.

Yu Yan returned to the room with Yin Yan. When he entered the door, he grabbed the underwear that Yin Yan’s hand was holding. He said with red ears: "You, why don’t you put them in the car and let your parents see more? ""

Yin Yan did not speak, but raised his hand and gently swayed in front of him.


For example, there is an invisible protective cover that is punctured. The body is shocked and the body temperature is rapidly fading. At the same time, the heart begins to jump wildly. Countless ghosts and crying gather together. In his ear, the noise is blowing, the wind is blowing, and there is something positive. I can't help but want to get out of his chest.

"Deep breath, sit cross-legged, five hearts, meditation on the mouth that I taught you before."

The bag with the underwear in his hand fell to the ground, and Yu instinctively stepped forward to touch the Yin Yan standing in front of him, but was hiding by the other party.

"Yu Yu, this is your own way, I can't help you."

The line of sight gradually blurred, as if a layer of black yarn covered his eyes and wanted to drag him into the darkness.

He tried his best to open his eyes, but he could only see the silhouette of Yin Yan's vaguely blurred figure.

"The control circles are immersed in Dantian, and the soul of the soul must be stabilized."

In the consciousness of chaos, only the cool voice was always clear. He slowly calmed down and learned how his grandfather had meditated before sitting cross-legged, five hearts and sinking consciousness.

噗通, 噗通, 噗通.

On the left chest, a tiny red blood drop like a bean is in keeping with the law of the heart beating.

A few golden lights suddenly appeared, and then gathered more and more, and soon formed a whirlpool, rushing toward the blood.

"A good one asks Tianzong! A good four-season door! Let's tear off the hypocritical coat, what is the difference between you and the evil demon!"

"who are you?"

"Master asks the disciples to worship."

"The disciples don't ask for longevity, they just want to be with Master forever."

"The bitter abyss, the Promise of hell, the wild city, the copper illusion... a tower of nothingness! But it turns out... even you are lying to me."

"This longevity avenue will not leave."

"This is a goodbye... I admire you, what about you?"


Jin Guang took blood to the Dantian, and then blasted open, a golden light filled.

The limbs warmed up, the consciousness floated up, Yu opened his eyes, and the morning light came from the face. Yin Yan still maintained his posture before his consciousness disappeared. He stood facing the morning light and stood in a two-step position, watching him quietly.

There was a feeling of repression in the chest. He raised his hand and touched his cheek. He felt a wet mark and asked: "Weird, how do I cry... It seems like I have dreamed of something terrible."

"Heart and the same."


He returned to God, wiped away the tears on his face, and wanted to stand up close, but he didn't want to sit on his legs for too long and was already stiff.

Yin Yan stepped forward to hold him steady, held him in his arms, held his head and prevented him from seeing his face.

"Thank you... What happened to you?" Yu Yu doubted, trying to push him after he stood firm and did not push.

Yin Yan was silent. After a long time, he replied: "You are cold."


Yu Yu felt the temperature of the body and looked back: "I am not cold, it is a bit stuffy in my heart, very sad, my nose is a bit sour, am I caught a cold?"

Yin Yan slowly released him. His expression was not clear because of the backlight. He did not answer his question. Instead, he turned and stepped on the bathroom and locked the door.

Yu Yu: "..."

This is another fault, is it scared by him?

That was the first time he saw such a dignified expression on Grandpa’s face. It was also the first time that Grandpa could not believe his own calculations and repeated the appearance of throwing copper coins again and again.

On that day, Yu’s face was very pale, and Yu did not eat the egg cake that he wanted to eat.

It was also from that day that Yu’s grandfather spoke of the story of “powerful remnant soul”. He still didn’t know where to find a book that was ragged and painted with strange patterns, and he wanted to practice well.

It is a book that you can't read, and you can't recognize it at the time.

Perhaps Yu’s grandfather also saw that this matter could not be done. Although he still loves to read the words “powerfulness” and “cultivation”, he never persevered in the action, but only loved to tease him.

Later, Yu Yu grew up, learned the knowledge, and understood the truth. The story that I heard when I was a child has really become a story, and I have never been true.

Yu Grandpa probably discovered his thoughts. The strange stories of gods and gods gradually became less, although occasionally they would recite the old stalk of "powerful remnant soul", but because of the gathering of the two More, this stalk has not been mentioned for a long time.

When the old wooden box was opened, a ash was raised, and the baby was placed in the box. There was a wood pony, a story book that I had read, and a pile of copper coins from Yu’s age.

Yu Yu found a book that was yellow and broken from the bottom of the box, and turned it slightly eagerly, but only saw a mildew.

Books are fragile things. For so many years, no matter what you ask, the books that were already broken in the past, after being rotted by time for more than a decade, are even more broken.

The heart beats slowly and slowly, and Yu Wen smells the scent of the book. He thinks of the appearance of the grandfather’s fateful night, and the tears suddenly appear without warning, dripping on the books, fainting two Wet dots.

Really, Grandpa said it is true.

There is actually a ruin in his body, and now the raging soul is still on the door.

But Grandpa didn't tell him, but his soul is also broken.

"Staying against the sky, kinship is done..."

The kinship is exhaustive, and it is true that the kinship is broken.

He raised his hand to wipe his tears, but found that the more he wiped the more, the sadness of the painful emotions and the rise of his feelings, which made him almost breathless.

At the funeral night, he could still cry, but with the help of the cruel fate, he finally realized that the only relatives had completely left him. The rest of his life may be doomed and hopeless. Today, he can only be embarrassed. On the ground, silently twitching against a box of old things.

"Some people who are stupid will feel much slower than the average person."

In the front room, Yin Yan turned the old porcelain cup in his hand and suddenly said: "He thought that he had already passed, but in fact, there is nothing. Any small thing related to the past may make him..."


Yin Le worried and looked at him doubtfully. He didn't understand how he suddenly said strange things. He still had some worries about running alone in the backyard.


Yin Yan stopped and suddenly sighed, put the old porcelain tea cup on the table, took a look at Yin Le and Weng Xiping, and suddenly stood up and said: "We went to Taoist Temple."

Yin Le couldn't keep up with his thoughts, and he asked: "What are you going to do after the mountains?" Didn't they come to thank you for chasing people?

Yin Yan once again solved the clothes button and calmly answered: "Catch the pheasant."


I don't know how long I cried, but when Yu Yu felt that her eyes were about to be shattered by tears, a seductive fleshy smell suddenly came from the kitchen.

He stunned, and his thoughts finally pulled away from the sadness, remembering the troubles and guests sitting in the front room, wiping his eyes and face, putting the old books and patterns back into the box, turning around. Follow the taste and run towards the kitchen.

"Cough and cough!"

In the kitchen, Yin Letou was covered with chicken feathers, holding a dry wood in his hand and sitting behind the stove, clumsily stuffing the firewood into the stove, licking his nose and coughing, his face was still stained with black ash.

In front of the table next to the stove, Weng Xiping was cutting **** slices with a serious look, and there was a washed green vegetable on hand.

In front of the stove, Yin Yan back off the jacket again, facing the kitchen door, sweaters and shirt sleeves rolled up, standing in front of the pot with a handful of spatula, is cooking outside.

Yu Yu felt that the picture in front of him was very funny and unreal. He asked: "What are you doing?"

"Big... Hey, Yu Ge, are you coming, is low blood sugar better?"

Yin Le immediately looked at it when he heard the sound. He first said hello, and then he explained: "Yu Ge, we are cooking! Just big brother took me and Weng Shu went to the mountain to catch the pheasant! Here is true. Interesting, the pheasant is so stupid, actually stupid to the edge of our feet, rushing to add food to us hahaha!"


Yu Yu suddenly did not know how to answer.

Yin Yan put the last spoonful of chicken on the plate, put down the spatula and turned to the front of Yu, bent over and grabbed one of his hands, and put the plate on it, saying: "Take the front to the front, put the tableware on."

The plate is very large, and the potatoes inside are so hot that they are sharp and very heavy.

Yu Yu reflexively stretched out the other hand to hold the plate in Yin Yan's hand, smelling the smell of chicken, looking at the heat from the chicken and the Yin Yan, the brain seemed to have 10,000 pheasants screaming. Flying over, he asked: "You... will cook?" Will you use the soil stove in the countryside?

Yin Yan did not answer, only the corner of his mouth faintly up.

"My brother will certainly cook. When he went abroad to study abroad, he lived outside for several years and practiced a superb cooking skill!" Yin Le saw the needle, exaggeratedly told his own brother a good word, and wit out the big brother. It was this time to learn the cooking skills in order to please Hanya.

However, thinking of this, he has some doubts. Han Ya is a woman who pursues "style" and loves western food. Therefore, the big brother mainly learns western food. He usually does not touch Chinese food. He did not expect to have a shot today. The Chinese food is actually better than the western food. Great!

Yu Yu feels that the younger brother of this "dead" seems to be too enthusiastic about himself. In his heart, he once again made a guilty conscience instead of "Yin Yan". He laughed and said that it was a reconciliation, and he quickly took the dish forward. The house has gone.

There is no food in the kitchen. Fortunately, there is a small vegetable garden outside the backyard. There are some winter vegetables, plus the pheasant that is delivered to the door. A simple lunch with a vegetarian meal is ready.

The fragrant potatoes are roast chicken, the refreshing and pleasant fried cabbage, the appetizing palatable hot and sour cabbage, the good-looking tomato and egg soup, and a dish of farm-made pickles. Although the dishes are small, they are full of weight and are very tasty.

Yin Le’s mouthful of oily eyes completely disappeared from the image of the young master. After eating, he did not forget the big brother who cooked his own hard work. He said, “Brother, this cooking is getting better and better. I still want to eat rabbit meat. Let's go to the mountains and catch the hare in the afternoon."

"Go and wipe your face."

Yin Yan did not respond to his request, but looked at Yu Yu, who was always silent on his side, and asked: "Is it full?"

Yu Yu, who had not eaten a meal so long after being so busy, was asked a moment, nodded, shook his head, and suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him and walking quickly toward the backyard.


In the eyes of Yin Le, the light of the gossip flashed.

Weng Xiping consciously got up and began to clean up the dishes.

Turning the door closed, Yu Yu turned to face Yin Yan, the fingers hanging on his side were tight, and he took a deep breath and asked: "You said that you are the soul of my body, what evidence can be proved? ?"

Yin Yan moved the arm that had just been smashed by him and replied: "My consciousness is not clear when you are in your body, sometimes there is no, so there are not many things to remember."

"You fell from the bed when you were three years old. When you were six years old, you were crossing the road in the back mountain. When you were eight years old, you last wetbed, and when you were six, the first dream was -"

"stop and stop! I believe in you, don't say it, don't say that word!"

Yu Yu disguised the serious calming down, the ear was reddened by embarrassment, and the last trace of unforgettable in my heart completely dispersed, and continued to ask: "Why are you in my body? Why is my soul not complete?" ?"

Yin Yan looked at him quietly and did not answer.

Quiet for a few seconds, Yu Yu suddenly understood what he meant and asked: "This question can not be answered?"

Yin Yan gave the reaction this time and nodded lightly.


Yu Yu slightly downcast his shoulders and asked a question: "Then you are looking for me now, what do you want to do?"

"save you."

Yin Yan replied, taking out a household registration book from the coat pocket and adding: "It is also self-help, you and my destiny are connected, and the same life is dead, Yu Yu, live, don't give up."

[Live, live well. 】

Suddenly flashed through the words that Grandpa once said, Yu Yu lived, some doubts.

Strange, how grandfather and this Yin Yan would ask him to live so seriously, as if he didn't want to live, and...

"What do you do with your account?"

Yu Yu has not heard the voice of the outside world, and he does not feel the touch of others. He only feels cold and cold. Every cell in the body is telling him about it. I hope he can save himself.


The mahogany sword caught in the hand fell to the ground, and the consciousness seemed to be moving away. The ear faintly heard a strange ringing sound, feeling that there was an invisible black shadow approaching, trying to get rid of his soul.


A familiar cool sound in the chaotic world suddenly rang in the ear, then slammed, the ringing tone disappeared, the consciousness returned, and the outside voice reappeared, with a pair of long legs wrapped in black trousers in front of him.

"Mr. Yin, Yu Yu, he is not right, it seems to be ill."

"He is just too cold."

The warmth of the breath came from the front, and the hand holding the pillar gradually loosened, reaching out to the front, and there was no excess emotion of fear in the slow thinking, leaving only the instinct for survival.

Live and want to live.

Even if you only have one person left, you still want to live.

Yin Yan stretched his arm to catch his body, and gently lifted him into his arms, slowly following his back, waiting for his frozen body to soften down and then stop moving, looking sideways at the big eyes. The old Huang came over and said politely: "Please come and help me with some hot water, thank you."

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